Name Prerequisites Short Description
Barbarianmonk Martial Artist, first level only You combine the classes Martial Artist and savage.
Demonhunter Class with Ranger Spells Trade your spellcasting capabilities for divine powers.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
A Hundred Scars Berserker or Runescarred Berserker level 3 You gain additional negative hitpoints equal to your constitution modifier.
Abhorrent Company Dread level 5 One of your abhorrent nightmares stays active after summoning.
Adapting Armaments Eterneal Warrior level 6, Base wisdom 21+ Change the power of your soulmelds as the situation requires.
Arcane Guard Sage Of The Serpent, Acrobatics score 10+ Arcane strike provides AC.
Arcane Well Arcanist level 6, 25+ base charisma You gain one slot of every level you can cast in.
Astrologer Stargazer 4 Your augury is improved.
Aura Of Conviction Crusader level 6, base charisma 21+, base wisdom 21+ Learn the Conviction aura.
Aura Of Fanatism Crusader level 6, base wisdom 21+ You learn the Fanatism aura.
Avalanche Mystical 6, Blade Meditation(Glacial Chill), Survival 7 ranks. Your maneuvers deal bonus cold damage versus staggered opponents
Awesome Footwork Warrior level 6 Take 3m step as immediate action
Bane Curse Hexblade Curse, One Mental Attribute 21+ Apply a bane when using your curse
Battle Clarity Elf or Warrior , Level 3, base wisdom or intelligence 15+ You may reallocate attack rolls after seeing the results.
Battle Command Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 21+ You can use a special warcry which provides virtual levels to your allies.
Battle Order Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 17+ You can use a special warcry which provides temporary hitpoints to your allies.
Bears Endurance Bearserker, base constitution 17+ Receive cold and fire resistance.
Betrayer Scoundrel 5 Backstab also works against creatures, that see you as ally.
Blizzard Hyperborean level 6, base strength 19+ The damage from your icestorm capstone power doubles and it stays for 3 turns.
Blood Drinker Berserker 3 Killing enemies fuels your rage.
Blood Rush Butcher 4, base constitution 21+ Receive butchery points for killing multiple enemies.
Bloodbath Savage, Blood Drinker, Deed (see special) You always count as bloodied for beneficial effects.
Bolstered Enchantments Priest, Magician, Blackmage or Sorcerer. Capstone SLA Leave spell slot unprepared to gain a bonus on AC
Breath Of Fire Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 21+, Wisdom 19+ You apply a drunken effect after using your ultimate.
Broadened Horizon Naturalist +1Cl When drugged.
Burning Rage Living, being killed by fire and brought back, Savage 6 You become immune to fire during you rage.
Burning Truth Tongue of Fire utterance, improved goad or demoralize combat maneuver Your Tongue of Fire can be used with goad, demoralize combat maneuvers and certain utterances.
Camouflage base wisdom 21+ You can hide in any terrain.
Channeled Resistance Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+, Level 3 You can channel divine energy to briefly highten the robustness of your allies.
Cold Blooded Rage Living, being killed by cold and brought back, Savage 6 You become immune to cold during you rage.
Combat Ability Focus Warmage level 6, base intelligence 19+ Receive +2 DC for spells and abilities that only deal damage or spells that increase the damage an enemy takes.
Combat Studies Professional Alchemist, Alchemist level 1 Improve any weapons by your Intelligence modifier.
Combined Arise Harbinger of the Phoenix 6, Arise from the Ashes An ally Arises with you
Constant Connection Wild soul, Wisdom 17+ Always benefit from wild soul.
Convincing Smite Avenger level 6, Charisma 23+ Your smite lowers your foes elemental resistance.
Crazed Butcher 3, Wisdom 9- When failing a will save versus some compulsion effect the effect comes in one turn late.
Cup Game Mirage knight level 4, Intelligence 17+ Receive a another double.
Daisho First level only Have two chosen weapons.
Deadeye base dexterity 15+, Skillfocus(perception) Receive bonus to weapon damage based on the number of perception feats you posses.
Deceptive Strike Sublimal, Intelligence 19+ Saving throws are higher versus targets that lose their dexterity to AC.
Devoted To The Raven Claw Access to all of White Raven, Devoted Spirit and Tiger Claw Gain an additional readied maneuver.
Diamond Dragon Heart Access to all of Diamond Mind, Stone Dragon and Iron Heart Gain an additional readied maneuver.
Diamond Hymn Bard level 6, base constitution 21+ diamond hymn.
Dirty Cleave Butcher 1, Dexterity 15+ When you perform a cleave as the feat, the attack qualifies dirty fighting.
Divine Armor Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 13+, Constitution 13+ Trade will saves for damage reduction.
Divine Healing Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+ Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses.
Divine Indulgence Wisdom 21+, Level 6 inquisitor, True believer Cast spell immunity for two channel energy charges.
Divine Metamagic Channel Divine Energy, Level 4 Use metamagic at the cost of channel energy.
Divine Might Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 13+, Strength 13+ Receive charisma on weapon damage or +2 caster level.
Divine Purification Channel Divine Energy, Level 5 Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses.
Divine Wave Of Energy Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+, Level 3 You can channel divine energy to heal nearby creatures.
Double Cleave Cleave feat as class ability Your cleaves can also cleave
Dragon Slayer Chevalier You receive your bonus versus unworthy creatures versus dragons aswell.
Drink Like A Demon Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 21+, Wisdom 19+ Use beverage as potions.
Drunken Haze Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 23+, Wisdom 21+ You apply a drunken effect after using your ultimate.
Earthbound Geomancer , Strength 17+ Improved slam attack
Ecstasy Of Battle Ecstatic 1 During combat ecstatic frenzy can be used multiple times.
Ectoplasmic Armageddon Architect level 6 Greatly improves ectoplasmic swarm
Edict Fate Seer level 6, Wisdom 21+, ability to reroll dices You receive a +2 bonus on rerolls.
Eldritch Metamagic None Use Metamagic feats on invocations
Eldritch Necromancer Warlock 6, base charisma 21+ Your undead creatures can now cast
Elemental Awe Mystical monk Gain bonus damage with elemental attacks.
Elemental Infused Strikes Archetype connected to some element, Spell infused strikes, Ability to cast third level spells Convert weapon damage to elemental damage.
Elemental Rage Rage, Race connected to some element, Level 4 While raging your weapons deal 1d6 elemental damage.
Emotional Tide Class connected to Emotions Moral bonus and penalties are increased by one.
Empty Mind Monk level 3, Base wisdom 17+ Receive a bonus to d20 rolls.
Energy Aptitude Intelligence 21+, Archetype dedicated to one or more energy types Gain a bonus based on your selected energy type.
Epic Agony Phantom, Base Charisma 23+ You can shortly use ghostform.
Epic Battle Clarity Warrior, base wisdom or intelligence 19+ Your second attack smacks just like the first.
Epic Bears Endurance Bearserker, Bears Endurance, base constitution 21+ Receive cold and fire resistance.
Epic Bombs 19+ Int Choose a discovery that improves bombs that requires level 8.
Epic Butchery base constitution 23+ Your damage bonus increases by one point per butchery point.
Epic Claws Of The Beast Atavist 6, 21 base constitution The beast claws power receive the full fuel for fire bonus damage.
Epic Combat School Warmage, Bravado or X level 6, base intelligence 21+ You qualify for feats as if you had 6 base attack bonus.
Epic Deadly Aim base dexterity 23+, base strength 23+, Deadly Aim The critical hit chance versus your marked prey increases.
Epic Divine Might Channel Divine Energy, Divine Might, Charisma 21+, Strength 21+ The divine might damage bonus becomes heavy damage.
Epic Healing Healing abilities, Improved Healing, Charisma 19+ Your fast-healing spells heal 2 more hitpoints per round per level. Your cure spells heal 4 more hitpoints per level. Your psionic powers heal 2 more hitpoints per power point spent.
Epic Hunter Of Mages base wisdom 21+, Scout level 6, Mage Slayer Style, Track, Swift Tracker You ignore invisiblity of your marked prey.
Epic Leading With Strong Hands Special, Warrior, Sentinel or Savage, Leading with strong Hands, 23+ strength When speaking for your party your diplomacy and intimidate checks are improved.
Epic Melee Mage Warmage level 6, base intelligence 19+ You can combine attacking and casting more effective
Epic Pact Of The Blade Pact of the Blade, base wisdom 21+ Improve Pact of the Blade
Epic Pact Of The Chain Pact of the Chain, base wisdom 21+, Eldritch chain blast shape Improve Pact of the Chain
Epic Pact Of The Tome Pact of the Tome, base wisdom 21+ Improve Pact of the Tome
Epic Psionic Refreshment Manifester level 6 You regain your power points faster
Epic Pyromancy Pyromancer level 6, Environment aptitude While you are in a burning environment all your spells are stronger.
Epic Righteous Smite Smite ability, 21+ base wisdom Your smite is stronger.
Epic Sneak Attack Scoundrel or Sublimal, below full base attack bonus, Improved Sneak Attack, base primary attribute or base strength 21+, base dexterity 23+ Your sneak attack damage increases.
Epic Wardance Bard, Perform(Dance) score 15+, Wardance Dance while making melee attacks.
Epic Warding Warding, Improved Warding, One Mental Attribute 21+ Warding also provides temporary hitpoints for a short duration.
Epic Wild Fury Naturalist, Charisma 21+ Your wild fury is improved.
Epic Wildmagic Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...), Deed (see special) Get +2CL after rolling maximum value upon CL determining check
Exploit Weakness Scoundrel, Insight score 5+ Qualify for sneak attack more easily.
Extra Arcane Spell Knowledge Arcana 10 Learn another arcane spell
Extra Bardic Ability None You learn one bardic ability
Extra Channel Energy Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+ You gain 2 additional uses of Channel Energy
Extra Favored Enemy base wisdom 15+, Favoured Enemy You select an additional favored enemy.
Extra Favored Weapon Warrior level 4 You get another favored weapon group
Extra Invocation None You learn one invocation
Extra Mimicry Hustler(Charlatan) level 4 You may use your moderate archetype class feature two additional times per day.
Extra Utterance None You learn one Utterance
Faithless Claws Demoniac level 6, Deed (see special) activate your capstone SLA on a natural 20 on attack rolls.
Fast As Lightning Thunder Caller When using haste you infuse the weapons of your allies with lightning.
Fast Aura Recovery Crusader level 6, Wisdom 15+ Recover dispeled auras in 1d4 rounds.
Fast Refreshment Sorcerer level 6, 23+ base charisma You regain your spells faster
Favourite Form Transmuter, Base Intelligence 17+, Base Constitution 17+ Don't gain penalties while polymorphed.
Fertilizer Bloom invocation, Knowledge(nature) 10+, level 5 You can use the bloom invocation as a swift action.
Fighters Legacy Fighter level 6, Base wisdom 21+ or Intelligence 21+ Learn some feat impossible to learn.
Fire Attunement Pyromancer 3 Your fire spells are more easily affected by metamagic
Fire Elemental Specialization Fire Elemental Focus, Ability to summon fire elementals, Pyromancer 3, access to fire domain or War Summoner 3 The normal attacks of your fire elementals deal pure fire damage.
Flagship Sentinel 3 Redirect damage from charging ally to yourself.
Flexible Auras Patron Level 3 You can change more than one aura at a time
Fluid Motions Specialized Training(Gymnast) You receive gymnast bonuses when you provoke an attack of opportunity but the opponent does not seize it.
Formation Movement Intelligence 21+, Level 6 Praetorian When using the special praetorian bodyguard feature, allies may still perform full-round actions in their turn.
Fortress Bastion, Knowledge(Architecture) score 10+ Defensive Stance provides additional bonuses.
From The Hellfire Academy Hellfire Warlock level 3, Knowledge(Devils) 6 ranks, Knowledge(Arcana) 6 ranks Use use magic device via intelligence.
Frost Armor Hyperborean level 3 , Medium Armor Proficiency Enemies attacking you must succeed a saving throw or be slowed
Frost Wall Hyperborean level 6, base constitution 21+ Your icewall slows
Furious Level 1, 9 or less wisdom You receive a rage ability.
Ghostlike Double base charisma 23+, Haunting level 6, Deed (see Special) The Double becomes quasi real and deals damage
Ghostwalk Phantom level 4 You can shortly use ghostform.
Gift Of The Moon Stargazer, Starlight Elf or Moon Elf, beastshape or similar feature When using a polymorph ability to shape into a beast your weapons damage deal your level cold damage as bonus damage.
Glacial Stamina Mystical 4, Blade Meditation(Glacial Chill), Survival 7 ranks. You are better if they stay
Go With A Boom! Harbinger Of The Phoenix 6, Item which causes an explosion on yourself when used. You may activate your self explosion item in the very moment you used arise from the ashes.
Guard Of The Truth Sentinel level 6, or Inquisitor 6, Wisdom 19+ You see filthy lies.
Hard As Stone Specialized Training(Hardened) Your natural dr becomes hardness.
Hard Hitting Truth base constitution 15+, Sentinel, Skillfocus(Insight) Receive bonus to weapon damage based on the number of insight feats you posses.
Heavy Mettle Sentinel level 6, Deed (see Special), One Mental Attribute 19+ You and anyone who is under your warding receives the mettle ability.
Holy (Frost, Fire Or Shock) Crusader level 6, base charisma 21+ Your elemental aura now deals divine damage
Holy Trinity Fanatic level 6, Extremist level 6, Wisdom 25+, Knowledge Religion 9 Receive a third domain
Holy Warrior War domain Receive level on weapon damage.
Hot Elementals Fire Elemental Focus feat, Pyromancer or Fire Domain Fire Elementals deal more damage
Ice Sculptor Hyperborean, craft weapon and armor score 20+ Change the armor type of the ice armor
Improved Butchery Butcher level 3, base constitution 19+ Your damage bonus increases by one point per butchery point.
Improved Defensive Stance Bastion 6, Constitution 23+ Defensive Stance provides additional bonuses.
Improved Elemental Aura Crusader level 6, (fire) base strength 21+, (shock) base dexterity 21+, (frost) base constitution 21+ Increase the effect of your elemental aura
Improved Healing Healing abilities, Charisma 15+ Your spells or powers heal more.
Improved Protection Aura Crusader level 6, Base Wisdom 21+ Increase the effect of your elemental aura
Improved Rage Savage 6 Moral bonuses to attributes from rage increase by 2.
Improved Righteous Smite Smite ability, 17+ base wisdom Your smite is stronger.
Improved Sneak Attack Sneak attack class feature level 3, base primary attribute or base strength 17+, base dexterity 17+ Your sneak attack damage increases.
Improved Strained Shot Strained Marksman 6, base intelligence 19+ You threaten 4.5m with snapshot.
Improved Totemic Rage Totemist 6, Base constitution 21+ Increase the essentia granted by your rage by 1.
Improved Warding Warding, Sentinel level 4, One Mental Attribute 15+ Warding also provides temporary hitpoints for a short duration.
Infinite Power! (Maybe...) Wildmage level 6, base charisma 25+ Add another d6 to your CL after rolling maximum value
Instinctive Proficiency Beastman, Savage, Naturalist or Scout Determine the number of skills using your wisdom instead of intelligence modifier.
Iron Grip Of Death Ability to cast Death Knell, or Reavers aura, base charisma 15+ Deathknell does not allow a saving throw anymore.
Last Man Standing Butcher 6 If there is only one enemy left, you receive more butchery points.
Last Will Hard to get down Free attack when dropping unconsciousness
Leading With Strong Hands Special, Warrior, Sentinel or savage, 17+ strength When speaking for your party your diplomacy and intimidate checks are improved.
Learn Aura Aura ability You learn one additional aura
Legendary Dreadnought Base Athletics 20+ Increase the crash damage by your strength.
Legendary Wildmage Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...)(feat), Epic Wildmagic (feat) Deed (see special) Use d8 to determine your CL
Let Me Take This change position, Dwarf, Off the Shelf Warforged or Sentinel Swap places with an allie to tank their attack
Lifelines Psionic Augment, Sublimal level 2 When using psionic augment with melee attacks pay less power points.
Long Lasting Double Haunting level 6, base charisma 23+ The duration of your major image increases by one round
Long Wind Dragon Warrior More area with breath weapons.
Magic Repellent Layer Spell infused Defense, Ability to cast third level spells Gain spell resistance when using spell infused defense.
Magic Shield Defense Mage Smith, base intelligence 19+ You can combine shield bearer and spell infused defense.
Martyr Class Feature to cast divine spells, heavy armor proficiency Cure wounds and inflict wounds are increased by 3 points/SL
Masterful Combination: Transmuter level 3, Base Intelligence 19+, Base Dexterity 17+ Gain special qualities of another creature when polymorphed.
Masterful Training Martial Artist 6 Receive +2 on your focused attribute.
Megablade Blademaster lvl 3, monkey grip Use too large weapons.
Metamagic Ritual 21+ Int Use Metamagic for Incantations.
Mighty Mask Haunting level 4, Intimidate score 15+ You can emit a lesser version of another mask effect
Missionary Workers Base wisdom 19+, Base diplomacy 15+, Hospitaler Share aura benefits with characters of same alignments.
Mystic Resilience Mystical monk You receive 5 resistance versus every element.
Natures Wrath Wild soul, Wisdom 13+ Trade wild soul uses for caster level.
Nimble Spellthief Spellthief level 6 steal one more spell per round
Olam Dwarf, Level 1 You receive additional benefits if your boon is a dwarf.
Onslaught Power Attack, Deathbringer 3 During cleaves, your threat range doubles.
Otherworldly Blast Warlock level 6, Primary base attribute 23+ Apply your main attribute twice to the eldritch blast.
Persistent Roots None Better roots.
Phantom Touch None Convert telepathy power into touch spells to remove any verbal component/display.
Physical Education Martial Artist or Martial Hero, Physical Attributes 15+ You receive a bonus to damage rolls based on the number of acrobatics feats you possess.
Primitive Weapon Mastery Primitivity +1 on attack and damage rolls with all primitive weapons.
Psychometabolistic Compression Psychic Warrior or Egoist Use size increase powers to not really increase your size.
Psychoportation Assault Access to any one psychoportation power, skirmish You gain skirmish bonuses until the start of your next turn if you use a psychoportation power.
Pulse Bomb Tracer level 6, base intelligence 21+ When the energy time bomb is attached to a target it deals maximum damage.
Rage Of Legends Rage class feature, level 6, Deed Your rage ability receives a certain bonus.
Rayflection Mastery Monk 6, Base wisdom 23+, Deflect Missle Return a missle to the origin.
Ready To Master Of The Nine Master of Nine, Wisdom 17+ Used maneuvers still count as being readied for master of nine bonuses.
Reflect Arrows Base wisdom 19+, Base dexterity 21+, Deflect Missle Return a missle to the origin.
Refreshing Agony Harbinger of the Phoenix 4 or Mystical 4, Blade Meditation(Phoenix Tear), Heal 7 ranks. Get your maneuvers back under 50% HP
Renegades Legwork Renegade level 3 You always flank.
Resilient Auras Crusader level 6, Wisdom 19+ Your auras caster level counts as two level highers versus dispel attempts.
Restless Berserker Berserker 6, 21 base constitution Your berserker rage provides you the benefits of haste.
Rhetoric Doctor Thesis Perform Rhetoric 15 score, at least five times Rhetoric Thesis, intelligence 25 Improve all your thesises
Rhetoric Master Thesis Perform Rhetoric 10 score, at least five times Rhetoric Thesis Improve all your thesises
Rhetoric Thesis Perform Rhetoric 5 score, level 1 truenamer Improve one Utterance
Ritual Scarring Runescarred Berserker level 5 , Base Constitution 21+ You gain another bonus spell slot.
Savage Critical Savage Easier to deal critical hits when using power attacks
Setting The Desert Hand Access to all of Desert wind, Setting sun and Shadow Hand Gain an additional readied maneuver.
Shield Guardiance Combat Expertise, Sentinel Use shields via constitution.
Shrunken Heads None Create a nice fetish.
Sign Shift Stargazer 4 Switch the star sign of your aura.
Solo Inspire Courage Use inspire on a single person for an +2 bonus
Spellburglar Spellthief level 6, Deed (see special) +1 CL for stolen Spells
Spirits Of The Wild Summoning Naturalist, Charisma 23+, Wisdom 21+ Your summons are imbued with a wild soul.
Streetsmart Hustler level 3 You gain one additional Maneuver.
Stronger Elemental Form Shapeshift, Elemental form 1, base charisma 21+ You can become medium sized elemental.
Studies Of Dark And Light Monk 6 or Sacred Fist 6, base wisdom 23+ Pierce alignment damage reduction.
Studies Of Diamond Martial Artist 6, (base constitution + base wisdom) 45+ Pierce adamantium damage reduction.
Studies Of Wood And Metal Martial Artist 3, base constitution 19+, base wisdom 15+ Pierce some damage reduction.
Sudden Strike One Shadow Hand Stance While you are in a shadow hand stance any strike maneuver is automatically a sneak attack.
Superior Wand Usage Ability to use own caster level or DC for wands Add spellcaster items bonus to a wand without the need to draw it.
Swift And Eloquent Hustler 6, (base dexterity + base charisma) 45+ You have two swift actions every turn
Swift Tracker base wisdom 19+, Track Track fast without penalty.
Team Building Enchanter You can use your teamwork feats with enchanted opponents.
The Firm Grip Of Justice Breathstealer level 4, Sentinel level 4, Inquisitor4, Wisdom 15+ When successfully grabbing an opponent it may not lie.
Three Fiery Feathers Harbinger of the Phoenix 6 or Mystical, Arise from the Ashes, Heal 9 ranks, two Phoenix Tear maneuvers You can perform 2 new tactics
Three Points Ahead One Black Lotus Stance, base Wisdom 23+ You may use the three-point-death technique without using one of your stance slots.
Thunderclap Mirth of the Mountain 6, base strength 21+, Power Attack Turns Thunderstrike into melee AoE
Tidal Rage chopping ability Your first attack in rage creates a torrent.
Tongue Of Sun And Moon Monk 3, base wisdom 21+ Speak all languages
Troll Blood level 1 You heal faster. If you have a troll shape ability it is stronger.
True Architect Architect level 6 Greatly improves ectoplasmic construcst
True Fanaticism Fanatic level 6, Wisdom 21+ You receive the greater domain ability.
True Replication Illusionist level 6, base casting attribute 25+ You create a perfect replicate of one ally.
True Zen Archery Martial Artist 1, Zen Archery You may use flurry of blows and your ultimate with bows.
Turbulence Tempest 6, whirlwind attack Move while using whirlwind attack.
Two Weapon Wilder Wilder, psionic weapon Use psionic weapon with two weapons.
Ultimate Coward Gnoll or renegade Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Fake Signature weapon Your fake blades become very realistic.
Underhanded Tactics Scoundrel The scoundrel gains flanking bonus against all opponents that he may use dirty fighting against.
Undying Rage Living, being killed and brought back, Savage 6, Deathless Rage class feature For your deathless rage ability you count as being two levels higher.
Unheard Silent Entry Half penalties on stealth checks.
Unknown Arcana Arcanist level 6 You gain a 4th level spell slot.
Unlocked Wayfarer or Nomad You evade Dimensional Locks.
Unnatural Combination Transmuter level 5, Base Intelligence 19+, Base Strength 17+ Gain special qualities of two creatures when polymorphed.
Unravel The Arcane Mysteries 23+ Int Learn incatations of higher level.
Unstable Augmentation Overchannel, Psionic Augment Overchannel works for your psionic augment just as if it were a power.
Up From Behind Harbinger of the Phoenix 4 or Mystical 4, Heal 7 ranks. Deal or heal more under 50% HP
Vengeance Smite ability, Base Wisdom 13+ Deal elemental damage with smite
Vitality Is Power Vitalist level 1, Intelligence 21+ You base your psionic powers over consitution.
Wardance Bard, Perform(Dance) score 10+ Dance while making melee attacks.
Warrior Of The Gods 19+ Wisdom, Heir of the Allfather, Immunity to Aging Effects, Allfather figure as patron Resurrecting you through magical means does not require any marterial components.
Warriors Arsenal Battle Cunning, Extra Favoured Weapons Learn some feat impossible to learn.
Ways Of The Ninja One Black Lotus Stance If you would normally trigger a trap you may do a reflex saving throw to avoid triggering it.
Wind Walk Blademaster level 6, Deed (see special) Once per encounter you may spend a swift action to hide in plain sight.
Zeal Smite ability, 19+ base wisdom Attack twice instead of a smite.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Ability Specialization 19+ base dependent attribute, Level 4 Increase damage dice of one specific combat ability.
Agile Spear Strength 13+, Dexterity 15+ Use spears as finesse weapons
All Out Blow level 5, Power Attack Give up your move action to receive a DC and damage boost.
Awesome Footwork Warrior level 6 Take 3m step as immediate action
Awesome Strike BAB +1 Attack once, receive +2 attack.
Battle Command Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 21+ You can use a special warcry which provides virtual levels to your allies.
Battle Order Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 17+ You can use a special warcry which provides temporary hitpoints to your allies.
Berserker Assault Viking level 3 If you use berserker gang you gain an attack of opportunity
Brutal Base Strength 15+ Your melee damage is increased by one point.
Combined Arms Weapon focus with one ranged weapon and one melee weapon When you hit an opponent with a ranged weapon allies get bonus on melee and vice versa
Critical Focus 4 BAB +4 on crit confirms
Crossbow Sniper Weapon focus (any Crossbow), Point Blank Shot Receive benefits of precision within 18m.
Deadly Defense None Fighting with defensively with a single weapon for 1d6 bonus damage.
Deadly Offense Base Attack Bonus 3, Strength 15+, Power Attack Bonus damage on strength based attacks while wielding light armors
Double Cleave Cleave feat as class ability Your cleaves can also cleave
Double Dash Dash ability, Level 4 Dash as a move action.
Epic Ability Specialization Ability Specialization, 25+ base dependent attribute Increase damage dice of one specific combat ability.
Epic Power Attack Power Attack, Base Strength 23+ When you are strong enough, you power at a discount.
Epic Power Lunge base constitution 21+, Power Lunge Provoke more attacks of opportunity to add twice your strength modifier to damage when you perform a charge.
Epic Sneak Attack Scoundrel or Sublimal, below full base attack bonus, Improved Sneak Attack, base primary attribute or base strength 21+, base dexterity 23+ Your sneak attack damage increases.
Fencing Dex 15, Int 13 Utilize your dexterity.
Flee The Scene Sneak attack, Mobility, 17 dexterity Withdraw after a sneak attack
Ghost Buster Wis 15, BAB 3 Roll miss chance against incorperal creatures twice
Greater Bull Rush Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Bull Rush) Being knocked back by you provokes attacks of opportunity.
Greater Demoralize Intimidate 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Demoralize) Demoralized opponents wont attack you.
Greater Dirty Trick Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Dirty Trick) Your Dirty Tricks are always severe.
Greater Disarm Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Disarm) Move weapons away from your enemies.
Greater Feint Bluff 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Feint) Move opponents with feint.
Greater Goad Diplomacy 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Goad) Goad lasts 3 turns
Greater Grab Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Grab) Your grab makes your foe unable to use his dexterity.
Greater Trip Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Trip) Being knocked down by you provokes attacks of opportunity.
Grudge Fighter Orc, Drow or Tiefling Gain a combat maneuver bonus against creatures that have attacked you.
Guerrilla Tactics Terrain Master, Scout level 4
Head Over base strength 17+, base dexterity 13+ You may bull rush as a swift action.
Heavy Mettle Sentinel level 6, Deed (see Special), One Mental Attribute 19+ You and anyone who is under your warding receives the mettle ability.
High Kicks Improved Unarmed Strike, Base Acrobatics 5+ Use kicks as two handed unarmed weapon.
Hoplite BAB +3, 15 Dexterity Your melee attacks bypass your allies.
Improved Awesome Strike BAB +5, Awesome Strike Attack once, receive +4 attack.
Improved Combat Maneuver Base Attack Bonus 1, Power attack for strength based maneuvers else combat expertise Choose one combat maneuver, from now on it does not provoke attacks of opportunty and you receive a bonus.
Improved Martial Focus Martial focus +1 DC for maneuvers from school
Improved Shield Bashing Shield Bashing, +4 Base Attack Bonus Use shield bash as part of a charge or standard attack action.
Improved Two Weapon Fighting BAB +4, two-weapon fighting, Dexterity 17+ Your offhand makes attacks when your mainhand does.
Last Will Hard to get down Free attack when dropping unconsciousness
Little Man, Big Axe Small, ability to rage. You can fight with a two handed axe for medium sized creatures without penalty.
Longstaff Base attack bonus +1 Wield the quarterstaff as two handed and receive the reach trait and increase its damage to 1d8.
Lumberjack Red Tree Chopper BAB +6, Dexterity +17, Improved Trip, Lumberjack Style Your standard action attacks with two handed axes give more bonuses.
Martial Focus Ability to initiate maneuvers +1 DC for maneuvers from school
Needler +4 BAB, Skirmish ability Get +1AC and +1d6 damage from skirmish.
Offense Is The Best Defense Strength 13+ Lose your shield bonus for a damage boost.
One Man Army BAB +1, Power Attack, Point Blank Shot Receive more damage when performing only one attack.
One-Handed Mastery BAB +4, Str 15 Stay defensive while using combat maneuvers.
Onslaught Power Attack, Deathbringer 3 During cleaves, your threat range doubles.
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting Two Weapon Fighting, Base Strength 17+ When wielding a one-handed weapon in your off hand, you take only -2 penalties for two weapon fighting.
Perfect Tool Base attack bonus +3 Combat maneuver DC's are higher with the right weapon.
Power Attack BAB +1, Strength 13 Trade attack rolls for damage.
Power Lunge base constitution 17+ Provoke more attacks of opportunity to add half your strength modifier to damage when you perform a charge.
Precious Ivory Ganesh, base strength 17+, base dexterity 15+, Level 3 Attack also with your gore when charging.
Renegades Legwork Renegade level 3 You always flank.
Shield Barging Shield Bashing, +4 Base Attack Bonus Use combat maneuvers while shield bashing.
Shield Bashing +1 Base Attack Bonus, 13 Dexterity, Shield Focus, Proficiency with a Shield Once per turn when making a full-attack you may perform a shield bash once.
Shield Guardiance Combat Expertise, Sentinel Use shields via constitution.
Steady Strikes BAB +3 Gain +2 on attack rolls, but can't do critical hits.
Step Up Base attack bonus +6, Dodge, Mobility, 10,5m or more movement speed When doing a 1.5m step move additional 1.5m.
Swiftblade BAB +1, Chronomancer Haste, swift, grants an attack.
Tanky Strength 17+ +4 crit protection
Tree Hanger Acrobatics Score 8, Vanara Gain bonuses against trip attacks and hang from objects.
Two-Handed Mastery BAB +4, Str 15 When using two handed weapon fighting, your heavy damage is multiplied by 2 instead of 1.5.
Two-Weapon Finesse Two Weapon Fighting, Base Dexterity 13+ You may use your dexterity modifier to attack and damage rolls if you have a very light weapon in your offhand.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Greater Bull Rush Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Bull Rush) Being knocked back by you provokes attacks of opportunity.
Greater Demoralize Intimidate 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Demoralize) Demoralized opponents wont attack you.
Greater Dirty Trick Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Dirty Trick) Your Dirty Tricks are always severe.
Greater Disarm Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Disarm) Move weapons away from your enemies.
Greater Feint Bluff 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Feint) Move opponents with feint.
Greater Goad Diplomacy 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Goad) Goad lasts 3 turns
Greater Grab Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Grab) Your grab makes your foe unable to use his dexterity.
Greater Trip Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Trip) Being knocked down by you provokes attacks of opportunity.
Improved Combat Maneuver Base Attack Bonus 1, Power attack for strength based maneuvers else combat expertise Choose one combat maneuver, from now on it does not provoke attacks of opportunty and you receive a bonus.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Bloodbath Savage, Blood Drinker, Deed (see special) You always count as bloodied for beneficial effects.
Doctor Title 6 ranks in the related skill, deed (see special) You have proven to be a specialist in your subject.
Ember Tusks Natural weapons attached to your head, Deed (see special) Your natural weapons glow with heat
Epic Wildmagic Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...), Deed (see special) Get +2CL after rolling maximum value upon CL determining check
Faithless Claws Demoniac level 6, Deed (see special) activate your capstone SLA on a natural 20 on attack rolls.
Ghostlike Double base charisma 23+, Haunting level 6, Deed (see Special) The Double becomes quasi real and deals damage
Heavy Mettle Sentinel level 6, Deed (see Special), One Mental Attribute 19+ You and anyone who is under your warding receives the mettle ability.
Learned Spell Defence Deed (see Below) You learned to resist a certain spell better.
Legendary Wildmage Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...)(feat), Epic Wildmagic (feat) Deed (see special) Use d8 to determine your CL
Nimble Spellthief Spellthief level 6 steal one more spell per round
Rage Of Legends Rage class feature, level 6, Deed Your rage ability receives a certain bonus.
Spellburglar Spellthief level 6, Deed (see special) +1 CL for stolen Spells
Strength Of Weakness Deed (see special) Add +1 point of damage to your weapon damage rolls.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Channeled Resistance Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+, Level 3 You can channel divine energy to briefly highten the robustness of your allies.
Divine Armor Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 13+, Constitution 13+ Trade will saves for damage reduction.
Divine Healing Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+ Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses.
Divine Metamagic Channel Divine Energy, Level 4 Use metamagic at the cost of channel energy.
Divine Might Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 13+, Strength 13+ Receive charisma on weapon damage or +2 caster level.
Divine Purification Channel Divine Energy, Level 5 Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses.
Divine Wave Of Energy Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+, Level 3 You can channel divine energy to heal nearby creatures.
Epic Divine Might Channel Divine Energy, Divine Might, Charisma 21+, Strength 21+ The divine might damage bonus becomes heavy damage.
Extra Channel Energy Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+ You gain 2 additional uses of Channel Energy
Fire God'S Blessing Orc, Divine Class and Worshiper of a god of fire Heal when dealing fire damage in combat.
Holy Warrior War domain Receive level on weapon damage.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Holy Warrior War domain Receive level on weapon damage.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Ability Enhancer Spell Focus (Transmutation) or Psionic Focus (Psychometabolism), base casting attribute 25+ or 23+ and the base from the attribute you want to enhance 21+ Spells and powers provide a +2 higher bonus to ability scores.
Adapting Armaments Eterneal Warrior level 6, Base wisdom 21+ Change the power of your soulmelds as the situation requires.
Arcane Conductor Dwarf, base constitution 23+ or base intelligence 19+, spell resistance While wearing heavy armor your spell resistance might become higher.
Arcane Master Thesis base Knowledge (arcana) score 25, ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Thesis You arcane thesis now provides a caster level bonus of +3.
Arcane Well Arcanist level 6, 25+ base charisma You gain one slot of every level you can cast in.
Art Of War Hobgoblin, Warchild or Warforged, Base Knowledge(Engineering) Score 10+ More critical hits with strikes and chopping ability.
Aura Of Fanatism Crusader level 6, base wisdom 21+ You learn the Fanatism aura.
Avalanche Mystical 6, Blade Meditation(Glacial Chill), Survival 7 ranks. Your maneuvers deal bonus cold damage versus staggered opponents
Awesome Footwork Warrior level 6 Take 3m step as immediate action
Battle Command Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 21+ You can use a special warcry which provides virtual levels to your allies.
Blizzard Hyperborean level 6, base strength 19+ The damage from your icestorm capstone power doubles and it stays for 3 turns.
Bloodbath Savage, Blood Drinker, Deed (see special) You always count as bloodied for beneficial effects.
Bolstered Enchantments Priest, Magician, Blackmage or Sorcerer. Capstone SLA Leave spell slot unprepared to gain a bonus on AC
Boon Of The Fortuneless Level 6 Receive +2 on all d20 checks.
Breath Of Fire Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 21+, Wisdom 19+ You apply a drunken effect after using your ultimate.
Burning Rage Living, being killed by fire and brought back, Savage 6 You become immune to fire during you rage.
Camouflage base wisdom 21+ You can hide in any terrain.
Capstone Empowerment Level 6, base primary attribute 25+ Your capstone has more boom.
Capstone Focus Level 6, Ability focus(capstone ability) The DC for your capstone ability is increased by +2
Capstone Specialization Level 6 Your level is heightened by 2 for capstone powers.
Capstone Spell Specialization Level 6, Capstone Specialization Your caster level is heightened by 2 for capstone powers.
Carpe Noctem Human You may choose another bonus from your moderate archetype power at each dawn.
Chivalric Ranks Highborn, Combat Expertise You receive bonuses if you cannot be flanked.
Cold Blooded Rage Living, being killed by cold and brought back, Savage 6 You become immune to cold during you rage.
Combat Ability Focus Warmage level 6, base intelligence 19+ Receive +2 DC for spells and abilities that only deal damage or spells that increase the damage an enemy takes.
Comeback Orc or Shadar-Kai, base constitution 21+ You do not suffer Death's Toll too often.
Cumbrous Fortitude Great Fortitude Receive +6 on a single saving throw, but receive a drawback.
Cumbrous Reflexes Lightning Reflexes Receive +6 on a single saving throw, but receive a drawback.
Cumbrous Will Iron will Receive +6 on a single saving throw, but receive a drawback.
Divine Purification Channel Divine Energy, Level 5 Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses.
Dreamsight Changeling or Dream dwarf, base wisdom 19+ You can see ethereal beings.
Drink Like A Demon Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 21+, Wisdom 19+ Use beverage as potions.
Drunken Haze Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 23+, Wisdom 21+ You apply a drunken effect after using your ultimate.
Dwarven Defensive Stance Dwarf, base constitution 23+, scaling class defense ability, Greater Racial Dwarf ability Your defense abilities are improved.
Ectoplasmic Armageddon Architect level 6 Greatly improves ectoplasmic swarm
Edict Fate Seer level 6, Wisdom 21+, ability to reroll dices You receive a +2 bonus on rerolls.
Eldritch Necromancer Warlock 6, base charisma 21+ Your undead creatures can now cast
Elemental Absorption Genasi, base constitution 21+ Elemental damage heals you.
Elemental Awe Mystical monk Gain bonus damage with elemental attacks.
Elemental Merger Ability to summon elementals, caster level 6 Your elementals can merge to get larger.
Elemental Prowess Genasi Your elemental weapon damage is higher.
Elitist Education System Sun Elf or Githyanki, base Intelligence 19+ You can see ethereal beings.
Elven Weapon Training Elf or Drow of Eilistraee , Base Dexterity 15+ Your dexterity counts as two points higher to determine attack rolls, combat maneuvers and damage.
Energy Aptitude Intelligence 21+, Archetype dedicated to one or more energy types Gain a bonus based on your selected energy type.
Epic Ability Specialization Ability Specialization, 25+ base dependent attribute Increase damage dice of one specific combat ability.
Epic Agony Phantom, Base Charisma 23+ You can shortly use ghostform.
Epic Bears Endurance Bearserker, Bears Endurance, base constitution 21+ Receive cold and fire resistance.
Epic Bombs 19+ Int Choose a discovery that improves bombs that requires level 8.
Epic Butchery base constitution 23+ Your damage bonus increases by one point per butchery point.
Epic Claws Of The Beast Atavist 6, 21 base constitution The beast claws power receive the full fuel for fire bonus damage.
Epic Collective Of Minds Dromite, Collective of Minds, base intelligence 21+ If you are not flat-footed, your allies are neither.
Epic Combat School Warmage, Bravado or X level 6, base intelligence 21+ You qualify for feats as if you had 6 base attack bonus.
Epic Deadly Aim base dexterity 23+, base strength 23+, Deadly Aim The critical hit chance versus your marked prey increases.
Epic Demonhunter Demonhunter, Base Casting Attribute 23+ Receive another elemental aura
Epic Divine Metamagic Knowledge(Nature, Religion) 9 ranks, Metamagician, Divine Might or Natures Wrath Combine Divine Might and Natures Wrath with the epic metamagician feat.
Epic Divine Might Channel Divine Energy, Divine Might, Charisma 21+, Strength 21+ The divine might damage bonus becomes heavy damage.
Epic Environment Aptitude Caster level 6, Epic Environment Aptitude, Base constitution 21+ When in an environment fitting to your spell, cast them with even more power.
Epic Healing Factor Weretouched, level 6, base constitution 21+ You receive fast healing equal to your consitution modifier.
Epic Hunter Of Mages base wisdom 21+, Scout level 6, Mage Slayer Style, Track, Swift Tracker You ignore invisiblity of your marked prey.
Epic Leading With Strong Hands Special, Warrior, Sentinel or Savage, Leading with strong Hands, 23+ strength When speaking for your party your diplomacy and intimidate checks are improved.
Epic Melee Mage Warmage level 6, base intelligence 19+ You can combine attacking and casting more effective
Epic Metamagician Base Casting Attribute 25+ or 23+ and another attribute base attribute 23+, Metamagician, Skill Focus(Knowledge Arcane) Choose a specific metamagic, this one metamagic is now cheap.
Epic Minion Mastery Minions, base charisma 21+ All your minions receive a bonus to attributes.
Epic Pact Of The Blade Pact of the Blade, base wisdom 21+ Improve Pact of the Blade
Epic Pact Of The Chain Pact of the Chain, base wisdom 21+, Eldritch chain blast shape Improve Pact of the Chain
Epic Pact Of The Tome Pact of the Tome, base wisdom 21+ Improve Pact of the Tome
Epic Primordial Form Atavist 6, base constitution 21+ Natural weapon enchanting powers receive 2 free power points which can be used for augmentation.
Epic Psionic Refreshment Manifester level 6 You regain your power points faster
Epic Pyromancy Pyromancer level 6, Environment aptitude While you are in a burning environment all your spells are stronger.
Epic Sneak Attack Scoundrel or Sublimal, below full base attack bonus, Improved Sneak Attack, base primary attribute or base strength 21+, base dexterity 23+ Your sneak attack damage increases.
Epic Suppressing Dispel None Counter spells prohibit the target from casting spell from that one school again.
Epic Wardance Bard, Perform(Dance) score 15+, Wardance Dance while making melee attacks.
Epic Wildmagic Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...), Deed (see special) Get +2CL after rolling maximum value upon CL determining check
Essential Poison Natural Born Killer, Essence of your Enemy When you are prepared your poisons are more deadly.
Faerie Dust Feyfolk Use feynt instead of an attack.
Fast Refreshment Sorcerer level 6, 23+ base charisma You regain your spells faster
Favored Of Fate Base Charisma 30+ You are not hit as hard by unfortunate situations.
Fearless Fighter Halfling with Fearless or Troll Optimism, Base wisdom 19+ Once per day as immediate action you may reduce the damage of an attacker to its minimum.
Fighters Legacy Fighter level 6, Base wisdom 21+ or Intelligence 21+ Learn some feat impossible to learn.
Fluid Motions Specialized Training(Gymnast) You receive gymnast bonuses when you provoke an attack of opportunity but the opponent does not seize it.
Fools Scepter Nilbog Clubs, great clubs, and quarter staffs improve your magic abilities.
Formation Movement Intelligence 21+, Level 6 Praetorian When using the special praetorian bodyguard feature, allies may still perform full-round actions in their turn.
From Hell Abyssian You receive +4 on intimidate checks and may use the command spell.
Frost Wall Hyperborean level 6, base constitution 21+ Your icewall slows
Fusion Schematics Steam Powered Warforged, Heater, Better Oven, Strength 21+, level 6 You may double the heat generated during your turn for more strength.
Genius Base Intelligence 30+ You pick up new skills incredibly fast.
Ghostlike Double base charisma 23+, Haunting level 6, Deed (see Special) The Double becomes quasi real and deals damage
Hard As Stone Specialized Training(Hardened) Your natural dr becomes hardness.
Hard To Hit Lightning Reflexes, base dexterity 23+ Ignore partial effects on reflex saving throws
Hard To Kill None Take only 5 times normal damage on double 20
Heavenly Radiance Aasimar, Base charisma 21+ Your radiance is considered as daylight.
Heavy Mettle Sentinel level 6, Deed (see Special), One Mental Attribute 19+ You and anyone who is under your warding receives the mettle ability.
Holy (Frost, Fire Or Shock) Crusader level 6, base charisma 21+ Your elemental aura now deals divine damage
Holy Trinity Fanatic level 6, Extremist level 6, Wisdom 25+, Knowledge Religion 9 Receive a third domain
Immortal Living, being killed and brought back ten times or 30+ on all attributes You have surpassed mortality.
Improved Defensive Stance Bastion 6, Constitution 23+ Defensive Stance provides additional bonuses.
Improved Elemental Aura Crusader level 6, (fire) base strength 21+, (shock) base dexterity 21+, (frost) base constitution 21+ Increase the effect of your elemental aura
Improved Enchanted Blade Mind blade, base wisdom 19+, manifester level 6 You may choose stronger enchantmens for your mind blade
Improved Protection Aura Crusader level 6, Base Wisdom 21+ Increase the effect of your elemental aura
Improved Rage Savage 6 Moral bonuses to attributes from rage increase by 2.
Improved Shield Bashing Shield Bashing, +4 Base Attack Bonus Use shield bash as part of a charge or standard attack action.
Improved Strained Shot Strained Marksman 6, base intelligence 19+ You threaten 4.5m with snapshot.
Improved Totemic Rage Totemist 6, Base constitution 21+ Increase the essentia granted by your rage by 1.
Indestructible Base Constitution 30+ Your Body heals extremely fast.
Infinite Power! (Maybe...) Wildmage level 6, base charisma 25+ Add another d6 to your CL after rolling maximum value
Last Man Standing Butcher 6 If there is only one enemy left, you receive more butchery points.
Legendary Dreadnought Base Athletics 20+ Increase the crash damage by your strength.
Legendary Minion Mastery Minions, Primary attribute or charisma 25+ All your minions receive a bonus to attributes.
Legendary Wildmage Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...)(feat), Epic Wildmagic (feat) Deed (see special) Use d8 to determine your CL
Long Lasting Double Haunting level 6, base charisma 23+ The duration of your major image increases by one round
Loyalty Islander, Gray Orc or Mountain Dwarf You do not run from battle.
Lumberjack Red Tree Chopper BAB +6, Dexterity +17, Improved Trip, Lumberjack Style Your standard action attacks with two handed axes give more bonuses.
Master Of Beasts Class that grants animal companion 6, Handle Animal score 10 Your level counts higher for companion and minion features.
Master Of Movement Base Dexterity 30+ You move too fast.
Masterful Training Martial Artist 6 Receive +2 on your focused attribute.
Missionary Workers Base wisdom 19+, Base diplomacy 15+, Hospitaler Share aura benefits with characters of same alignments.
Mundane Luck Three Luck feats, No class nor feat which gives the ability to cast, manifest, whatsoever no use magic device. Expend luck roll to gain +1d6 to d20 roll
Nimble Spellthief Spellthief level 6 steal one more spell per round
Perfect Control Minions, intelligence 19+, level 6 Your Minions gain your teamwork feats.
Perfect Memory Ganesh, base wisdom 19+ Rememer a spell you have seen.
Pulse Bomb Tracer level 6, base intelligence 21+ When the energy time bomb is attached to a target it deals maximum damage.
Rayflection Mastery Monk 6, Base wisdom 23+, Deflect Missle Return a missle to the origin.
Reflect Arrows Base wisdom 19+, Base dexterity 21+, Deflect Missle Return a missle to the origin.
Restless Berserker Berserker 6, 21 base constitution Your berserker rage provides you the benefits of haste.
Rule Of Three Zelatarian, Base intelligence 19+ You receive +2 on knowledge checks and other benefits.
Signature Armor Character level 6 You are more effective with one specific armor
Signature Shield Character level 6 You are more effective with one specific shield
Signature Weapon Character level 6 You are more effective with one specific weapon
Skill Master level 6 in a class with 4 or more skills per level Archieve Mastery in one skill
Skill Monkey level 6 in a class with 4 or more skills per level All class skill ranks count as one higher
Spellburglar Spellthief level 6, Deed (see special) +1 CL for stolen Spells
Steadfast Determination Iron Will, Base wisdom 23+ Ignore partial effects of will saving throws
Stomper Jotunbrud, base strenth 23+ You can stomp more often
Stronger Elemental Form Shapeshift, Elemental form 1, base charisma 21+ You can become medium sized elemental.
Studies Of Dark And Light Monk 6 or Sacred Fist 6, base wisdom 23+ Pierce alignment damage reduction.
Studies Of Diamond Martial Artist 6, (base constitution + base wisdom) 45+ Pierce adamantium damage reduction.
Superior Wand Usage Ability to use own caster level or DC for wands Add spellcaster items bonus to a wand without the need to draw it.
Swift And Eloquent Hustler 6, (base dexterity + base charisma) 45+ You have two swift actions every turn
Swift Tracker base wisdom 19+, Track Track fast without penalty.
Tanky Strength 17+ +4 crit protection
Three Points Ahead One Black Lotus Stance, base Wisdom 23+ You may use the three-point-death technique without using one of your stance slots.
Thunderclap Mirth of the Mountain 6, base strength 21+, Power Attack Turns Thunderstrike into melee AoE
Toughness Of A Giant Giant folk, base strength 21+, base constitution 21+ Your constitution modifier counts as 2 points higher for everything except fortitude saves.
Transcendence Base Wisdom 30+ You are enlightened and in full control of your body.
True Architect Architect level 6 Greatly improves ectoplasmic construcst
True Fanaticism Fanatic level 6, Wisdom 21+ You receive the greater domain ability.
True Replication Illusionist level 6, base casting attribute 25+ You create a perfect replicate of one ally.
Two Skies(Everlasting Battle) Gith, base constitution 19 Receive attack rolls and caster level checks when not using swift actions.
Two Skies(Freedom And Mending) Gith, base wisdom 19 Reduce the duration of debuffs.
Tyrannical Leadership Hobgoblin, Base Intimidate Score 10+ Your allies are protected from fear.
Ultimate Coward Gnoll or renegade Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Fake Signature weapon Your fake blades become very realistic.
Ultimate Grace Highelf 6, base charisma 21+ Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Power Moroi, base dexterity 21+ Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Prey Wolfen Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Split Vanara (Monkeyman), base wisdom 21+ Spawn distracting double gangers when using your ultimate.
Undying Rage Living, being killed and brought back, Savage 6, Deathless Rage class feature For your deathless rage ability you count as being two levels higher.
Unstoppable Base Strength 30+ Nothing and nobody can stop you.
Warrior Of The Gods 19+ Wisdom, Heir of the Allfather, Immunity to Aging Effects, Allfather figure as patron Resurrecting you through magical means does not require any marterial components.
Way Of Four Winds Githzerai of the Wuzhou Style, base wisdom 19+ You can activate your racial powers as swift action when dealing a critical hit.
Way Of The Hand Razor Githzerai of the Crescent Way, base wisdom 19+ Keen edge applies to all of your weapons.
Wicked Valor Tiefling, base wisdom 19+ If your spell resistance is hurt you deal bonus damage.
Wind Walk Blademaster level 6, Deed (see special) Once per encounter you may spend a swift action to hide in plain sight.
Withstand Great Fortitude, base constitution 23+ Ignore partial effects on fortitude saving throws
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Bulky Dexterity 9- You receive a hit point bonus based on your dexterity modifier.
Crazed Butcher 3, Wisdom 9- When failing a will save versus some compulsion effect the effect comes in one turn late.
Dumb Intelligence7- You do not always obey compulsion effects.
Erratic Wisdom 7- When subject to some compulsion effect you some times just act wierd instead.
Fell Knowledge Wisdom 9- Gain knowledge bonus for negative wisdom.
Furious Level 1, 9 or less wisdom You receive a rage ability.
Gaunt Strength 5- Your are so slender you receive some size bonuses.
Giantism Level 1 and not higher, Dexterity 7- Your strength counts as 4 points higher to calculate damage, bull rush distance, lifting capacity and for strength checks.
Glass Cannon Level 1 and not higher, Constitution 9- Receive a decent damage and attack rolls buff.
Pug Ugly Charisma 7- You receive a bonus versus gaze attacks.
Untameable Rage, Wisdom 7- Rage while confusion.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Academic Knowledge Level 1 and not higher , Magician, Blackmage or Sorcerer You learn more spells
Agile Level 1 and not higher, Dexterity 13+ You receive +1 reflex saves and fair reflex save base bonus.
Agile Bulwark Level 1 and not higher You may use your dexterity in the fattest armors.
Angelic Wings Seraphim, Cherubim or Ishim You gain a pair of gleaming feathered wings that grant a fly speed of 9m.
Apostate First level only Bonis against divine abilities.
Barbarianmonk Martial Artist, first level only You combine the classes Martial Artist and savage.
Barber Surgeon Level 1 and not higher Deal 1d8 damage with daggers, handaxes and better criting
Bastard Level 1 and not higher Receive a bonus with commoners and with bastard swords.
Beefy Level 1 and not higher Gain 1 point of hardness and more hitpoints.
Blessed Hands Level 1 All your healing abilities are improved.
Cloistered Upbringing Level 1 and not higher , Arcane or Divine Caster level 1 Gain 1 cl for specific spells
Cosmopolitan Level 1 Gain more skill proficiencies
Daisho First level only Have two chosen weapons.
Demonhunter Class with Ranger Spells Trade your spellcasting capabilities for divine powers.
Determination Level 1 and not higher You receive +2 on will saves and reduce the effect of fear.
Dreadful Wrath First level only Emit a frightful presence.
Drink Like A Fish Level 1 Once per day, an alcoholic beverage heals you.
Early Armor Training Level 1 and not higher , Strength 13+ You receive armor proficiency.
Focused Fighter Level 1 You receive +1 on attack rolls and your combat maneuvers are improved.
Furious Level 1, 9 or less wisdom You receive a rage ability.
Giantism Level 1 and not higher, Dexterity 7- Your strength counts as 4 points higher to calculate damage, bull rush distance, lifting capacity and for strength checks.
Glass Cannon Level 1 and not higher, Constitution 9- Receive a decent damage and attack rolls buff.
Good Soul Death Touched, Level 1 and not higher Positive energy doesn't harm you anymore.
Instilled Hatred Level 1 and not higher You receive favored enemy benefits versus one specific type.
Leatherskin Level 1 and not higher Your skin counts as a leather armor
Loaded With Power Level 1 Your powers posses more might.
Lone Wolf None Get bonuses fighting alone.
Luck Of Heroes Level 1 and not higher You receive a +1 bonus on all saving throws and a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
Mind Over Body Level 1 and not higher, The strength of your mind determines how good you defy death.
One Trick Pony First level only You focus on one single ability.
Posthaste Level 1 and not higher, Dexterity 13+ You receive +2 initiative, and more movement speed.
Precocious Level 1 Once per day, you use a minor capstone power.
Prodigy Level 1 You have a higher DC and more uses.
Slim And Shady Level 1 Gain lesser sneak attack
Special Heritage Race with diverse descent You decent from another race and receive a special bonus.
Specialized Fighter Level 1 and not higher Gain +2 damage with weapons
Spirit Animal Level 1 and not higher Gain familiar bonus from your totem animal
Tavern Brawler Level 1 and not higher Use unarmed strikes and improvised weapons
Thunder Twin Level 1 and not higher , Dwarf but no duergar Gain a couple of bonuses which only work with your twin.
Troll Blood level 1 You heal faster. If you have a troll shape ability it is stronger.
Twin Sword Fighter Level 1 and not higher Gain +4 AC against a single enemy
Warchanter Level 1, Perform 1 rank Once per day, you can boost your allies attack and damage rolls.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Ability Enhancer Spell Focus (Transmutation) or Psionic Focus (Psychometabolism), base casting attribute 25+ or 23+ and the base from the attribute you want to enhance 21+ Spells and powers provide a +2 higher bonus to ability scores.
Abyssal Horde Caster level 3, Spell focus conjuration Whenever you summon demons, you summon one additional dretch.
Against All Odds Character level 6, Any luck feat Turn a d20 roll into a natural one or twenty
Apprentice None Your Mentor may teach you feats and attributes.
Arcane Master Thesis base Knowledge (arcana) score 25, ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Thesis You arcane thesis now provides a caster level bonus of +3.
Arcane Research ability to cast arcane spells, base Knowledge (arcana) score 5 You master one particular spell
Arcane Thesis base Knowledge (arcana) score 15, ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Research 2 times Choose one arcane spell that you can cast to be your thesis spell. When casting that spell, you do so at +2 caster level and caster level caps that spell might have are increased by 2.

All your arcane research spells count as arcane thesis spells

Big Fan None Increases the bonus from a specific bards solo feat by one
Break Through None You break through spell resistance more easily.
Burn The Unholy True believer feat with a god of fire Deal double fire damage agaisnt cold creatures.
Capstone Empowerment Level 6, base primary attribute 25+ Your capstone has more boom.
Capstone Focus Level 6, Ability focus(capstone ability) The DC for your capstone ability is increased by +2
Capstone Specialization Level 6 Your level is heightened by 2 for capstone powers.
Capstone Spell Specialization Level 6, Capstone Specialization Your caster level is heightened by 2 for capstone powers.
Change Position none Swap places with an ally as 5 ft. step
Chopping Ability Character Level 2 Use a weapon to deliver a touch attack.
Combat Engineer BaB +0, dexterity 13+, intelligence 15+ Use crossbows and rifles using your intelligence.
Coordinated Strike Wild Cohort or a similar follower, Handle Animal 5 ranks or Ride 5 ranks. Gain +2 on attack roll when you and your pet attack the same target
Daredevil Nap Fall unconscious during an encounter and afterwards significantly contribute to winning the same encounter Regain powers from falling unconscious.
Detective None You gain a +2 bonus on all Gather Information and Investigation skill checks
Dispel Specialization Ability to cast degree 3 spells, Spellcraft 9 ranks You are specialized in nixing a certain spell
Drill Sergeant Any feat Teach a feat to two recruits and pay only one.
Emotion Reader Wisdom 13+, class with at least 4 skill points per level, 5 Ranks in Sense motive +2 on attack rolls and on opposed checks against foes affected by emotional condition.
Endurance None Gain +2 to endurance skill checks and four points of additional maximal negative hitpoints.
Environment Aptitude Caster level 4, Base constitution 15+ When in an environment fitting to your spell, cast them with more power.
Epic Monster Hunter Monster Hunter (subtype) You are the enemy of a specific monster subtype.
Epic Power Lunge base constitution 21+, Power Lunge Provoke more attacks of opportunity to add twice your strength modifier to damage when you perform a charge.
Epitaph Knowledge religion 4 ranks Provide +1 on resurrection check to creature that died one round ago.
Extended Duration Ability to summon or create anything. Increases the duration of summoning abulities by the factor 10
Extracurricular Skill Intelligence 13 Gain another class skill
Fill The Gap None You can complete a formation.
Force Bull Argent Savant Your force ability push enemies 3m further.
Formation Casting None Your self excluding spells exclude your formation.
Freeze The Unholy True believer feat with a god of cold Deal double cold damage against fire creatures.
Grand Epitaph Epitaph, Crusader, Cleric or Fanatic, Knowledge religion 9 ranks Provide +x on resurrection check to creature that died one round ago.
Greater Break Through Break Through You break through spell resistance more easily.
Hellish Legion Caster level 3, Spell focus conjuration Whenever you summon devils, you summon one additional lemure.
Hope Is Not Lost level 3+ Receive +4 on saving throws that roll 16 and higher -4 otherwise.
Improved Toughness None Your hitpoint rate increases by one.
Intuitive Spell Knowledge Spell-like ability, Ability to cast spells You gain all your spell-like abilities on your spell list of spells known.
Keen Investigator None Gain +2 on investigate and insight checks
Leading With Strong Hands Special, Warrior, Sentinel or savage, 17+ strength When speaking for your party your diplomacy and intimidate checks are improved.
Learn Incantation None You learn one incantaion
Learn Ritual Access to a scroll or a book of the ritual. You leanr one ritual
Master Of Beasts Class that grants animal companion 6, Handle Animal score 10 Your level counts higher for companion and minion features.
Monster Hunter None You are the enemy of a specific monster subtype.
Mounted Fury Mounted Combat, Ride 5 ranks, rage class ability. Your mount gains your rage boni
Mounted Smite Special Mount class feature, Smite class feature Daze opponents with mounted smite charge
Natural Spell base wisdom 19+, shape shift ability You can cast spells while shape shifting.
Padded Feet Class with medium armor proficiency Hide armors do not impose their armor penalty on stealth checks.
Plunderer Medium Armor proficiency, Base Endurance 5+ Gain +2 to appraise checks and carry more.
Power Lunge base constitution 17+ Provoke more attacks of opportunity to add half your strength modifier to damage when you perform a charge.
Practiced Whatever 'Caster'-level 1 Gain +4 CL
Professional Alchemist Craft Alchemy score 5+ Use your alchemical weapons using your intelligence.
Psychoportation Assault Access to any one psychoportation power, skirmish You gain skirmish bonuses until the start of your next turn if you use a psychoportation power.
Saving Throw Focus Lightning Reflexes, Great Fortitude or Great Will Receive +2 on specific saving throws.
Shining Morning Star BAB +2, Knowledge (religion) ranks 5, Channel Energy Ability, Weapon Focus
Signature Armor Character level 6 You are more effective with one specific armor
Signature Shield Character level 6 You are more effective with one specific shield
Signature Weapon Character level 6 You are more effective with one specific weapon
Slayer Magic Favored enemies class feature, ability to cast spells or spell-like abilities Add favored enemy bonus to spell DC
Steady Rider Mounted Combat, Ride 8 ranks Take 10 on ride checks
Sturdy Mount Special Mount class feature Your mount is tough and not as easy to kill
Thrilled In Court None Reroll skill check when performing in front of crowd.
Toughness Of A Dwarf +5 Base Fort Gain 6 Hp
True Hybrid None Receive up to +2 on attack rolls, DCs and caster level checks.
Unholy Device BAB +2, Chopping ability Use heavy cross bows for melee touch attacks
Wildfire Shillelag spell or spell-like ability, 1 BAB +1d6 fire damage for shillelag
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Path Of The Barbarianmonk Ability to rage or frenzy, 9 ranks in concentration Your mastery of meditation allows you to unlock new mental powers.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Go With A Boom! Harbinger Of The Phoenix 6, Item which causes an explosion on yourself when used. You may activate your self explosion item in the very moment you used arise from the ashes.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Holy Four-Arms Athros follower, 3rd level cleric or necromancy spells. You may summon holy four arms.
Infecting Sleep None Sleep starts spreading from one creature.
Infernal Centaur Centaur You change your favored skills for Bluff and Profession (Lawyer)
Librarians Luck None You gain one Luck reroll. You can spend a luck reroll to reroll a knowledge check.
Padded Feet Class with medium armor proficiency Hide armors do not impose their armor penalty on stealth checks.
Path Of The Barbarianmonk Ability to rage or frenzy, 9 ranks in concentration Your mastery of meditation allows you to unlock new mental powers.
Prayer Smite Crusader, base Knowledge (Religion) 10 Deliver smite with prayer.
Thrilled In Court None Reroll skill check when performing in front of crowd.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Aura Of Conviction Crusader level 6, base charisma 21+, base wisdom 21+ Learn the Conviction aura.
Aura Of Fanatism Crusader level 6, base wisdom 21+ You learn the Fanatism aura.
Diamond Hymn Bard level 6, base constitution 21+ diamond hymn.
Faithless Claws Demoniac level 6, Deed (see special) activate your capstone SLA on a natural 20 on attack rolls.
Legendary Wildmage Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...)(feat), Epic Wildmagic (feat) Deed (see special) Use d8 to determine your CL
Rage Of Legends Rage class feature, level 6, Deed Your rage ability receives a certain bonus.
Swift And Eloquent Hustler 6, (base dexterity + base charisma) 45+ You have two swift actions every turn
Unknown Arcana Arcanist level 6 You gain a 4th level spell slot.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Against All Odds Character level 6, Any luck feat Turn a d20 roll into a natural one or twenty
Bestow Luck Human You are extremely lucky and sometimes your allies are as well.
Defiant Luck Human You can sometimes defiantly shrug off spells and attacks that would kill a lesser creature.
Librarians Luck None You gain one Luck reroll. You can spend a luck reroll to reroll a knowledge check.
Mundane Luck Three Luck feats, No class nor feat which gives the ability to cast, manifest, whatsoever no use magic device. Expend luck roll to gain +1d6 to d20 roll
Pirates Luck None You can spend a luck reroll to reroll a Profession (sailor), Swim, or Escape Artist check.
Unbelievable Luck Luck reroll +2 to lowest save
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Confusing Spell None Creatures become confused after being influenced by your mind effecting spells.
Death Bells Ability to cast Death Knell You may cast Death Knell with a 9m burst area effect centered on you.
Empower Spell None More effect to spells.
Epic Divine Metamagic Knowledge(Nature, Religion) 9 ranks, Metamagician, Divine Might or Natures Wrath Combine Divine Might and Natures Wrath with the epic metamagician feat.
Epic Metamagician Base Casting Attribute 25+ or 23+ and another attribute base attribute 23+, Metamagician, Skill Focus(Knowledge Arcane) Choose a specific metamagic, this one metamagic is now cheap.
Epic Suppressing Dispel None Counter spells prohibit the target from casting spell from that one school again.
Exploding Spell None Creatures get pushed away by your spells.
Extend Spell None Double duration.
Guarding Spell None Ready a spell over multiple turns.
Hidden Touch any one metamagic feat Make touch attacks without anyone noticing
Infecting Sleep None Sleep starts spreading from one creature.
Iron Grip Of Death Ability to cast Death Knell, or Reavers aura, base charisma 15+ Deathknell does not allow a saving throw anymore.
Less Displayed Spell None You can cast a spell without somatic or verbal component.
Metamagician Any one metamagic feat, Knowledge Arcane/Nature/Religion score 15 Choose a specific metamagic, this one metamagic is now cheaper for you.
Persistent Spell Extend spell One of your spells works all day long.
Quicken Spell None Cast a spell as swift action.
Spirits Of The Wild Summoning Naturalist, Charisma 23+, Wisdom 21+ Your summons are imbued with a wild soul.
Staggering Spell None Creatures become staggered by your spells.
Suppressing Dispel None Counter spells prohibit the target from casting that one spell again.
Thorny Spell None Your plant environment spells are thorny.
Widen Spell None You can cast your spells so that they occupy a larger space.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Psychometabolistic Compression Psychic Warrior or Egoist Use size increase powers to not really increase your size.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Infecting Sleep None Sleep starts spreading from one creature.
Mighty Sleep Sleep The sleep spell is improved.
Whirling Blades Improved two weapon fighting Use the whirling blade spell with two weapons.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Death Blade Mind blade, Living, being killed and brought back. Add +1d6 negative energy damage to your mind blade
Draining Blade Mind blade, +4 bab Drain power points upon critical hit
Dual Blade Mind blade You manifest two mind blades
Elemental Blade Mind blade, Elemental subtype You deal 1d6 bonus elemental damage with your mind blade
Enchanted Blade Mind blade, manifester level 3 Your mind blade is enchanted
Family Blade Mind Blade , Racial Weapon Your mind blade gains bonuses as if it were a racial weapon
Ghost Blade mind-blade Your mind blade gets the ghost touch modification
Improved Enchanted Blade Mind blade, base wisdom 19+, manifester level 6 You may choose stronger enchantmens for your mind blade
Mind Blade Ability to manifest powers. You gain the ability to form a mind blade
Mind Graft Mind Blade , Atavist or Drow of House Oblodra All your natural attacks are improved
Mind Rape Manifester level 3, Two mind blade feats Any target you successfully damage with your mind blade suffers a -4 modifier on will saves and perception checks against you.
Quick Blade Mind blade You can manifest your mind blade as a free action
Soul Bow Mind blade Gain a ranged soul knife weapon
Superior Blade Mind blade Your mind blade gains enhancement bonus
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Babau Commando Ability to cast Summon Babau, Caster level 6 Summon an additional babau
Celestial Servant Aasimar, Animal companion, familiar, or mount class feature Grant celestial template to animal companion, familiar, or mount.
Epic Minion Mastery Minions, base charisma 21+ All your minions receive a bonus to attributes.
Equiping The Minions Minions, Signature Minion (feat), base charisma 21+ Teach your signature minion weapon proficiency.
Ferocious Minions Base strength 15+, Orc, Level 2 Grant ferocity to minions.
Huntmaster Handle Animal Score 8, Either the animal companion, divine bond (mount), or mount class feature, Human or wolfen Gain bonuses with specific animal types and enhance animal companion or mount.
Legendary Minion Mastery Minions, Primary attribute or charisma 25+ All your minions receive a bonus to attributes.
Minion Mastery Minions, base charisma 17+ All your minions receive a bonus to attributes.
Perfect Control Minions, intelligence 19+, level 6 Your Minions gain your teamwork feats.
Schir Charge Summon Schir with caster level 4, Knowledge Abyss 5 ranks Schirs get +2 attack, +2d6 damage when charging in first round
Signature Minion None Choose one minion and get boni for that one
Signature Undead Minion Undead minions, base charisma 21+ Your animated dead never stay dead.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Cold Heart Brand of the nine hells, Mark of Cania You gain 10 resistance to cold and fire.
Cold Mind Brand of the nine hells, Mark of Cania Gain SR against enchantment and mind influencing effects
Cold Shoulder Brand of the nine hells, Mark of Cania ?!?
Cold Soul Brand of the nine hells, Mark of Cania, Cold mind, Cold heart, Cold shoulder You can change elemental damage to cold or fire
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Emotional Tide Class connected to Emotions Moral bonus and penalties are increased by one.
Epic Primordial Form Atavist 6, base constitution 21+ Natural weapon enchanting powers receive 2 free power points which can be used for augmentation.
Epic Psionic Refreshment Manifester level 6 You regain your power points faster
Expanded Knowledge Manifester level 3 You receive another psionic power.
Improved Inertial Armor Inertial Armor, Ability to manifest Inertial Armor, base wisdom 21+ While psionically focused, you can maintain the psionic power inertial armor.
Inertial Armor Ability to optain a psionic focus, base wisdom 17+ Gain armor bonus while psionically focused.
Primordial Form Access to psychic powers. Natural weapon enchanting powers receive 2 free power points which can be used for augmentation.
Run On Air Wisdom 15+, Speed of Thought, Psionic Charge, Up the Walls, Tempest or zerth cenobite level 6 You can use one of your move actions to run across less than solid surfaces including air.
Two Weapon Wilder Wilder, psionic weapon Use psionic weapon with two weapons.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Boon Of The Fortuneless Level 6 Receive +2 on all d20 checks.
Mundane Luck Three Luck feats, No class nor feat which gives the ability to cast, manifest, whatsoever no use magic device. Expend luck roll to gain +1d6 to d20 roll
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Fur Is Fur Level 3 Your natruel fur works with fur armor.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Ace In The Hole Minaurosian You receive +2 on slight of the hand and may use spell traps.
Angelic Blood Aasimar Your blood protects you from evil.
Angelic Flesh Aasimar Receive a bonus depending on your metallic affinity of your flesh.
Angelic Wings Seraphim, Cherubim or Ishim You gain a pair of gleaming feathered wings that grant a fly speed of 9m.
Arcane Conductor Dwarf, base constitution 23+ or base intelligence 19+, spell resistance While wearing heavy armor your spell resistance might become higher.
Arcane Smug Elf or Minaurosian, Level 3, Base casting attribute 21+ You receive +1 on caster level with arcane spells.
Art Of War Hobgoblin, Warchild or Warforged, Base Knowledge(Engineering) Score 10+ More critical hits with strikes and chopping ability.
Battle Clarity Elf or Warrior , Level 3, base wisdom or intelligence 15+ You may reallocate attack rolls after seeing the results.
Bestow Luck Human You are extremely lucky and sometimes your allies are as well.
Better Oven Steam Powered Warforged, level 6 Your maximum amount of heat stacks increases by 2.
Big Foot Powerful Build and medium or larger size or similar ability You do 3m steps instead of 1.5m steps.
Blood Mastery Moroi, base charisma 15+ The Moroi may use Blood Drain with bladed melee weapons, spells of the necromancy school and eldritch blasts.
Blood Vengeance Orc Receive +4 on attack rolls versus enemies that killed your allies.
Born Alone Orc Gain temporary hit points when defeating opponents in melee.
Born Of Fury Orc, rage ability Receive +2 strength while raging.
Bureaucracy Gnome, Infernal Centaurs You receive +2 on skill and attribute checks that are in conjunction with bureaucratic tasks.
Carpe Noctem Human You may choose another bonus from your moderate archetype power at each dawn.
Cautious Fighter Halfling, level 3 Receive +2 AC and reflex saves when fighting defensively.
Celestial Servant Aasimar, Animal companion, familiar, or mount class feature Grant celestial template to animal companion, familiar, or mount.
Chivalric Ranks Highborn, Combat Expertise You receive bonuses if you cannot be flanked.
Collective Of Minds Dromite, base intelligence 17+ +2 on knowledge checks of mind-linked individuals.
Comeback Orc or Shadar-Kai, base constitution 21+ You do not suffer Death's Toll too often.
Conducting Powers LightningPoweredWarforged Use your power melee attack with other abilities.
Confusius Gnome or Half-Gnome, Stunning Fist ability You can use combat maneuvers while raging.
Connection Scheme Lightning Coil Your capstone power does not hit allies.
Conscript Avernian You receive better judicial powers.
Cultivation Plates Plant or abberation Your bonus versus critical hits increases by 2.
Defiant Luck Human You can sometimes defiantly shrug off spells and attacks that would kill a lesser creature.
Denial Of Heritage Ghul, Wisdom 21+, Discipline Remove features for discipline.
Despana Weapon Mastery Power Attack, Weapon Focus (any Despana Weapon), Drow Weapon Training Fight better with your summons.
Disciple Of The Weapon Githzerai Your favored weapons are an extension to your hand.
Disciplined Troglodyte or Ghul, Charisma or Wisdom 17+ You can suppress your Stench.
Dreamsight Changeling or Dream dwarf, base wisdom 19+ You can see ethereal beings.
Drow Commoner Weapon Mastery Spellcraft 2 ranks, Weapon finesse, Weapon Focus (any Drow Commoner Weapon), Drow Weapon Training BAB +4 -2 on fortitude saves on succesfull sneak attack.
Drow Weapon Training None +1 damage and BAB with your houses weapon
Drow'S Favored Weapon Drow Gain +1 damage and base attack with weapons of your hous
Dual Boot Centaur, Use Magic Device 8 ranks Wear two pairs of boots simultaneously
Dwarven Defensive Stance Dwarf, base constitution 23+, scaling class defense ability, Greater Racial Dwarf ability Your defense abilities are improved.
Dwarven Weapon Training Dwarf You receive bonuses fighting with dwarven weapon familiarity weapons.
Eilservs Weapon Mastery Spellcraft 2 ranks, Two Weapon fighting, Weapon Focus (any Elivers Weapon), Drow Weapon Training, BAB +3 Activate Magic Staff on attack.
Elemental Absorption Genasi, base constitution 21+ Elemental damage heals you.
Elemental Prowess Genasi Your elemental weapon damage is higher.
Elemental Rage Rage, Race connected to some element, Level 4 While raging your weapons deal 1d6 elemental damage.
Elitist Education System Sun Elf or Githyanki, base Intelligence 19+ You can see ethereal beings.
Elven Parry Elf , Base Dexterity 17+ , Base attack bonus 3+ Your racial defence boni improve.
Elven Weapon Training Elf or Drow of Eilistraee , Base Dexterity 15+ Your dexterity counts as two points higher to determine attack rolls, combat maneuvers and damage.
Epic Collective Of Minds Dromite, Collective of Minds, base intelligence 21+ If you are not flat-footed, your allies are neither.
Epic Healing Factor Weretouched, level 6, base constitution 21+ You receive fast healing equal to your consitution modifier.
Essence Of Your Enemy Natural Born Killer When you are prepared your actions are more deadly.
Essential Poison Natural Born Killer, Essence of your Enemy When you are prepared your poisons are more deadly.
Evensong And Flamesong Drow, follower of Eilistraee, Perform(Dance) score 10+ Music lets your weapon burn.
Expanded Resistances Native Outsider Type You receive additional energy resistance.
Faerie Dust Feyfolk Use feynt instead of an attack.
Faerzress Bender Drow, Use magic device as class skill, Knowledge Arcane 5 ranks The enchantment bonus of all faerzress based drow items you use counts as one higher.
Family Clans Base Charisma or Wisdom 17+, Firbolg or Batari Affect one more target with beneficial effects.
Fearless Fighter Halfling with Fearless or Troll Optimism, Base wisdom 19+ Once per day as immediate action you may reduce the damage of an attacker to its minimum.
Ferocious Minions Base strength 15+, Orc, Level 2 Grant ferocity to minions.
Ferocious Tenacity Orc, Diehard, level 3 You receive 5 points of damage reduction while below 0 hitpoints.
Fiendsight Tiefling You see in any kind of darkness.
Fire God'S Blessing Orc, Divine Class and Worshiper of a god of fire Heal when dealing fire damage in combat.
Flame Heart Character level 5th, Goblinoid Gain fire resistance and improve fire-based abilities.
Focused Mind Githzerai, base wisdom 15+ You may obtain a psionic focus.
Focusing Blow Drow or Hobgoblin Allies can damage you to help break mind-affecting effects.
Foe Of The Large Goblin, Halfling, Dwarf or Gnome level 3 Trade AC versus damage to big foes.
Fools Scepter Nilbog Clubs, great clubs, and quarter staffs improve your magic abilities.
From Hell Abyssian You receive +4 on intimidate checks and may use the command spell.
Front Loaded Warforged Your first attack each turn receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Fusion Schematics Steam Powered Warforged, Heater, Better Oven, Strength 21+, level 6 You may double the heat generated during your turn for more strength.
Genasi Versatility Genasi Add a spell to your list of SLA's
Gift Of The Moon Stargazer, Starlight Elf or Moon Elf, beastshape or similar feature When using a polymorph ability to shape into a beast your weapons damage deal your level cold damage as bonus damage.
Gift Of The Spider Queen None gain new uses for your SLA's
Githyanki Armor Experts Githyanki A creature with this feat may use heavy armors more easily.
Githzerai Mind Armor. Githzerai, base wisdom 17+, Focused Mind Your inertial armor boosts your normal armor.
Glitter Flitter Feyfolk, lvl 3 Add Glitterdust SLA.
Gnomen Spell Training Gnome, level 3, caster level 1 You make one of your spell to a gnomen spell.
Golden Hue Gold Dwarf, Sun Elf or Aasimar with golden skin, Charisma 15+ Receive more shield bonis.
Good Soul Death Touched, Level 1 and not higher Positive energy doesn't harm you anymore.
Greenfinger Hinterlander, Sylvan Elf or Greenorc, Goblin You receive wild empathy and your animals fight stronger.
Grudge Fighter Orc, Drow or Tiefling Gain a combat maneuver bonus against creatures that have attacked you.
Half Heritage Half race or special heritage level 1 feat Receive one racial feats of the parent race.
Hardly Thinking Homunculus Receive a bonus against being stunned.
Head Over base strength 17+, base dexterity 13+ You may bull rush as a swift action.
Headlong Rush Base attack bonus +4 or higher, Orc or half-orc Perform a powerful but risky charge attack.
Healing Factor Weretouched, level 3 Your fast healing stacks.
Heater Steam Powered Warforged, level 3 The range of your abilities increases to 6m and your fire damage to d8.
Heavenly Radiance Aasimar, Base charisma 21+ Your radiance is considered as daylight.
Human Edge Human level 3 Receive a +1 inherent bonus to a single attribute.
Hunter Of The Past Death Touched Receive specific favored enemy.
Hunting Par Force Highborn, Track or a hired Tracker
Huntmaster Handle Animal Score 8, Either the animal companion, divine bond (mount), or mount class feature, Human or wolfen Gain bonuses with specific animal types and enhance animal companion or mount.
Impish Touch Nilbog All your knock out abilities are a bit more Nilbogish
Improved Scare Tactics Bugbear, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Combat Maneuver (Demoralize) Intimidate instead of cleaves.
Improvisation Base Intelligence 13, Human Reroll untrained skills
Incarnum Combination Incarnum Resilience, Incarnum Speed Your incarnum speed and incarnum resilience ability now share the essentia applied to it.
Instinctive Proficiency Beastman, Savage, Naturalist or Scout Determine the number of skills using your wisdom instead of intelligence modifier.
Iron Skin Beastman, Goblinoid, Dwarf, Homunculus, Trollkin, Orc, Half-Orc or Goliath gain +1 natural armor class
King Of Roots Pinefolk level 4 Add Entanging Roots to your spells.
Layer Of Ice Race connected to coldness, base wisdom 17+, Level 4 All your healing abilities receive the cold descriptors and provide temporary hitpoints.
Leeching From The Living Gilgol or Wendigo You regain life from damage dealt.
Let Me Take This change position, Dwarf, Off the Shelf Warforged or Sentinel Swap places with an allie to tank their attack
Life Stealer Wendigo or Moroi Life drain abilities are stronger.
Lingering Invisibility Grey dwarf or grey gnome, Invisibility as a racial spell-like ability or spell Gain concealment after invisibility ends.
Lone With Wolf Goblin moderate archetype power, Ride 5+, Animal Handling 5+ Use movement abiities and stealth with your worg.
Loyalty Islander, Gray Orc or Mountain Dwarf You do not run from battle.
Lucky Halfling Halfling, level 3 Roll a saving throw for an ally.
Magicka Repelling Spikes Spiker The essentia you invest in your spikes increases your racial save bonus
Master Of Shadows None gain an additional use of your SLA's
Merciless Precision Sneak attack class feature, Kobold or Drow Increase sneak attack damage against afflicted targets.
Minor Changes Skinwalker, level 3 You receive an adjustable bonus.
Mo Boom Fo Ma Fiyya Goblin, Orc or Fire Jotun Your fire spells are more powerful.
Momentum Fighting Warforged, Improved Bull Rush Learn three combat maneuvers.
Monkey See Monkey Do Vanara (Monkeyman), Use Magic Device 7 ranks You can copy a spell that someone else just cast additionally you become trained with using magic devices.
More Magics Ogre Mage Gain more uses of your SLA's.
Natural Born Changeling Changeling, Non-racial ability to shapechange You receive bonus hitpoints when using shapechange abilities.
Natural Charmer Avernian or Moroi Better charm effects.
Natural Make-Up Nymph, Base Charisma 15+, Level 3 Your makeup is bullet-proof.
Nimble Striker Base attack bonus 1, Base dexterity 13+, Minaurosian or Catfolk No penalty on Lunge and Charge.
Nocturnal Predator Beastman You gain darkvision 18m
Olam Dwarf, Level 1 You receive additional benefits if your boon is a dwarf.
Only One Vulnerability Changeling or Feyfolk You receive one point of damage reduction.
Overload Metabolism Warforged, Base Fortitude +4 You can heal damage once per day.
Perfect Memory Ganesh, base wisdom 19+ Rememer a spell you have seen.
Personal Touch Corrosive Genasi Deliver touch attacks with your acid spit.
Power House Powerful Build or similar ability Your base attack bonus counts up to 2 higher to determine the power attack limit.
Precious Ivory Ganesh, base strength 17+, base dexterity 15+, Level 3 Attack also with your gore when charging.
Primitive Weapon Mastery Primitivity +1 on attack and damage rolls with all primitive weapons.
Resin Patch Tree Folk , Base Constitution 15+ Your barkskin regenerates even when you are hurt.
Rigor Mortis Death Touched When you are disabled you receive resistance and damage reduction.
Rude Songs Gobo or Gnoll, Performance 5+ Your songs are most loved and hated.
Rule Of Three Zelatarian, Base intelligence 19+ You receive +2 on knowledge checks and other benefits.
Savagery race with special natural weapons. +1 attack and +1 damage with natural weapons
Scare Tactics Goblinoid or Mountain Orc, Intimidate 5+ Better fear DCs.
Shi'Quos Weapon Mastery Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack,Drow Weapon Training, BAB +4. Gain a free Trip attempt on Spring attacks and charges.
Shield Dwarf Mountain Dwarf, level 2 Receive more shield bonis.
Sleep Venom Natural Venom Alter your venom to cause unconsciousness.
Snow Goblin Noise Snow Goblin Your sound based abilites have double range
Solar Powered Tree Folk, Base Charisma 17+ Recharge an ability while being exposed to the sun.
Special Heritage Race with diverse descent You decent from another race and receive a special bonus.
Steel Soul Dwarf You receive +2 on your spell resistance.
Stomper Jotunbrud, base strenth 23+ You can stomp more often
Summer Dust Fey of the Summercourt, lvl 5 Spread your Glitterdust.
T'Sarran Weapon Mastery Dex 13, Combat reflexes, Drow Weapon Training, level 5 Gain an attack of opportunity against a foe that hit you.
Tantrum Gnome or Half-Gnome, rage ability You can use combat maneuvers while raging.
Tempestuous Temper Maenad You trigger outbursts very often.
Tenacious Survivor Base Constitution 13, Diehard, Orc, Endurance Linger after death for a short time, allowing for revival.
Thane Dwarf or Goliath You have a 1 higher caster level for any earth and lightning descriptor spell.
Thick-Skinned Beastman +2 armor AC +2 on Fortitude saves versus poison and diseases.
Thunder Twin Level 1 and not higher , Dwarf but no duergar Gain a couple of bonuses which only work with your twin.
Titan Fighting Dodge, Defensive training verus giants Designate one creature of at least two size categories larger than you and receive +4 defense bonus versus it.
Toughness Of A Giant Giant folk, base strength 21+, base constitution 21+ Your constitution modifier counts as 2 points higher for everything except fortitude saves.
Tower Of Iron Will Strong Mind Share your mind resistance.
Tree Hanger Acrobatics Score 8, Vanara Gain bonuses against trip attacks and hang from objects.
Troll Optimism Troll or Trollkin Reroll fort save after one turn
True Incarnum Resilience Incarnum Resilience Gain +2 in saves from incarnum resilience
True Incarnum Speed Incarnum Speed Your incarnum speed ability also grants +2 initiative per point invested.
Two Skies(Everlasting Battle) Gith, base constitution 19 Receive attack rolls and caster level checks when not using swift actions.
Two Skies(Freedom And Mending) Gith, base wisdom 19 Reduce the duration of debuffs.
Tyrannical Leadership Hobgoblin, Base Intimidate Score 10+ Your allies are protected from fear.
Ultimate Coward Gnoll or renegade Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Grace Highelf 6, base charisma 21+ Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Power Moroi, base dexterity 21+ Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Prey Wolfen Combine racial and class power.
Ultimate Split Vanara (Monkeyman), base wisdom 21+ Spawn distracting double gangers when using your ultimate.
Umbral Scion Drow, Base Wisdom 15+, Level 5 Gain additional SLAs.
Unnerving Presence Monstrous or Aberration type, Intimidate score 12, Level 4 Use your monstrous nature to intimidate others.
Vae Weapon Mastery Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (spiked chain or whip),Drow Weapon Training, BAB +4. free trip attempt with spiked chains or whips
Vendor Gold Goblin Refresh daily limited abilities for a small fee.
Way Of Four Winds Githzerai of the Wuzhou Style, base wisdom 19+ You can activate your racial powers as swift action when dealing a critical hit.
Way Of The Hand Razor Githzerai of the Crescent Way, base wisdom 19+ Keen edge applies to all of your weapons.
Wicked Valor Tiefling, base wisdom 19+ If your spell resistance is hurt you deal bonus damage.
Wild Empathy Race connected to Fey You can speak with animals, beasts and magical beasts.
Winters Beckoning Feyfolk of Wintercourt, lvl 5 Learn Charm Monster SLA.
Xaniquis Weapon Mastery Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run,Drow Weapon Training Bonus Damage while moving and shooting
Xeph Burst, Extra Xeph, base constitution 17+ You can use your burst racial trait more often.
Xeph Celerity Xeph, Dexterity 23+ You can use your burst racial trait to gain an extra attack.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Burning Rage Living, being killed by fire and brought back, Savage 6 You become immune to fire during you rage.
Cold Blooded Rage Living, being killed by cold and brought back, Savage 6 You become immune to cold during you rage.
Death Blade Mind blade, Living, being killed and brought back. Add +1d6 negative energy damage to your mind blade
Immortal Living, being killed and brought back ten times or 30+ on all attributes You have surpassed mortality.
Learned Resistance Living, being killed and brought back You become resistant against the cause of your death
Reincarnate Living, being killed and reborn three times You have been reborn so often, you can influence your next living form.
Returned From The Dark Living, being killed and brought back Receive darkvision.
Revenant Living, being killed and brought back Gain favored enemy against creature type that killed you recently
Shift The Border Living, being killed by hit point damage and brought back Get +4 negative hit points
Tempting Fate Living, being killed and brought back You avoid death
True Reincarnate Living, being killed and reborn five times, Reincarnate You have been reborn so often, you can choose your next living form.
True Revenant Living, being killed and brought back seven times You have died so often, your soul knows how to find its way back into the world of the living.
Undying Body Living, being killed and brought back into your own body five times You have died so often, your soul stays in your body, no matter the condition.
Undying Rage Living, being killed and brought back, Savage 6, Deathless Rage class feature For your deathless rage ability you count as being two levels higher.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Advantageous Avoidance Level 3, Any Luck Feat Maybe negate critical hit.
Elusive Target Dodge, Mobility, BAB +3 Trip foe who missed you on the move.
Persistent Spell Extend spell One of your spells works all day long.
Practiced Whatever 'Caster'-level 1 Gain +4 CL
Rapid Shot Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot You can fire one additional time this round.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Aligned Disguise Disguise Ranks 10 As part of disguise you can also change your aura.
Double Jump Athletics Ranks 10 Jump as a swift action.
Master Appraiser Appraiser Ranks 10 You identify all non unique items.
Master Smith Craft (Weapons and Armors) Ranks 10 You can create magic weapons and armors.
Walking Medkit Heal Ranks 10 Heal as if you do longterm care.
Wall Runner Acrobatics Ranks 10 You can run on walls.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Blacksmith Anvil BAB +6, Blacksmith Style, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 6 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) Improve when using forge your enemy.
Blacksmith Striker BAB +3, Blacksmith Style, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 6 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) Improve when using forge your enemy.
Blacksmith Style BAB +1, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 4 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) When fighting with bludgeoning weapons you may perform a single strike that knocks out opponents.
Blacksmith'S Furnance BAB +4, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 7 ranks, Blacksmith Style, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) Deal fire damage to increase the reduction of damage reduction.
Blacksmith'S Hardening BAB +3, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 7 ranks, Blacksmith Style, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) When dealing cold damage, increase the duration of forge your enemy.
Chefs Firm Grip BAB +4, Chefs Style, Greater Combat Maneuver Grab, Dex 15, Profession(Cook) 7 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook))
Chefs Kitchen Mastery BAB +6, Greater Combat Maneuver Grab, Chefs Style, Dex 17, Spring attack, Profession(Cook) 9 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook))
Chefs Salad BAB +3, Chefs Style, Improved Combat Maneuver (Grab), Dex 15, Profession(Cook) 6 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook))
Chefs Style BAB +1, Chefs Style, Improved Combat Maneuver (Grab), Dex 13, Profession(Cook) 4 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook))
Chefs Toolkit BAB +1, Chefs Style, Improved Combat Maneuver (Grab), Dex 13, Profession(Cook) 4 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook))
Colossus Immortality BAB +6, Constitution 19+, Colossus Style, Colossus Immovability, Constitution 19+, Colossus Style, Colossus Immovability, Armor Focus(Any Heavy Armor) Reduce the damage of a heavy blow.
Colossus Immovability BAB +3, Constitution 17+, Combat Expertise, Colossus Style, Armor Focus(Any Heavy Armor) You receive +2 on saving throws versus overrun, bull rushes and trips while in colossus style.
Colossus Skill BAB +4, Constitution 17+, Dexterity 11+, Combat Expertise, Colossus Style, Armor Focus(Any Heavy Armor) You may use any of your dexterity dependent feats as if you had 13 dexterity.
Colossus Style BAB +1, Constitution 15+, Combat Expertise, Armor Focus(Any Heavy Armor) Ultra heavy armors give you dr while using combat expertise.
Duelist Style BAB +1, Dex 13, Weapon Focus(Fencing Weapon) Perform a combat maneuver as part of a full-attack.
Duelists Parry BAB +3, Dex 15, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus(Fencing Weapon) Use attack roll to evade an attack.
Duelists Wit BAB +6, Dex 17, Intelligence 15, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus(Fencing Weapon) You always count as having made one attack less to parry.
Eagles Crown BAB +6, Spring Attack, Dex 15, Wisdom 17, Eagles Style, Weapon Focus Use aid another on yourself if you have nothing to do.
Eagles Fury BAB +3, Dex 15, Wisdom 15, Eagles Style, Weapon Focus Two consecutive full-round attacks reduce the eagle styles penalty to attack rolls.
Eagles Style BAB +1, Dex 15, Wisdom 13, Weapon Focus This style focuses using one single weapon and provides a bonus attack with light weapons.
Hammer And Sickle Propaganda BAB +6, Knowledge(Politics) 9, No level in any divine class, Hammer and Sickle Secularization Dispel divine magic
Hammer And Sickle Secularization BAB +4, Knowledge(Politics) 7, No level in any divine class, Hammer and Sickle Style +2 on saves against divine spells
Hammer And Sickle Style BAB +1, Knowledge(Politics) 1, No level in any divine class Improve enhancement of hammer and sickle by one.
Lumberjack Red Tree Chopper BAB +6, Dexterity +17, Improved Trip, Lumberjack Style Your standard action attacks with two handed axes give more bonuses.
Lumberjack Style BAB +1, Dexterity +13, Weapon Focus(Any Axe), Power Attack, Endurance Add your strength modifier to damage with a two handed axes performing a standard action attack.
Lumberjack Tree Felling Strike BAB +4, Dexterity +15, Improved Trip, Lumberjack Style Your standard action attacks with two handed axes give more bonuses.
Lumberjacks Deforestation BAB +6, Dexterity +17, Lumberjack Tree Felling Strike, Lumberjack Style, Whirlwind attack You can use the Lumberjack Tree Felling Strike in combination with whirlwind attack.
Mage Slayer Feedback BAB +6, Base Knowledge(Arcane) 12 or Base Knowledge(Religion) 12, Mage Slayer Style Deal 1d6 points of bonus damage for each spell level dispeled.
Mage Slayer Guidance BAB +6, Inquisitor, Base Knowledge(Arcane) 16 or Base Knowledge(Religion) 16, Mage Slayer Style Ignore miss chance from illusion magic and choose what to dispel with your mage slayer strike.
Mage Slayer Style BAB +1, Base Knowledge(Arcane) score 4 or Base Survival Score 4 +4 on checks to identify spells. You can perform a dispeling strike.
Mage Slayer Watch BAB +3, Base Knowledge(Arcane) score 8 or Base Survival Score 8, Mage Slayer Style You receive more chances to make attacks of opportunity versus casters.
Phalanx Formation BAB +6, Phalanx Style, Alertness, Weapon Focus(Long Spear) You can not be flanked, while adjacent to an ally.
Phalanx Impaler BAB +4, Phalanx Style, Combat expertise, Weapon Focus(Long Spear) While being in phalanx style, you deal double damage against moving creatures.
Phalanx Reach BAB +3, Phalanx Style, Weapon Focus(Long Spear) While being in phalanx style, increase the range of your long spear by 1.5m.
Phalanx Style BAB +1, Weapon Focus(Long Spear) You can use a long spear one handed along with a shield in the off hand. If you do so, you count as being in phalanx style.
Shield Of Blades Retaliation Shield of Blades Style, BAB +4 Use Karmic Strike more efficiently.
Shield Of Blades Style BAB +2, Dodge, Weapon Focus(Any Light or Heavy blade You receive shield bonus when performing a full-attack.
Shield Of Blades Superiority BAB +6, Combat Expertise, Shield of Blades Style, Weapon Focus(Any Light or Heavy blade Increase the shield bonus you receive during full-attack actions.
Titan Mauler Style Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Athletics 5 Perform less attacks to deal devastating damage.
Titan Maulers Big Game Hunter Titan Mauler Style, Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Athletics 8, Survival 6, +5 BAB Easier critting for power attack users.
Titan Maulers Jotungrip Titan Mauler Style, Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Athletics 5 You do not receive the normal -2 to attack rolls for using a too large weapon.
Titan Maulers Massive Weapons Titan Mauler Style, Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Athletics 9, +6 BAB Your base weapon damage die is treated as heavy damage.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Air Elemental Focus Ability to summon air elementals Improves the whirlwind of air elementals
Demon Summoner Demon mastery, caster level 5 Roll twice d100 and take the better, when summoning demons.
Durable Summoning Access to summoning spells Summons receive +2HP/HD
Earth Elemental Focus Ability to summon earth elementals Earth elementals give +1 hardness to adjacent allies
Elemental Merger Ability to summon elementals, caster level 6 Your elementals can merge to get larger.
Fire Elemental Focus Ability to summon fire elementals Double the damage of the fire elemental burn ability
Fire Elemental Specialization Fire Elemental Focus, Ability to summon fire elementals, Pyromancer 3, access to fire domain or War Summoner 3 The normal attacks of your fire elementals deal pure fire damage.
Powerful Summoning Access to summoning spells Summons receive +1damage/2HD
Spirits Of The Wild Summoning Naturalist, Charisma 23+, Wisdom 21+ Your summons are imbued with a wild soul.
Summon Ability Focus Access to summoning spells +2 DC against special attacks of your summons
Summon Orglash Ability to summon air elementals, Ethran You can summon special rashemi air elementals.
Water Elemental Focus Ability to summon water elementals Water elementals gain ranged attack
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Blacksmith Anvil BAB +6, Blacksmith Style, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 6 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) Improve when using forge your enemy.
Blacksmith Striker BAB +3, Blacksmith Style, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 6 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) Improve when using forge your enemy.
Combined Arms Weapon focus with one ranged weapon and one melee weapon When you hit an opponent with a ranged weapon allies get bonus on melee and vice versa
Dart Frog Poisoner Sleight of the hand 5+ ranks Use poisonous frogs to enpoison your weapons.
Elemental Merger (Team Edition) Elemental Merger (feat) You can merge your elementals with those of your friends.
Environmental Tag Team None You are trained to use environmental magic together.
Fill The Gap None You can complete a formation.
Focusing Blow Drow or Hobgoblin Allies can damage you to help break mind-affecting effects.
Team Building Enchanter You can use your teamwork feats with enchanted opponents.
Thunder Twin Level 1 and not higher , Dwarf but no duergar Gain a couple of bonuses which only work with your twin.
Name Prerequisites Short Description
Advanced Practice Advanced Training, Basic Practice, 19+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes Gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes.
Basic Practice Martial Artist 3 or Martial Hero 3, Basic Training, 15+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes Gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes.
Grand Masters Perfection Grand Masters Practice, 31+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes, 21+ on all Attributes Gain a +5 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes.
Grand Masters Practice Masters Practice, 27+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes, 17+ on all Attributes Gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes.
Masters Practice Advanced Practice, 23+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes, 15+ on all Basic Training Attributes or Martial Hero Gain a +3 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes.