Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Barbarianmonk | Martial Artist, first level only | You combine the classes Martial Artist and savage. |
Demonhunter | Class with Ranger Spells | Trade your spellcasting capabilities for divine powers. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
A Hundred Scars | Berserker or Runescarred Berserker level 3 | You gain additional negative hitpoints equal to your constitution modifier. |
Abhorrent Company | Dread level 5 | One of your abhorrent nightmares stays active after summoning. |
Adapting Armaments | Eterneal Warrior level 6, Base wisdom 21+ | Change the power of your soulmelds as the situation requires. |
Arcane Guard | Sage Of The Serpent, Acrobatics score 10+ | Arcane strike provides AC. |
Arcane Well | Arcanist level 6, 25+ base charisma | You gain one slot of every level you can cast in. |
Astrologer | Stargazer 4 | Your augury is improved. |
Aura Of Conviction | Crusader level 6, base charisma 21+, base wisdom 21+ | Learn the Conviction aura. |
Aura Of Fanatism | Crusader level 6, base wisdom 21+ | You learn the Fanatism aura. |
Avalanche | Mystical 6, Blade Meditation(Glacial Chill), Survival 7 ranks. | Your maneuvers deal bonus cold damage versus staggered opponents |
Awesome Footwork | Warrior level 6 | Take 3m step as immediate action |
Bane Curse | Hexblade Curse, One Mental Attribute 21+ | Apply a bane when using your curse |
Battle Clarity | Elf or Warrior , Level 3, base wisdom or intelligence 15+ | You may reallocate attack rolls after seeing the results. |
Battle Command | Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 21+ | You can use a special warcry which provides virtual levels to your allies. |
Battle Order | Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 17+ | You can use a special warcry which provides temporary hitpoints to your allies. |
Bears Endurance | Bearserker, base constitution 17+ | Receive cold and fire resistance. |
Betrayer | Scoundrel 5 | Backstab also works against creatures, that see you as ally. |
Blizzard | Hyperborean level 6, base strength 19+ | The damage from your icestorm capstone power doubles and it stays for 3 turns. |
Blood Drinker | Berserker 3 | Killing enemies fuels your rage. |
Blood Rush | Butcher 4, base constitution 21+ | Receive butchery points for killing multiple enemies. |
Bloodbath | Savage, Blood Drinker, Deed (see special) | You always count as bloodied for beneficial effects. |
Bolstered Enchantments | Priest, Magician, Blackmage or Sorcerer. Capstone SLA | Leave spell slot unprepared to gain a bonus on AC |
Breath Of Fire | Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 21+, Wisdom 19+ | You apply a drunken effect after using your ultimate. |
Broadened Horizon | Naturalist | +1Cl When drugged. |
Burning Rage | Living, being killed by fire and brought back, Savage 6 | You become immune to fire during you rage. |
Burning Truth | Tongue of Fire utterance, improved goad or demoralize combat maneuver | Your Tongue of Fire can be used with goad, demoralize combat maneuvers and certain utterances. |
Camouflage | base wisdom 21+ | You can hide in any terrain. |
Channeled Resistance | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+, Level 3 | You can channel divine energy to briefly highten the robustness of your allies. |
Cold Blooded Rage | Living, being killed by cold and brought back, Savage 6 | You become immune to cold during you rage. |
Combat Ability Focus | Warmage level 6, base intelligence 19+ | Receive +2 DC for spells and abilities that only deal damage or spells that increase the damage an enemy takes. |
Combat Studies | Professional Alchemist, Alchemist level 1 | Improve any weapons by your Intelligence modifier. |
Combined Arise | Harbinger of the Phoenix 6, Arise from the Ashes | An ally Arises with you |
Constant Connection | Wild soul, Wisdom 17+ | Always benefit from wild soul. |
Convincing Smite | Avenger level 6, Charisma 23+ | Your smite lowers your foes elemental resistance. |
Crazed | Butcher 3, Wisdom 9- | When failing a will save versus some compulsion effect the effect comes in one turn late. |
Cup Game | Mirage knight level 4, Intelligence 17+ | Receive a another double. |
Daisho | First level only | Have two chosen weapons. |
Deadeye | base dexterity 15+, Skillfocus(perception) | Receive bonus to weapon damage based on the number of perception feats you posses. |
Deceptive Strike | Sublimal, Intelligence 19+ | Saving throws are higher versus targets that lose their dexterity to AC. |
Devoted To The Raven Claw | Access to all of White Raven, Devoted Spirit and Tiger Claw | Gain an additional readied maneuver. |
Diamond Dragon Heart | Access to all of Diamond Mind, Stone Dragon and Iron Heart | Gain an additional readied maneuver. |
Diamond Hymn | Bard level 6, base constitution 21+ | diamond hymn. |
Dirty Cleave | Butcher 1, Dexterity 15+ | When you perform a cleave as the feat, the attack qualifies dirty fighting. |
Divine Armor | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 13+, Constitution 13+ | Trade will saves for damage reduction. |
Divine Healing | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+ | Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses. |
Divine Indulgence | Wisdom 21+, Level 6 inquisitor, True believer | Cast spell immunity for two channel energy charges. |
Divine Metamagic | Channel Divine Energy, Level 4 | Use metamagic at the cost of channel energy. |
Divine Might | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 13+, Strength 13+ | Receive charisma on weapon damage or +2 caster level. |
Divine Purification | Channel Divine Energy, Level 5 | Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses. |
Divine Wave Of Energy | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+, Level 3 | You can channel divine energy to heal nearby creatures. |
Double Cleave | Cleave feat as class ability | Your cleaves can also cleave |
Dragon Slayer | Chevalier | You receive your bonus versus unworthy creatures versus dragons aswell. |
Drink Like A Demon | Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 21+, Wisdom 19+ | Use beverage as potions. |
Drunken Haze | Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 23+, Wisdom 21+ | You apply a drunken effect after using your ultimate. |
Earthbound | Geomancer , Strength 17+ | Improved slam attack |
Ecstasy Of Battle | Ecstatic 1 | During combat ecstatic frenzy can be used multiple times. |
Ectoplasmic Armageddon | Architect level 6 | Greatly improves ectoplasmic swarm |
Edict Fate | Seer level 6, Wisdom 21+, ability to reroll dices | You receive a +2 bonus on rerolls. |
Eldritch Metamagic | None | Use Metamagic feats on invocations |
Eldritch Necromancer | Warlock 6, base charisma 21+ | Your undead creatures can now cast |
Elemental Awe | Mystical monk | Gain bonus damage with elemental attacks. |
Elemental Infused Strikes | Archetype connected to some element, Spell infused strikes, Ability to cast third level spells | Convert weapon damage to elemental damage. |
Elemental Rage | Rage, Race connected to some element, Level 4 | While raging your weapons deal 1d6 elemental damage. |
Emotional Tide | Class connected to Emotions | Moral bonus and penalties are increased by one. |
Empty Mind | Monk level 3, Base wisdom 17+ | Receive a bonus to d20 rolls. |
Energy Aptitude | Intelligence 21+, Archetype dedicated to one or more energy types | Gain a bonus based on your selected energy type. |
Epic Agony | Phantom, Base Charisma 23+ | You can shortly use ghostform. |
Epic Battle Clarity | Warrior, base wisdom or intelligence 19+ | Your second attack smacks just like the first. |
Epic Bears Endurance | Bearserker, Bears Endurance, base constitution 21+ | Receive cold and fire resistance. |
Epic Bombs | 19+ Int | Choose a discovery that improves bombs that requires level 8. |
Epic Butchery | base constitution 23+ | Your damage bonus increases by one point per butchery point. |
Epic Claws Of The Beast | Atavist 6, 21 base constitution | The beast claws power receive the full fuel for fire bonus damage. |
Epic Combat School | Warmage, Bravado or X level 6, base intelligence 21+ | You qualify for feats as if you had 6 base attack bonus. |
Epic Deadly Aim | base dexterity 23+, base strength 23+, Deadly Aim | The critical hit chance versus your marked prey increases. |
Epic Divine Might | Channel Divine Energy, Divine Might, Charisma 21+, Strength 21+ | The divine might damage bonus becomes heavy damage. |
Epic Healing | Healing abilities, Improved Healing, Charisma 19+ | Your fast-healing spells heal 2 more hitpoints per round per level. Your cure spells heal 4 more hitpoints per level. Your psionic powers heal 2 more hitpoints per power point spent. |
Epic Hunter Of Mages | base wisdom 21+, Scout level 6, Mage Slayer Style, Track, Swift Tracker | You ignore invisiblity of your marked prey. |
Epic Leading With Strong Hands | Special, Warrior, Sentinel or Savage, Leading with strong Hands, 23+ strength | When speaking for your party your diplomacy and intimidate checks are improved. |
Epic Melee Mage | Warmage level 6, base intelligence 19+ | You can combine attacking and casting more effective |
Epic Pact Of The Blade | Pact of the Blade, base wisdom 21+ | Improve Pact of the Blade |
Epic Pact Of The Chain | Pact of the Chain, base wisdom 21+, Eldritch chain blast shape | Improve Pact of the Chain |
Epic Pact Of The Tome | Pact of the Tome, base wisdom 21+ | Improve Pact of the Tome |
Epic Psionic Refreshment | Manifester level 6 | You regain your power points faster |
Epic Pyromancy | Pyromancer level 6, Environment aptitude | While you are in a burning environment all your spells are stronger. |
Epic Righteous Smite | Smite ability, 21+ base wisdom | Your smite is stronger. |
Epic Sneak Attack | Scoundrel or Sublimal, below full base attack bonus, Improved Sneak Attack, base primary attribute or base strength 21+, base dexterity 23+ | Your sneak attack damage increases. |
Epic Wardance | Bard, Perform(Dance) score 15+, Wardance | Dance while making melee attacks. |
Epic Warding | Warding, Improved Warding, One Mental Attribute 21+ | Warding also provides temporary hitpoints for a short duration. |
Epic Wild Fury | Naturalist, Charisma 21+ | Your wild fury is improved. |
Epic Wildmagic | Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...), Deed (see special) | Get +2CL after rolling maximum value upon CL determining check |
Exploit Weakness | Scoundrel, Insight score 5+ | Qualify for sneak attack more easily. |
Extra Arcane Spell | Knowledge Arcana 10 | Learn another arcane spell |
Extra Bardic Ability | None | You learn one bardic ability |
Extra Channel Energy | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+ | You gain 2 additional uses of Channel Energy |
Extra Favored Enemy | base wisdom 15+, Favoured Enemy | You select an additional favored enemy. |
Extra Favored Weapon | Warrior level 4 | You get another favored weapon group |
Extra Invocation | None | You learn one invocation |
Extra Mimicry | Hustler(Charlatan) level 4 | You may use your moderate archetype class feature two additional times per day. |
Extra Utterance | None | You learn one Utterance |
Faithless Claws | Demoniac level 6, Deed (see special) | activate your capstone SLA on a natural 20 on attack rolls. |
Fast As Lightning | Thunder Caller | When using haste you infuse the weapons of your allies with lightning. |
Fast Aura Recovery | Crusader level 6, Wisdom 15+ | Recover dispeled auras in 1d4 rounds. |
Fast Refreshment | Sorcerer level 6, 23+ base charisma | You regain your spells faster |
Favourite Form | Transmuter, Base Intelligence 17+, Base Constitution 17+ | Don't gain penalties while polymorphed. |
Fertilizer | Bloom invocation, Knowledge(nature) 10+, level 5 | You can use the bloom invocation as a swift action. |
Fighters Legacy | Fighter level 6, Base wisdom 21+ or Intelligence 21+ | Learn some feat impossible to learn. |
Fire Attunement | Pyromancer 3 | Your fire spells are more easily affected by metamagic |
Fire Elemental Specialization | Fire Elemental Focus, Ability to summon fire elementals, Pyromancer 3, access to fire domain or War Summoner 3 | The normal attacks of your fire elementals deal pure fire damage. |
Flagship | Sentinel 3 | Redirect damage from charging ally to yourself. |
Flexible Auras | Patron Level 3 | You can change more than one aura at a time |
Fluid Motions | Specialized Training(Gymnast) | You receive gymnast bonuses when you provoke an attack of opportunity but the opponent does not seize it. |
Formation Movement | Intelligence 21+, Level 6 Praetorian | When using the special praetorian bodyguard feature, allies may still perform full-round actions in their turn. |
Fortress | Bastion, Knowledge(Architecture) score 10+ | Defensive Stance provides additional bonuses. |
From The Hellfire Academy | Hellfire Warlock level 3, Knowledge(Devils) 6 ranks, Knowledge(Arcana) 6 ranks | Use use magic device via intelligence. |
Frost Armor | Hyperborean level 3 , Medium Armor Proficiency | Enemies attacking you must succeed a saving throw or be slowed |
Frost Wall | Hyperborean level 6, base constitution 21+ | Your icewall slows |
Furious | Level 1, 9 or less wisdom | You receive a rage ability. |
Ghostlike Double | base charisma 23+, Haunting level 6, Deed (see Special) | The Double becomes quasi real and deals damage |
Ghostwalk | Phantom level 4 | You can shortly use ghostform. |
Gift Of The Moon | Stargazer, Starlight Elf or Moon Elf, beastshape or similar feature | When using a polymorph ability to shape into a beast your weapons damage deal your level cold damage as bonus damage. |
Glacial Stamina | Mystical 4, Blade Meditation(Glacial Chill), Survival 7 ranks. | You are better if they stay |
Go With A Boom! | Harbinger Of The Phoenix 6, Item which causes an explosion on yourself when used. | You may activate your self explosion item in the very moment you used arise from the ashes. |
Guard Of The Truth | Sentinel level 6, or Inquisitor 6, Wisdom 19+ | You see filthy lies. |
Hard As Stone | Specialized Training(Hardened) | Your natural dr becomes hardness. |
Hard Hitting Truth | base constitution 15+, Sentinel, Skillfocus(Insight) | Receive bonus to weapon damage based on the number of insight feats you posses. |
Heavy Mettle | Sentinel level 6, Deed (see Special), One Mental Attribute 19+ | You and anyone who is under your warding receives the mettle ability. |
Holy (Frost, Fire Or Shock) | Crusader level 6, base charisma 21+ | Your elemental aura now deals divine damage |
Holy Trinity | Fanatic level 6, Extremist level 6, Wisdom 25+, Knowledge Religion 9 | Receive a third domain |
Holy Warrior | War domain | Receive level on weapon damage. |
Hot Elementals | Fire Elemental Focus feat, Pyromancer or Fire Domain | Fire Elementals deal more damage |
Ice Sculptor | Hyperborean, craft weapon and armor score 20+ | Change the armor type of the ice armor |
Improved Butchery | Butcher level 3, base constitution 19+ | Your damage bonus increases by one point per butchery point. |
Improved Defensive Stance | Bastion 6, Constitution 23+ | Defensive Stance provides additional bonuses. |
Improved Elemental Aura | Crusader level 6, (fire) base strength 21+, (shock) base dexterity 21+, (frost) base constitution 21+ | Increase the effect of your elemental aura |
Improved Healing | Healing abilities, Charisma 15+ | Your spells or powers heal more. |
Improved Protection Aura | Crusader level 6, Base Wisdom 21+ | Increase the effect of your elemental aura |
Improved Rage | Savage 6 | Moral bonuses to attributes from rage increase by 2. |
Improved Righteous Smite | Smite ability, 17+ base wisdom | Your smite is stronger. |
Improved Sneak Attack | Sneak attack class feature level 3, base primary attribute or base strength 17+, base dexterity 17+ | Your sneak attack damage increases. |
Improved Strained Shot | Strained Marksman 6, base intelligence 19+ | You threaten 4.5m with snapshot. |
Improved Totemic Rage | Totemist 6, Base constitution 21+ | Increase the essentia granted by your rage by 1. |
Improved Warding | Warding, Sentinel level 4, One Mental Attribute 15+ | Warding also provides temporary hitpoints for a short duration. |
Infinite Power! (Maybe...) | Wildmage level 6, base charisma 25+ | Add another d6 to your CL after rolling maximum value |
Instinctive Proficiency | Beastman, Savage, Naturalist or Scout | Determine the number of skills using your wisdom instead of intelligence modifier. |
Iron Grip Of Death | Ability to cast Death Knell, or Reavers aura, base charisma 15+ | Deathknell does not allow a saving throw anymore. |
Last Man Standing | Butcher 6 | If there is only one enemy left, you receive more butchery points. |
Last Will | Hard to get down | Free attack when dropping unconsciousness |
Leading With Strong Hands | Special, Warrior, Sentinel or savage, 17+ strength | When speaking for your party your diplomacy and intimidate checks are improved. |
Learn Aura | Aura ability | You learn one additional aura |
Legendary Dreadnought | Base Athletics 20+ | Increase the crash damage by your strength. |
Legendary Wildmage | Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...)(feat), Epic Wildmagic (feat) Deed (see special) | Use d8 to determine your CL |
Let Me Take This | change position, Dwarf, Off the Shelf Warforged or Sentinel | Swap places with an allie to tank their attack |
Lifelines | Psionic Augment, Sublimal level 2 | When using psionic augment with melee attacks pay less power points. |
Long Lasting Double | Haunting level 6, base charisma 23+ | The duration of your major image increases by one round |
Long Wind | Dragon Warrior | More area with breath weapons. |
Magic Repellent Layer | Spell infused Defense, Ability to cast third level spells | Gain spell resistance when using spell infused defense. |
Magic Shield Defense | Mage Smith, base intelligence 19+ | You can combine shield bearer and spell infused defense. |
Martyr | Class Feature to cast divine spells, heavy armor proficiency | Cure wounds and inflict wounds are increased by 3 points/SL |
Masterful Combination: | Transmuter level 3, Base Intelligence 19+, Base Dexterity 17+ | Gain special qualities of another creature when polymorphed. |
Masterful Training | Martial Artist 6 | Receive +2 on your focused attribute. |
Megablade | Blademaster lvl 3, monkey grip | Use too large weapons. |
Metamagic Ritual | 21+ Int | Use Metamagic for Incantations. |
Mighty Mask | Haunting level 4, Intimidate score 15+ | You can emit a lesser version of another mask effect |
Missionary Workers | Base wisdom 19+, Base diplomacy 15+, Hospitaler | Share aura benefits with characters of same alignments. |
Mystic Resilience | Mystical monk | You receive 5 resistance versus every element. |
Natures Wrath | Wild soul, Wisdom 13+ | Trade wild soul uses for caster level. |
Nimble Spellthief | Spellthief level 6 | steal one more spell per round |
Olam | Dwarf, Level 1 | You receive additional benefits if your boon is a dwarf. |
Onslaught | Power Attack, Deathbringer 3 | During cleaves, your threat range doubles. |
Otherworldly Blast | Warlock level 6, Primary base attribute 23+ | Apply your main attribute twice to the eldritch blast. |
Persistent Roots | None | Better roots. |
Phantom Touch | None | Convert telepathy power into touch spells to remove any verbal component/display. |
Physical Education | Martial Artist or Martial Hero, Physical Attributes 15+ | You receive a bonus to damage rolls based on the number of acrobatics feats you possess. |
Primitive Weapon Mastery | Primitivity | +1 on attack and damage rolls with all primitive weapons. |
Psychometabolistic Compression | Psychic Warrior or Egoist | Use size increase powers to not really increase your size. |
Psychoportation Assault | Access to any one psychoportation power, skirmish | You gain skirmish bonuses until the start of your next turn if you use a psychoportation power. |
Pulse Bomb | Tracer level 6, base intelligence 21+ | When the energy time bomb is attached to a target it deals maximum damage. |
Rage Of Legends | Rage class feature, level 6, Deed | Your rage ability receives a certain bonus. |
Rayflection Mastery | Monk 6, Base wisdom 23+, Deflect Missle | Return a missle to the origin. |
Ready To Master Of The Nine | Master of Nine, Wisdom 17+ | Used maneuvers still count as being readied for master of nine bonuses. |
Reflect Arrows | Base wisdom 19+, Base dexterity 21+, Deflect Missle | Return a missle to the origin. |
Refreshing Agony | Harbinger of the Phoenix 4 or Mystical 4, Blade Meditation(Phoenix Tear), Heal 7 ranks. | Get your maneuvers back under 50% HP |
Renegades Legwork | Renegade level 3 | You always flank. |
Resilient Auras | Crusader level 6, Wisdom 19+ | Your auras caster level counts as two level highers versus dispel attempts. |
Restless Berserker | Berserker 6, 21 base constitution | Your berserker rage provides you the benefits of haste. |
Rhetoric Doctor Thesis | Perform Rhetoric 15 score, at least five times Rhetoric Thesis, intelligence 25 | Improve all your thesises |
Rhetoric Master Thesis | Perform Rhetoric 10 score, at least five times Rhetoric Thesis | Improve all your thesises |
Rhetoric Thesis | Perform Rhetoric 5 score, level 1 truenamer | Improve one Utterance |
Ritual Scarring | Runescarred Berserker level 5 , Base Constitution 21+ | You gain another bonus spell slot. |
Savage Critical | Savage | Easier to deal critical hits when using power attacks |
Setting The Desert Hand | Access to all of Desert wind, Setting sun and Shadow Hand | Gain an additional readied maneuver. |
Shield Guardiance | Combat Expertise, Sentinel | Use shields via constitution. |
Shrunken Heads | None | Create a nice fetish. |
Sign Shift | Stargazer 4 | Switch the star sign of your aura. |
Solo | Inspire Courage | Use inspire on a single person for an +2 bonus |
Spellburglar | Spellthief level 6, Deed (see special) | +1 CL for stolen Spells |
Spirits Of The Wild Summoning | Naturalist, Charisma 23+, Wisdom 21+ | Your summons are imbued with a wild soul. |
Streetsmart | Hustler level 3 | You gain one additional Maneuver. |
Stronger Elemental Form | Shapeshift, Elemental form 1, base charisma 21+ | You can become medium sized elemental. |
Studies Of Dark And Light | Monk 6 or Sacred Fist 6, base wisdom 23+ | Pierce alignment damage reduction. |
Studies Of Diamond | Martial Artist 6, (base constitution + base wisdom) 45+ | Pierce adamantium damage reduction. |
Studies Of Wood And Metal | Martial Artist 3, base constitution 19+, base wisdom 15+ | Pierce some damage reduction. |
Sudden Strike | One Shadow Hand Stance | While you are in a shadow hand stance any strike maneuver is automatically a sneak attack. |
Superior Wand Usage | Ability to use own caster level or DC for wands | Add spellcaster items bonus to a wand without the need to draw it. |
Swift And Eloquent | Hustler 6, (base dexterity + base charisma) 45+ | You have two swift actions every turn |
Swift Tracker | base wisdom 19+, Track | Track fast without penalty. |
Team Building | Enchanter | You can use your teamwork feats with enchanted opponents. |
The Firm Grip Of Justice | Breathstealer level 4, Sentinel level 4, Inquisitor4, Wisdom 15+ | When successfully grabbing an opponent it may not lie. |
Three Fiery Feathers | Harbinger of the Phoenix 6 or Mystical, Arise from the Ashes, Heal 9 ranks, two Phoenix Tear maneuvers | You can perform 2 new tactics |
Three Points Ahead | One Black Lotus Stance, base Wisdom 23+ | You may use the three-point-death technique without using one of your stance slots. |
Thunderclap | Mirth of the Mountain 6, base strength 21+, Power Attack | Turns Thunderstrike into melee AoE |
Tidal Rage | chopping ability | Your first attack in rage creates a torrent. |
Tongue Of Sun And Moon | Monk 3, base wisdom 21+ | Speak all languages |
Troll Blood | level 1 | You heal faster. If you have a troll shape ability it is stronger. |
True Architect | Architect level 6 | Greatly improves ectoplasmic construcst |
True Fanaticism | Fanatic level 6, Wisdom 21+ | You receive the greater domain ability. |
True Replication | Illusionist level 6, base casting attribute 25+ | You create a perfect replicate of one ally. |
True Zen Archery | Martial Artist 1, Zen Archery | You may use flurry of blows and your ultimate with bows. |
Turbulence | Tempest 6, whirlwind attack | Move while using whirlwind attack. |
Two Weapon Wilder | Wilder, psionic weapon | Use psionic weapon with two weapons. |
Ultimate Coward | Gnoll or renegade | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Fake | Signature weapon | Your fake blades become very realistic. |
Underhanded Tactics | Scoundrel | The scoundrel gains flanking bonus against all opponents that he may use dirty fighting against. |
Undying Rage | Living, being killed and brought back, Savage 6, Deathless Rage class feature | For your deathless rage ability you count as being two levels higher. |
Unheard | Silent Entry | Half penalties on stealth checks. |
Unknown Arcana | Arcanist level 6 | You gain a 4th level spell slot. |
Unlocked | Wayfarer or Nomad | You evade Dimensional Locks. |
Unnatural Combination | Transmuter level 5, Base Intelligence 19+, Base Strength 17+ | Gain special qualities of two creatures when polymorphed. |
Unravel The Arcane Mysteries | 23+ Int | Learn incatations of higher level. |
Unstable Augmentation | Overchannel, Psionic Augment | Overchannel works for your psionic augment just as if it were a power. |
Up From Behind | Harbinger of the Phoenix 4 or Mystical 4, Heal 7 ranks. | Deal or heal more under 50% HP |
Vengeance | Smite ability, Base Wisdom 13+ | Deal elemental damage with smite |
Vitality Is Power | Vitalist level 1, Intelligence 21+ | You base your psionic powers over consitution. |
Wardance | Bard, Perform(Dance) score 10+ | Dance while making melee attacks. |
Warrior Of The Gods | 19+ Wisdom, Heir of the Allfather, Immunity to Aging Effects, Allfather figure as patron | Resurrecting you through magical means does not require any marterial components. |
Warriors Arsenal | Battle Cunning, Extra Favoured Weapons | Learn some feat impossible to learn. |
Ways Of The Ninja | One Black Lotus Stance | If you would normally trigger a trap you may do a reflex saving throw to avoid triggering it. |
Wind Walk | Blademaster level 6, Deed (see special) | Once per encounter you may spend a swift action to hide in plain sight. |
Zeal | Smite ability, 19+ base wisdom | Attack twice instead of a smite. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Ability Specialization | 19+ base dependent attribute, Level 4 | Increase damage dice of one specific combat ability. |
Agile Spear | Strength 13+, Dexterity 15+ | Use spears as finesse weapons |
All Out Blow | level 5, Power Attack | Give up your move action to receive a DC and damage boost. |
Awesome Footwork | Warrior level 6 | Take 3m step as immediate action |
Awesome Strike | BAB +1 | Attack once, receive +2 attack. |
Battle Command | Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 21+ | You can use a special warcry which provides virtual levels to your allies. |
Battle Order | Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 17+ | You can use a special warcry which provides temporary hitpoints to your allies. |
Berserker Assault | Viking level 3 | If you use berserker gang you gain an attack of opportunity |
Brutal | Base Strength 15+ | Your melee damage is increased by one point. |
Combined Arms | Weapon focus with one ranged weapon and one melee weapon | When you hit an opponent with a ranged weapon allies get bonus on melee and vice versa |
Critical Focus | 4 BAB | +4 on crit confirms |
Crossbow Sniper | Weapon focus (any Crossbow), Point Blank Shot | Receive benefits of precision within 18m. |
Deadly Defense | None | Fighting with defensively with a single weapon for 1d6 bonus damage. |
Deadly Offense | Base Attack Bonus 3, Strength 15+, Power Attack | Bonus damage on strength based attacks while wielding light armors |
Double Cleave | Cleave feat as class ability | Your cleaves can also cleave |
Double Dash | Dash ability, Level 4 | Dash as a move action. |
Epic Ability Specialization | Ability Specialization, 25+ base dependent attribute | Increase damage dice of one specific combat ability. |
Epic Power Attack | Power Attack, Base Strength 23+ | When you are strong enough, you power at a discount. |
Epic Power Lunge | base constitution 21+, Power Lunge | Provoke more attacks of opportunity to add twice your strength modifier to damage when you perform a charge. |
Epic Sneak Attack | Scoundrel or Sublimal, below full base attack bonus, Improved Sneak Attack, base primary attribute or base strength 21+, base dexterity 23+ | Your sneak attack damage increases. |
Fencing | Dex 15, Int 13 | Utilize your dexterity. |
Flee The Scene | Sneak attack, Mobility, 17 dexterity | Withdraw after a sneak attack |
Ghost Buster | Wis 15, BAB 3 | Roll miss chance against incorperal creatures twice |
Greater Bull Rush | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Bull Rush) | Being knocked back by you provokes attacks of opportunity. |
Greater Demoralize | Intimidate 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Demoralize) | Demoralized opponents wont attack you. |
Greater Dirty Trick | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Dirty Trick) | Your Dirty Tricks are always severe. |
Greater Disarm | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Disarm) | Move weapons away from your enemies. |
Greater Feint | Bluff 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Feint) | Move opponents with feint. |
Greater Goad | Diplomacy 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Goad) | Goad lasts 3 turns |
Greater Grab | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Grab) | Your grab makes your foe unable to use his dexterity. |
Greater Trip | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Trip) | Being knocked down by you provokes attacks of opportunity. |
Grudge Fighter | Orc, Drow or Tiefling | Gain a combat maneuver bonus against creatures that have attacked you. |
Guerrilla Tactics | Terrain Master, Scout level 4 | |
Head Over | base strength 17+, base dexterity 13+ | You may bull rush as a swift action. |
Heavy Mettle | Sentinel level 6, Deed (see Special), One Mental Attribute 19+ | You and anyone who is under your warding receives the mettle ability. |
High Kicks | Improved Unarmed Strike, Base Acrobatics 5+ | Use kicks as two handed unarmed weapon. |
Hoplite | BAB +3, 15 Dexterity | Your melee attacks bypass your allies. |
Improved Awesome Strike | BAB +5, Awesome Strike | Attack once, receive +4 attack. |
Improved Combat Maneuver | Base Attack Bonus 1, Power attack for strength based maneuvers else combat expertise | Choose one combat maneuver, from now on it does not provoke attacks of opportunty and you receive a bonus. |
Improved Martial Focus | Martial focus | +1 DC for maneuvers from school |
Improved Shield Bashing | Shield Bashing, +4 Base Attack Bonus | Use shield bash as part of a charge or standard attack action. |
Improved Two Weapon Fighting | BAB +4, two-weapon fighting, Dexterity 17+ | Your offhand makes attacks when your mainhand does. |
Last Will | Hard to get down | Free attack when dropping unconsciousness |
Little Man, Big Axe | Small, ability to rage. | You can fight with a two handed axe for medium sized creatures without penalty. |
Longstaff | Base attack bonus +1 | Wield the quarterstaff as two handed and receive the reach trait and increase its damage to 1d8. |
Lumberjack Red Tree Chopper | BAB +6, Dexterity +17, Improved Trip, Lumberjack Style | Your standard action attacks with two handed axes give more bonuses. |
Martial Focus | Ability to initiate maneuvers | +1 DC for maneuvers from school |
Needler | +4 BAB, Skirmish ability | Get +1AC and +1d6 damage from skirmish. |
Offense Is The Best Defense | Strength 13+ | Lose your shield bonus for a damage boost. |
One Man Army | BAB +1, Power Attack, Point Blank Shot | Receive more damage when performing only one attack. |
One-Handed Mastery | BAB +4, Str 15 | Stay defensive while using combat maneuvers. |
Onslaught | Power Attack, Deathbringer 3 | During cleaves, your threat range doubles. |
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting | Two Weapon Fighting, Base Strength 17+ | When wielding a one-handed weapon in your off hand, you take only -2 penalties for two weapon fighting. |
Perfect Tool | Base attack bonus +3 | Combat maneuver DC's are higher with the right weapon. |
Power Attack | BAB +1, Strength 13 | Trade attack rolls for damage. |
Power Lunge | base constitution 17+ | Provoke more attacks of opportunity to add half your strength modifier to damage when you perform a charge. |
Precious Ivory | Ganesh, base strength 17+, base dexterity 15+, Level 3 | Attack also with your gore when charging. |
Renegades Legwork | Renegade level 3 | You always flank. |
Shield Barging | Shield Bashing, +4 Base Attack Bonus | Use combat maneuvers while shield bashing. |
Shield Bashing | +1 Base Attack Bonus, 13 Dexterity, Shield Focus, Proficiency with a Shield | Once per turn when making a full-attack you may perform a shield bash once. |
Shield Guardiance | Combat Expertise, Sentinel | Use shields via constitution. |
Steady Strikes | BAB +3 | Gain +2 on attack rolls, but can't do critical hits. |
Step Up | Base attack bonus +6, Dodge, Mobility, 10,5m or more movement speed | When doing a 1.5m step move additional 1.5m. |
Swiftblade | BAB +1, Chronomancer | Haste, swift, grants an attack. |
Tanky | Strength 17+ | +4 crit protection |
Tree Hanger | Acrobatics Score 8, Vanara | Gain bonuses against trip attacks and hang from objects. |
Two-Handed Mastery | BAB +4, Str 15 | When using two handed weapon fighting, your heavy damage is multiplied by 2 instead of 1.5. |
Two-Weapon Finesse | Two Weapon Fighting, Base Dexterity 13+ | You may use your dexterity modifier to attack and damage rolls if you have a very light weapon in your offhand. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Greater Bull Rush | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Bull Rush) | Being knocked back by you provokes attacks of opportunity. |
Greater Demoralize | Intimidate 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Demoralize) | Demoralized opponents wont attack you. |
Greater Dirty Trick | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Dirty Trick) | Your Dirty Tricks are always severe. |
Greater Disarm | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Disarm) | Move weapons away from your enemies. |
Greater Feint | Bluff 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Feint) | Move opponents with feint. |
Greater Goad | Diplomacy 9 ranks, Improved Combat Maneuver(Goad) | Goad lasts 3 turns |
Greater Grab | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Grab) | Your grab makes your foe unable to use his dexterity. |
Greater Trip | Base Attack Bonus 6, Improved Combat Maneuver(Trip) | Being knocked down by you provokes attacks of opportunity. |
Improved Combat Maneuver | Base Attack Bonus 1, Power attack for strength based maneuvers else combat expertise | Choose one combat maneuver, from now on it does not provoke attacks of opportunty and you receive a bonus. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Bloodbath | Savage, Blood Drinker, Deed (see special) | You always count as bloodied for beneficial effects. |
Doctor Title | 6 ranks in the related skill, deed (see special) | You have proven to be a specialist in your subject. |
Ember Tusks | Natural weapons attached to your head, Deed (see special) | Your natural weapons glow with heat |
Epic Wildmagic | Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...), Deed (see special) | Get +2CL after rolling maximum value upon CL determining check |
Faithless Claws | Demoniac level 6, Deed (see special) | activate your capstone SLA on a natural 20 on attack rolls. |
Ghostlike Double | base charisma 23+, Haunting level 6, Deed (see Special) | The Double becomes quasi real and deals damage |
Heavy Mettle | Sentinel level 6, Deed (see Special), One Mental Attribute 19+ | You and anyone who is under your warding receives the mettle ability. |
Learned Spell Defence | Deed (see Below) | You learned to resist a certain spell better. |
Legendary Wildmage | Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...)(feat), Epic Wildmagic (feat) Deed (see special) | Use d8 to determine your CL |
Nimble Spellthief | Spellthief level 6 | steal one more spell per round |
Rage Of Legends | Rage class feature, level 6, Deed | Your rage ability receives a certain bonus. |
Spellburglar | Spellthief level 6, Deed (see special) | +1 CL for stolen Spells |
Strength Of Weakness | Deed (see special) | Add +1 point of damage to your weapon damage rolls. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Channeled Resistance | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+, Level 3 | You can channel divine energy to briefly highten the robustness of your allies. |
Divine Armor | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 13+, Constitution 13+ | Trade will saves for damage reduction. |
Divine Healing | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+ | Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses. |
Divine Metamagic | Channel Divine Energy, Level 4 | Use metamagic at the cost of channel energy. |
Divine Might | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 13+, Strength 13+ | Receive charisma on weapon damage or +2 caster level. |
Divine Purification | Channel Divine Energy, Level 5 | Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses. |
Divine Wave Of Energy | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+, Level 3 | You can channel divine energy to heal nearby creatures. |
Epic Divine Might | Channel Divine Energy, Divine Might, Charisma 21+, Strength 21+ | The divine might damage bonus becomes heavy damage. |
Extra Channel Energy | Channel Divine Energy, Charisma 15+ | You gain 2 additional uses of Channel Energy |
Fire God'S Blessing | Orc, Divine Class and Worshiper of a god of fire | Heal when dealing fire damage in combat. |
Holy Warrior | War domain | Receive level on weapon damage. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Holy Warrior | War domain | Receive level on weapon damage. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Ability Enhancer | Spell Focus (Transmutation) or Psionic Focus (Psychometabolism), base casting attribute 25+ or 23+ and the base from the attribute you want to enhance 21+ | Spells and powers provide a +2 higher bonus to ability scores. |
Adapting Armaments | Eterneal Warrior level 6, Base wisdom 21+ | Change the power of your soulmelds as the situation requires. |
Arcane Conductor | Dwarf, base constitution 23+ or base intelligence 19+, spell resistance | While wearing heavy armor your spell resistance might become higher. |
Arcane Master Thesis | base Knowledge (arcana) score 25, ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Thesis | You arcane thesis now provides a caster level bonus of +3. |
Arcane Well | Arcanist level 6, 25+ base charisma | You gain one slot of every level you can cast in. |
Art Of War | Hobgoblin, Warchild or Warforged, Base Knowledge(Engineering) Score 10+ | More critical hits with strikes and chopping ability. |
Aura Of Fanatism | Crusader level 6, base wisdom 21+ | You learn the Fanatism aura. |
Avalanche | Mystical 6, Blade Meditation(Glacial Chill), Survival 7 ranks. | Your maneuvers deal bonus cold damage versus staggered opponents |
Awesome Footwork | Warrior level 6 | Take 3m step as immediate action |
Battle Command | Ability to use battle cry, base charisma 21+ | You can use a special warcry which provides virtual levels to your allies. |
Blizzard | Hyperborean level 6, base strength 19+ | The damage from your icestorm capstone power doubles and it stays for 3 turns. |
Bloodbath | Savage, Blood Drinker, Deed (see special) | You always count as bloodied for beneficial effects. |
Bolstered Enchantments | Priest, Magician, Blackmage or Sorcerer. Capstone SLA | Leave spell slot unprepared to gain a bonus on AC |
Boon Of The Fortuneless | Level 6 | Receive +2 on all d20 checks. |
Breath Of Fire | Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 21+, Wisdom 19+ | You apply a drunken effect after using your ultimate. |
Burning Rage | Living, being killed by fire and brought back, Savage 6 | You become immune to fire during you rage. |
Camouflage | base wisdom 21+ | You can hide in any terrain. |
Capstone Empowerment | Level 6, base primary attribute 25+ | Your capstone has more boom. |
Capstone Focus | Level 6, Ability focus(capstone ability) | The DC for your capstone ability is increased by +2 |
Capstone Specialization | Level 6 | Your level is heightened by 2 for capstone powers. |
Capstone Spell Specialization | Level 6, Capstone Specialization | Your caster level is heightened by 2 for capstone powers. |
Carpe Noctem | Human | You may choose another bonus from your moderate archetype power at each dawn. |
Chivalric Ranks | Highborn, Combat Expertise | You receive bonuses if you cannot be flanked. |
Cold Blooded Rage | Living, being killed by cold and brought back, Savage 6 | You become immune to cold during you rage. |
Combat Ability Focus | Warmage level 6, base intelligence 19+ | Receive +2 DC for spells and abilities that only deal damage or spells that increase the damage an enemy takes. |
Comeback | Orc or Shadar-Kai, base constitution 21+ | You do not suffer Death's Toll too often. |
Cumbrous Fortitude | Great Fortitude | Receive +6 on a single saving throw, but receive a drawback. |
Cumbrous Reflexes | Lightning Reflexes | Receive +6 on a single saving throw, but receive a drawback. |
Cumbrous Will | Iron will | Receive +6 on a single saving throw, but receive a drawback. |
Divine Purification | Channel Divine Energy, Level 5 | Improve heal spells and heal skill check for channel energy uses. |
Dreamsight | Changeling or Dream dwarf, base wisdom 19+ | You can see ethereal beings. |
Drink Like A Demon | Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 21+, Wisdom 19+ | Use beverage as potions. |
Drunken Haze | Drunken Master level 6, Constitution 23+, Wisdom 21+ | You apply a drunken effect after using your ultimate. |
Dwarven Defensive Stance | Dwarf, base constitution 23+, scaling class defense ability, Greater Racial Dwarf ability | Your defense abilities are improved. |
Ectoplasmic Armageddon | Architect level 6 | Greatly improves ectoplasmic swarm |
Edict Fate | Seer level 6, Wisdom 21+, ability to reroll dices | You receive a +2 bonus on rerolls. |
Eldritch Necromancer | Warlock 6, base charisma 21+ | Your undead creatures can now cast |
Elemental Absorption | Genasi, base constitution 21+ | Elemental damage heals you. |
Elemental Awe | Mystical monk | Gain bonus damage with elemental attacks. |
Elemental Merger | Ability to summon elementals, caster level 6 | Your elementals can merge to get larger. |
Elemental Prowess | Genasi | Your elemental weapon damage is higher. |
Elitist Education System | Sun Elf or Githyanki, base Intelligence 19+ | You can see ethereal beings. |
Elven Weapon Training | Elf or Drow of Eilistraee , Base Dexterity 15+ | Your dexterity counts as two points higher to determine attack rolls, combat maneuvers and damage. |
Energy Aptitude | Intelligence 21+, Archetype dedicated to one or more energy types | Gain a bonus based on your selected energy type. |
Epic Ability Specialization | Ability Specialization, 25+ base dependent attribute | Increase damage dice of one specific combat ability. |
Epic Agony | Phantom, Base Charisma 23+ | You can shortly use ghostform. |
Epic Bears Endurance | Bearserker, Bears Endurance, base constitution 21+ | Receive cold and fire resistance. |
Epic Bombs | 19+ Int | Choose a discovery that improves bombs that requires level 8. |
Epic Butchery | base constitution 23+ | Your damage bonus increases by one point per butchery point. |
Epic Claws Of The Beast | Atavist 6, 21 base constitution | The beast claws power receive the full fuel for fire bonus damage. |
Epic Collective Of Minds | Dromite, Collective of Minds, base intelligence 21+ | If you are not flat-footed, your allies are neither. |
Epic Combat School | Warmage, Bravado or X level 6, base intelligence 21+ | You qualify for feats as if you had 6 base attack bonus. |
Epic Deadly Aim | base dexterity 23+, base strength 23+, Deadly Aim | The critical hit chance versus your marked prey increases. |
Epic Demonhunter | Demonhunter, Base Casting Attribute 23+ | Receive another elemental aura |
Epic Divine Metamagic | Knowledge(Nature, Religion) 9 ranks, Metamagician, Divine Might or Natures Wrath | Combine Divine Might and Natures Wrath with the epic metamagician feat. |
Epic Divine Might | Channel Divine Energy, Divine Might, Charisma 21+, Strength 21+ | The divine might damage bonus becomes heavy damage. |
Epic Environment Aptitude | Caster level 6, Epic Environment Aptitude, Base constitution 21+ | When in an environment fitting to your spell, cast them with even more power. |
Epic Healing Factor | Weretouched, level 6, base constitution 21+ | You receive fast healing equal to your consitution modifier. |
Epic Hunter Of Mages | base wisdom 21+, Scout level 6, Mage Slayer Style, Track, Swift Tracker | You ignore invisiblity of your marked prey. |
Epic Leading With Strong Hands | Special, Warrior, Sentinel or Savage, Leading with strong Hands, 23+ strength | When speaking for your party your diplomacy and intimidate checks are improved. |
Epic Melee Mage | Warmage level 6, base intelligence 19+ | You can combine attacking and casting more effective |
Epic Metamagician | Base Casting Attribute 25+ or 23+ and another attribute base attribute 23+, Metamagician, Skill Focus(Knowledge Arcane) | Choose a specific metamagic, this one metamagic is now cheap. |
Epic Minion Mastery | Minions, base charisma 21+ | All your minions receive a bonus to attributes. |
Epic Pact Of The Blade | Pact of the Blade, base wisdom 21+ | Improve Pact of the Blade |
Epic Pact Of The Chain | Pact of the Chain, base wisdom 21+, Eldritch chain blast shape | Improve Pact of the Chain |
Epic Pact Of The Tome | Pact of the Tome, base wisdom 21+ | Improve Pact of the Tome |
Epic Primordial Form | Atavist 6, base constitution 21+ | Natural weapon enchanting powers receive 2 free power points which can be used for augmentation. |
Epic Psionic Refreshment | Manifester level 6 | You regain your power points faster |
Epic Pyromancy | Pyromancer level 6, Environment aptitude | While you are in a burning environment all your spells are stronger. |
Epic Sneak Attack | Scoundrel or Sublimal, below full base attack bonus, Improved Sneak Attack, base primary attribute or base strength 21+, base dexterity 23+ | Your sneak attack damage increases. |
Epic Suppressing Dispel | None | Counter spells prohibit the target from casting spell from that one school again. |
Epic Wardance | Bard, Perform(Dance) score 15+, Wardance | Dance while making melee attacks. |
Epic Wildmagic | Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...), Deed (see special) | Get +2CL after rolling maximum value upon CL determining check |
Essential Poison | Natural Born Killer, Essence of your Enemy | When you are prepared your poisons are more deadly. |
Faerie Dust | Feyfolk | Use feynt instead of an attack. |
Fast Refreshment | Sorcerer level 6, 23+ base charisma | You regain your spells faster |
Favored Of Fate | Base Charisma 30+ | You are not hit as hard by unfortunate situations. |
Fearless Fighter | Halfling with Fearless or Troll Optimism, Base wisdom 19+ | Once per day as immediate action you may reduce the damage of an attacker to its minimum. |
Fighters Legacy | Fighter level 6, Base wisdom 21+ or Intelligence 21+ | Learn some feat impossible to learn. |
Fluid Motions | Specialized Training(Gymnast) | You receive gymnast bonuses when you provoke an attack of opportunity but the opponent does not seize it. |
Fools Scepter | Nilbog | Clubs, great clubs, and quarter staffs improve your magic abilities. |
Formation Movement | Intelligence 21+, Level 6 Praetorian | When using the special praetorian bodyguard feature, allies may still perform full-round actions in their turn. |
From Hell | Abyssian | You receive +4 on intimidate checks and may use the command spell. |
Frost Wall | Hyperborean level 6, base constitution 21+ | Your icewall slows |
Fusion Schematics | Steam Powered Warforged, Heater, Better Oven, Strength 21+, level 6 | You may double the heat generated during your turn for more strength. |
Genius | Base Intelligence 30+ | You pick up new skills incredibly fast. |
Ghostlike Double | base charisma 23+, Haunting level 6, Deed (see Special) | The Double becomes quasi real and deals damage |
Hard As Stone | Specialized Training(Hardened) | Your natural dr becomes hardness. |
Hard To Hit | Lightning Reflexes, base dexterity 23+ | Ignore partial effects on reflex saving throws |
Hard To Kill | None | Take only 5 times normal damage on double 20 |
Heavenly Radiance | Aasimar, Base charisma 21+ | Your radiance is considered as daylight. |
Heavy Mettle | Sentinel level 6, Deed (see Special), One Mental Attribute 19+ | You and anyone who is under your warding receives the mettle ability. |
Holy (Frost, Fire Or Shock) | Crusader level 6, base charisma 21+ | Your elemental aura now deals divine damage |
Holy Trinity | Fanatic level 6, Extremist level 6, Wisdom 25+, Knowledge Religion 9 | Receive a third domain |
Immortal | Living, being killed and brought back ten times or 30+ on all attributes | You have surpassed mortality. |
Improved Defensive Stance | Bastion 6, Constitution 23+ | Defensive Stance provides additional bonuses. |
Improved Elemental Aura | Crusader level 6, (fire) base strength 21+, (shock) base dexterity 21+, (frost) base constitution 21+ | Increase the effect of your elemental aura |
Improved Enchanted Blade | Mind blade, base wisdom 19+, manifester level 6 | You may choose stronger enchantmens for your mind blade |
Improved Protection Aura | Crusader level 6, Base Wisdom 21+ | Increase the effect of your elemental aura |
Improved Rage | Savage 6 | Moral bonuses to attributes from rage increase by 2. |
Improved Shield Bashing | Shield Bashing, +4 Base Attack Bonus | Use shield bash as part of a charge or standard attack action. |
Improved Strained Shot | Strained Marksman 6, base intelligence 19+ | You threaten 4.5m with snapshot. |
Improved Totemic Rage | Totemist 6, Base constitution 21+ | Increase the essentia granted by your rage by 1. |
Indestructible | Base Constitution 30+ | Your Body heals extremely fast. |
Infinite Power! (Maybe...) | Wildmage level 6, base charisma 25+ | Add another d6 to your CL after rolling maximum value |
Last Man Standing | Butcher 6 | If there is only one enemy left, you receive more butchery points. |
Legendary Dreadnought | Base Athletics 20+ | Increase the crash damage by your strength. |
Legendary Minion Mastery | Minions, Primary attribute or charisma 25+ | All your minions receive a bonus to attributes. |
Legendary Wildmage | Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...)(feat), Epic Wildmagic (feat) Deed (see special) | Use d8 to determine your CL |
Long Lasting Double | Haunting level 6, base charisma 23+ | The duration of your major image increases by one round |
Loyalty | Islander, Gray Orc or Mountain Dwarf | You do not run from battle. |
Lumberjack Red Tree Chopper | BAB +6, Dexterity +17, Improved Trip, Lumberjack Style | Your standard action attacks with two handed axes give more bonuses. |
Master Of Beasts | Class that grants animal companion 6, Handle Animal score 10 | Your level counts higher for companion and minion features. |
Master Of Movement | Base Dexterity 30+ | You move too fast. |
Masterful Training | Martial Artist 6 | Receive +2 on your focused attribute. |
Missionary Workers | Base wisdom 19+, Base diplomacy 15+, Hospitaler | Share aura benefits with characters of same alignments. |
Mundane Luck | Three Luck feats, No class nor feat which gives the ability to cast, manifest, whatsoever no use magic device. | Expend luck roll to gain +1d6 to d20 roll |
Nimble Spellthief | Spellthief level 6 | steal one more spell per round |
Perfect Control | Minions, intelligence 19+, level 6 | Your Minions gain your teamwork feats. |
Perfect Memory | Ganesh, base wisdom 19+ | Rememer a spell you have seen. |
Pulse Bomb | Tracer level 6, base intelligence 21+ | When the energy time bomb is attached to a target it deals maximum damage. |
Rayflection Mastery | Monk 6, Base wisdom 23+, Deflect Missle | Return a missle to the origin. |
Reflect Arrows | Base wisdom 19+, Base dexterity 21+, Deflect Missle | Return a missle to the origin. |
Restless Berserker | Berserker 6, 21 base constitution | Your berserker rage provides you the benefits of haste. |
Rule Of Three | Zelatarian, Base intelligence 19+ | You receive +2 on knowledge checks and other benefits. |
Signature Armor | Character level 6 | You are more effective with one specific armor |
Signature Shield | Character level 6 | You are more effective with one specific shield |
Signature Weapon | Character level 6 | You are more effective with one specific weapon |
Skill Master | level 6 in a class with 4 or more skills per level | Archieve Mastery in one skill |
Skill Monkey | level 6 in a class with 4 or more skills per level | All class skill ranks count as one higher |
Spellburglar | Spellthief level 6, Deed (see special) | +1 CL for stolen Spells |
Steadfast Determination | Iron Will, Base wisdom 23+ | Ignore partial effects of will saving throws |
Stomper | Jotunbrud, base strenth 23+ | You can stomp more often |
Stronger Elemental Form | Shapeshift, Elemental form 1, base charisma 21+ | You can become medium sized elemental. |
Studies Of Dark And Light | Monk 6 or Sacred Fist 6, base wisdom 23+ | Pierce alignment damage reduction. |
Studies Of Diamond | Martial Artist 6, (base constitution + base wisdom) 45+ | Pierce adamantium damage reduction. |
Superior Wand Usage | Ability to use own caster level or DC for wands | Add spellcaster items bonus to a wand without the need to draw it. |
Swift And Eloquent | Hustler 6, (base dexterity + base charisma) 45+ | You have two swift actions every turn |
Swift Tracker | base wisdom 19+, Track | Track fast without penalty. |
Tanky | Strength 17+ | +4 crit protection |
Three Points Ahead | One Black Lotus Stance, base Wisdom 23+ | You may use the three-point-death technique without using one of your stance slots. |
Thunderclap | Mirth of the Mountain 6, base strength 21+, Power Attack | Turns Thunderstrike into melee AoE |
Toughness Of A Giant | Giant folk, base strength 21+, base constitution 21+ | Your constitution modifier counts as 2 points higher for everything except fortitude saves. |
Transcendence | Base Wisdom 30+ | You are enlightened and in full control of your body. |
True Architect | Architect level 6 | Greatly improves ectoplasmic construcst |
True Fanaticism | Fanatic level 6, Wisdom 21+ | You receive the greater domain ability. |
True Replication | Illusionist level 6, base casting attribute 25+ | You create a perfect replicate of one ally. |
Two Skies(Everlasting Battle) | Gith, base constitution 19 | Receive attack rolls and caster level checks when not using swift actions. |
Two Skies(Freedom And Mending) | Gith, base wisdom 19 | Reduce the duration of debuffs. |
Tyrannical Leadership | Hobgoblin, Base Intimidate Score 10+ | Your allies are protected from fear. |
Ultimate Coward | Gnoll or renegade | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Fake | Signature weapon | Your fake blades become very realistic. |
Ultimate Grace | Highelf 6, base charisma 21+ | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Power | Moroi, base dexterity 21+ | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Prey | Wolfen | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Split | Vanara (Monkeyman), base wisdom 21+ | Spawn distracting double gangers when using your ultimate. |
Undying Rage | Living, being killed and brought back, Savage 6, Deathless Rage class feature | For your deathless rage ability you count as being two levels higher. |
Unstoppable | Base Strength 30+ | Nothing and nobody can stop you. |
Warrior Of The Gods | 19+ Wisdom, Heir of the Allfather, Immunity to Aging Effects, Allfather figure as patron | Resurrecting you through magical means does not require any marterial components. |
Way Of Four Winds | Githzerai of the Wuzhou Style, base wisdom 19+ | You can activate your racial powers as swift action when dealing a critical hit. |
Way Of The Hand Razor | Githzerai of the Crescent Way, base wisdom 19+ | Keen edge applies to all of your weapons. |
Wicked Valor | Tiefling, base wisdom 19+ | If your spell resistance is hurt you deal bonus damage. |
Wind Walk | Blademaster level 6, Deed (see special) | Once per encounter you may spend a swift action to hide in plain sight. |
Withstand | Great Fortitude, base constitution 23+ | Ignore partial effects on fortitude saving throws |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Bulky | Dexterity 9- | You receive a hit point bonus based on your dexterity modifier. |
Crazed | Butcher 3, Wisdom 9- | When failing a will save versus some compulsion effect the effect comes in one turn late. |
Dumb | Intelligence7- | You do not always obey compulsion effects. |
Erratic | Wisdom 7- | When subject to some compulsion effect you some times just act wierd instead. |
Fell Knowledge | Wisdom 9- | Gain knowledge bonus for negative wisdom. |
Furious | Level 1, 9 or less wisdom | You receive a rage ability. |
Gaunt | Strength 5- | Your are so slender you receive some size bonuses. |
Giantism | Level 1 and not higher, Dexterity 7- | Your strength counts as 4 points higher to calculate damage, bull rush distance, lifting capacity and for strength checks. |
Glass Cannon | Level 1 and not higher, Constitution 9- | Receive a decent damage and attack rolls buff. |
Pug Ugly | Charisma 7- | You receive a bonus versus gaze attacks. |
Untameable | Rage, Wisdom 7- | Rage while confusion. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Academic Knowledge | Level 1 and not higher , Magician, Blackmage or Sorcerer | You learn more spells |
Agile | Level 1 and not higher, Dexterity 13+ | You receive +1 reflex saves and fair reflex save base bonus. |
Agile Bulwark | Level 1 and not higher | You may use your dexterity in the fattest armors. |
Angelic Wings | Seraphim, Cherubim or Ishim | You gain a pair of gleaming feathered wings that grant a fly speed of 9m. |
Apostate | First level only | Bonis against divine abilities. |
Barbarianmonk | Martial Artist, first level only | You combine the classes Martial Artist and savage. |
Barber Surgeon | Level 1 and not higher | Deal 1d8 damage with daggers, handaxes and better criting |
Bastard | Level 1 and not higher | Receive a bonus with commoners and with bastard swords. |
Beefy | Level 1 and not higher | Gain 1 point of hardness and more hitpoints. |
Blessed Hands | Level 1 | All your healing abilities are improved. |
Cloistered Upbringing | Level 1 and not higher , Arcane or Divine Caster level 1 | Gain 1 cl for specific spells |
Cosmopolitan | Level 1 | Gain more skill proficiencies |
Daisho | First level only | Have two chosen weapons. |
Demonhunter | Class with Ranger Spells | Trade your spellcasting capabilities for divine powers. |
Determination | Level 1 and not higher | You receive +2 on will saves and reduce the effect of fear. |
Dreadful Wrath | First level only | Emit a frightful presence. |
Drink Like A Fish | Level 1 | Once per day, an alcoholic beverage heals you. |
Early Armor Training | Level 1 and not higher , Strength 13+ | You receive armor proficiency. |
Focused Fighter | Level 1 | You receive +1 on attack rolls and your combat maneuvers are improved. |
Furious | Level 1, 9 or less wisdom | You receive a rage ability. |
Giantism | Level 1 and not higher, Dexterity 7- | Your strength counts as 4 points higher to calculate damage, bull rush distance, lifting capacity and for strength checks. |
Glass Cannon | Level 1 and not higher, Constitution 9- | Receive a decent damage and attack rolls buff. |
Good Soul | Death Touched, Level 1 and not higher | Positive energy doesn't harm you anymore. |
Instilled Hatred | Level 1 and not higher | You receive favored enemy benefits versus one specific type. |
Leatherskin | Level 1 and not higher | Your skin counts as a leather armor |
Loaded With Power | Level 1 | Your powers posses more might. |
Lone Wolf | None | Get bonuses fighting alone. |
Luck Of Heroes | Level 1 and not higher | You receive a +1 bonus on all saving throws and a +1 bonus to Armor Class. |
Mind Over Body | Level 1 and not higher, | The strength of your mind determines how good you defy death. |
One Trick Pony | First level only | You focus on one single ability. |
Posthaste | Level 1 and not higher, Dexterity 13+ | You receive +2 initiative, and more movement speed. |
Precocious | Level 1 | Once per day, you use a minor capstone power. |
Prodigy | Level 1 | You have a higher DC and more uses. |
Slim And Shady | Level 1 | Gain lesser sneak attack |
Special Heritage | Race with diverse descent | You decent from another race and receive a special bonus. |
Specialized Fighter | Level 1 and not higher | Gain +2 damage with weapons |
Spirit Animal | Level 1 and not higher | Gain familiar bonus from your totem animal |
Tavern Brawler | Level 1 and not higher | Use unarmed strikes and improvised weapons |
Thunder Twin | Level 1 and not higher , Dwarf but no duergar | Gain a couple of bonuses which only work with your twin. |
Troll Blood | level 1 | You heal faster. If you have a troll shape ability it is stronger. |
Twin Sword Fighter | Level 1 and not higher | Gain +4 AC against a single enemy |
Warchanter | Level 1, Perform 1 rank | Once per day, you can boost your allies attack and damage rolls. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Ability Enhancer | Spell Focus (Transmutation) or Psionic Focus (Psychometabolism), base casting attribute 25+ or 23+ and the base from the attribute you want to enhance 21+ | Spells and powers provide a +2 higher bonus to ability scores. |
Abyssal Horde | Caster level 3, Spell focus conjuration | Whenever you summon demons, you summon one additional dretch. |
Against All Odds | Character level 6, Any luck feat | Turn a d20 roll into a natural one or twenty |
Apprentice | None | Your Mentor may teach you feats and attributes. |
Arcane Master Thesis | base Knowledge (arcana) score 25, ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Thesis | You arcane thesis now provides a caster level bonus of +3. |
Arcane Research | ability to cast arcane spells, base Knowledge (arcana) score 5 | You master one particular spell |
Arcane Thesis | base Knowledge (arcana) score 15, ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Research 2 times | Choose one arcane spell that you can cast to be your thesis spell. When casting that spell, you do so at +2 caster level and caster level caps that spell might have are increased by 2. All your arcane research spells count as arcane thesis spells |
Big Fan | None | Increases the bonus from a specific bards solo feat by one |
Break Through | None | You break through spell resistance more easily. |
Burn The Unholy | True believer feat with a god of fire | Deal double fire damage agaisnt cold creatures. |
Capstone Empowerment | Level 6, base primary attribute 25+ | Your capstone has more boom. |
Capstone Focus | Level 6, Ability focus(capstone ability) | The DC for your capstone ability is increased by +2 |
Capstone Specialization | Level 6 | Your level is heightened by 2 for capstone powers. |
Capstone Spell Specialization | Level 6, Capstone Specialization | Your caster level is heightened by 2 for capstone powers. |
Change Position | none | Swap places with an ally as 5 ft. step |
Chopping Ability | Character Level 2 | Use a weapon to deliver a touch attack. |
Combat Engineer | BaB +0, dexterity 13+, intelligence 15+ | Use crossbows and rifles using your intelligence. |
Coordinated Strike | Wild Cohort or a similar follower, Handle Animal 5 ranks or Ride 5 ranks. | Gain +2 on attack roll when you and your pet attack the same target |
Daredevil Nap | Fall unconscious during an encounter and afterwards significantly contribute to winning the same encounter | Regain powers from falling unconscious. |
Detective | None | You gain a +2 bonus on all Gather Information and Investigation skill checks |
Dispel Specialization | Ability to cast degree 3 spells, Spellcraft 9 ranks | You are specialized in nixing a certain spell |
Drill Sergeant | Any feat | Teach a feat to two recruits and pay only one. |
Emotion Reader | Wisdom 13+, class with at least 4 skill points per level, 5 Ranks in Sense motive | +2 on attack rolls and on opposed checks against foes affected by emotional condition. |
Endurance | None | Gain +2 to endurance skill checks and four points of additional maximal negative hitpoints. |
Environment Aptitude | Caster level 4, Base constitution 15+ | When in an environment fitting to your spell, cast them with more power. |
Epic Monster Hunter | Monster Hunter (subtype) | You are the enemy of a specific monster subtype. |
Epic Power Lunge | base constitution 21+, Power Lunge | Provoke more attacks of opportunity to add twice your strength modifier to damage when you perform a charge. |
Epitaph | Knowledge religion 4 ranks | Provide +1 on resurrection check to creature that died one round ago. |
Extended Duration | Ability to summon or create anything. | Increases the duration of summoning abulities by the factor 10 |
Extracurricular Skill | Intelligence 13 | Gain another class skill |
Fill The Gap | None | You can complete a formation. |
Force Bull | Argent Savant | Your force ability push enemies 3m further. |
Formation Casting | None | Your self excluding spells exclude your formation. |
Freeze The Unholy | True believer feat with a god of cold | Deal double cold damage against fire creatures. |
Grand Epitaph | Epitaph, Crusader, Cleric or Fanatic, Knowledge religion 9 ranks | Provide +x on resurrection check to creature that died one round ago. |
Greater Break Through | Break Through | You break through spell resistance more easily. |
Hellish Legion | Caster level 3, Spell focus conjuration | Whenever you summon devils, you summon one additional lemure. |
Hope Is Not Lost | level 3+ | Receive +4 on saving throws that roll 16 and higher -4 otherwise. |
Improved Toughness | None | Your hitpoint rate increases by one. |
Intuitive Spell Knowledge | Spell-like ability, Ability to cast spells | You gain all your spell-like abilities on your spell list of spells known. |
Keen Investigator | None | Gain +2 on investigate and insight checks |
Leading With Strong Hands | Special, Warrior, Sentinel or savage, 17+ strength | When speaking for your party your diplomacy and intimidate checks are improved. |
Learn Incantation | None | You learn one incantaion |
Learn Ritual | Access to a scroll or a book of the ritual. | You leanr one ritual |
Master Of Beasts | Class that grants animal companion 6, Handle Animal score 10 | Your level counts higher for companion and minion features. |
Monster Hunter | None | You are the enemy of a specific monster subtype. |
Mounted Fury | Mounted Combat, Ride 5 ranks, rage class ability. | Your mount gains your rage boni |
Mounted Smite | Special Mount class feature, Smite class feature | Daze opponents with mounted smite charge |
Natural Spell | base wisdom 19+, shape shift ability | You can cast spells while shape shifting. |
Padded Feet | Class with medium armor proficiency | Hide armors do not impose their armor penalty on stealth checks. |
Plunderer | Medium Armor proficiency, Base Endurance 5+ | Gain +2 to appraise checks and carry more. |
Power Lunge | base constitution 17+ | Provoke more attacks of opportunity to add half your strength modifier to damage when you perform a charge. |
Practiced Whatever | 'Caster'-level 1 | Gain +4 CL |
Professional Alchemist | Craft Alchemy score 5+ | Use your alchemical weapons using your intelligence. |
Psychoportation Assault | Access to any one psychoportation power, skirmish | You gain skirmish bonuses until the start of your next turn if you use a psychoportation power. |
Saving Throw Focus | Lightning Reflexes, Great Fortitude or Great Will | Receive +2 on specific saving throws. |
Shining Morning Star | BAB +2, Knowledge (religion) ranks 5, Channel Energy Ability, Weapon Focus | |
Signature Armor | Character level 6 | You are more effective with one specific armor |
Signature Shield | Character level 6 | You are more effective with one specific shield |
Signature Weapon | Character level 6 | You are more effective with one specific weapon |
Slayer Magic | Favored enemies class feature, ability to cast spells or spell-like abilities | Add favored enemy bonus to spell DC |
Steady Rider | Mounted Combat, Ride 8 ranks | Take 10 on ride checks |
Sturdy Mount | Special Mount class feature | Your mount is tough and not as easy to kill |
Thrilled In Court | None | Reroll skill check when performing in front of crowd. |
Toughness Of A Dwarf | +5 Base Fort | Gain 6 Hp |
True Hybrid | None | Receive up to +2 on attack rolls, DCs and caster level checks. |
Unholy Device | BAB +2, Chopping ability | Use heavy cross bows for melee touch attacks |
Wildfire | Shillelag spell or spell-like ability, 1 BAB | +1d6 fire damage for shillelag |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Path Of The Barbarianmonk | Ability to rage or frenzy, 9 ranks in concentration | Your mastery of meditation allows you to unlock new mental powers. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Go With A Boom! | Harbinger Of The Phoenix 6, Item which causes an explosion on yourself when used. | You may activate your self explosion item in the very moment you used arise from the ashes. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Holy Four-Arms | Athros follower, 3rd level cleric or necromancy spells. | You may summon holy four arms. |
Infecting Sleep | None | Sleep starts spreading from one creature. |
Infernal Centaur | Centaur | You change your favored skills for Bluff and Profession (Lawyer) |
Librarians Luck | None | You gain one Luck reroll. You can spend a luck reroll to reroll a knowledge check. |
Padded Feet | Class with medium armor proficiency | Hide armors do not impose their armor penalty on stealth checks. |
Path Of The Barbarianmonk | Ability to rage or frenzy, 9 ranks in concentration | Your mastery of meditation allows you to unlock new mental powers. |
Prayer Smite | Crusader, base Knowledge (Religion) 10 | Deliver smite with prayer. |
Thrilled In Court | None | Reroll skill check when performing in front of crowd. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Aura Of Conviction | Crusader level 6, base charisma 21+, base wisdom 21+ | Learn the Conviction aura. |
Aura Of Fanatism | Crusader level 6, base wisdom 21+ | You learn the Fanatism aura. |
Diamond Hymn | Bard level 6, base constitution 21+ | diamond hymn. |
Faithless Claws | Demoniac level 6, Deed (see special) | activate your capstone SLA on a natural 20 on attack rolls. |
Legendary Wildmage | Wildmage level 6, Infinite Power! (maybe...)(feat), Epic Wildmagic (feat) Deed (see special) | Use d8 to determine your CL |
Rage Of Legends | Rage class feature, level 6, Deed | Your rage ability receives a certain bonus. |
Swift And Eloquent | Hustler 6, (base dexterity + base charisma) 45+ | You have two swift actions every turn |
Unknown Arcana | Arcanist level 6 | You gain a 4th level spell slot. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Against All Odds | Character level 6, Any luck feat | Turn a d20 roll into a natural one or twenty |
Bestow Luck | Human | You are extremely lucky and sometimes your allies are as well. |
Defiant Luck | Human | You can sometimes defiantly shrug off spells and attacks that would kill a lesser creature. |
Librarians Luck | None | You gain one Luck reroll. You can spend a luck reroll to reroll a knowledge check. |
Mundane Luck | Three Luck feats, No class nor feat which gives the ability to cast, manifest, whatsoever no use magic device. | Expend luck roll to gain +1d6 to d20 roll |
Pirates Luck | None | You can spend a luck reroll to reroll a Profession (sailor), Swim, or Escape Artist check. |
Unbelievable Luck | Luck reroll | +2 to lowest save |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Confusing Spell | None | Creatures become confused after being influenced by your mind effecting spells. |
Death Bells | Ability to cast Death Knell | You may cast Death Knell with a 9m burst area effect centered on you. |
Empower Spell | None | More effect to spells. |
Epic Divine Metamagic | Knowledge(Nature, Religion) 9 ranks, Metamagician, Divine Might or Natures Wrath | Combine Divine Might and Natures Wrath with the epic metamagician feat. |
Epic Metamagician | Base Casting Attribute 25+ or 23+ and another attribute base attribute 23+, Metamagician, Skill Focus(Knowledge Arcane) | Choose a specific metamagic, this one metamagic is now cheap. |
Epic Suppressing Dispel | None | Counter spells prohibit the target from casting spell from that one school again. |
Exploding Spell | None | Creatures get pushed away by your spells. |
Extend Spell | None | Double duration. |
Guarding Spell | None | Ready a spell over multiple turns. |
Hidden Touch | any one metamagic feat | Make touch attacks without anyone noticing |
Infecting Sleep | None | Sleep starts spreading from one creature. |
Iron Grip Of Death | Ability to cast Death Knell, or Reavers aura, base charisma 15+ | Deathknell does not allow a saving throw anymore. |
Less Displayed Spell | None | You can cast a spell without somatic or verbal component. |
Metamagician | Any one metamagic feat, Knowledge Arcane/Nature/Religion score 15 | Choose a specific metamagic, this one metamagic is now cheaper for you. |
Persistent Spell | Extend spell | One of your spells works all day long. |
Quicken Spell | None | Cast a spell as swift action. |
Spirits Of The Wild Summoning | Naturalist, Charisma 23+, Wisdom 21+ | Your summons are imbued with a wild soul. |
Staggering Spell | None | Creatures become staggered by your spells. |
Suppressing Dispel | None | Counter spells prohibit the target from casting that one spell again. |
Thorny Spell | None | Your plant environment spells are thorny. |
Widen Spell | None | You can cast your spells so that they occupy a larger space. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Psychometabolistic Compression | Psychic Warrior or Egoist | Use size increase powers to not really increase your size. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Infecting Sleep | None | Sleep starts spreading from one creature. |
Mighty Sleep | Sleep | The sleep spell is improved. |
Whirling Blades | Improved two weapon fighting | Use the whirling blade spell with two weapons. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Death Blade | Mind blade, Living, being killed and brought back. | Add +1d6 negative energy damage to your mind blade |
Draining Blade | Mind blade, +4 bab | Drain power points upon critical hit |
Dual Blade | Mind blade | You manifest two mind blades |
Elemental Blade | Mind blade, Elemental subtype | You deal 1d6 bonus elemental damage with your mind blade |
Enchanted Blade | Mind blade, manifester level 3 | Your mind blade is enchanted |
Family Blade | Mind Blade , Racial Weapon | Your mind blade gains bonuses as if it were a racial weapon |
Ghost Blade | mind-blade | Your mind blade gets the ghost touch modification |
Improved Enchanted Blade | Mind blade, base wisdom 19+, manifester level 6 | You may choose stronger enchantmens for your mind blade |
Mind Blade | Ability to manifest powers. | You gain the ability to form a mind blade |
Mind Graft | Mind Blade , Atavist or Drow of House Oblodra | All your natural attacks are improved |
Mind Rape | Manifester level 3, Two mind blade feats | Any target you successfully damage with your mind blade suffers a -4 modifier on will saves and perception checks against you. |
Quick Blade | Mind blade | You can manifest your mind blade as a free action |
Soul Bow | Mind blade | Gain a ranged soul knife weapon |
Superior Blade | Mind blade | Your mind blade gains enhancement bonus |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Babau Commando | Ability to cast Summon Babau, Caster level 6 | Summon an additional babau |
Celestial Servant | Aasimar, Animal companion, familiar, or mount class feature | Grant celestial template to animal companion, familiar, or mount. |
Epic Minion Mastery | Minions, base charisma 21+ | All your minions receive a bonus to attributes. |
Equiping The Minions | Minions, Signature Minion (feat), base charisma 21+ | Teach your signature minion weapon proficiency. |
Ferocious Minions | Base strength 15+, Orc, Level 2 | Grant ferocity to minions. |
Huntmaster | Handle Animal Score 8, Either the animal companion, divine bond (mount), or mount class feature, Human or wolfen | Gain bonuses with specific animal types and enhance animal companion or mount. |
Legendary Minion Mastery | Minions, Primary attribute or charisma 25+ | All your minions receive a bonus to attributes. |
Minion Mastery | Minions, base charisma 17+ | All your minions receive a bonus to attributes. |
Perfect Control | Minions, intelligence 19+, level 6 | Your Minions gain your teamwork feats. |
Schir Charge | Summon Schir with caster level 4, Knowledge Abyss 5 ranks | Schirs get +2 attack, +2d6 damage when charging in first round |
Signature Minion | None | Choose one minion and get boni for that one |
Signature Undead Minion | Undead minions, base charisma 21+ | Your animated dead never stay dead. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Cold Heart | Brand of the nine hells, Mark of Cania | You gain 10 resistance to cold and fire. |
Cold Mind | Brand of the nine hells, Mark of Cania | Gain SR against enchantment and mind influencing effects |
Cold Shoulder | Brand of the nine hells, Mark of Cania | ?!? |
Cold Soul | Brand of the nine hells, Mark of Cania, Cold mind, Cold heart, Cold shoulder | You can change elemental damage to cold or fire |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Emotional Tide | Class connected to Emotions | Moral bonus and penalties are increased by one. |
Epic Primordial Form | Atavist 6, base constitution 21+ | Natural weapon enchanting powers receive 2 free power points which can be used for augmentation. |
Epic Psionic Refreshment | Manifester level 6 | You regain your power points faster |
Expanded Knowledge | Manifester level 3 | You receive another psionic power. |
Improved Inertial Armor | Inertial Armor, Ability to manifest Inertial Armor, base wisdom 21+ | While psionically focused, you can maintain the psionic power inertial armor. |
Inertial Armor | Ability to optain a psionic focus, base wisdom 17+ | Gain armor bonus while psionically focused. |
Primordial Form | Access to psychic powers. | Natural weapon enchanting powers receive 2 free power points which can be used for augmentation. |
Run On Air | Wisdom 15+, Speed of Thought, Psionic Charge, Up the Walls, Tempest or zerth cenobite level 6 | You can use one of your move actions to run across less than solid surfaces including air. |
Two Weapon Wilder | Wilder, psionic weapon | Use psionic weapon with two weapons. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Boon Of The Fortuneless | Level 6 | Receive +2 on all d20 checks. |
Mundane Luck | Three Luck feats, No class nor feat which gives the ability to cast, manifest, whatsoever no use magic device. | Expend luck roll to gain +1d6 to d20 roll |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Fur Is Fur | Level 3 | Your natruel fur works with fur armor. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Ace In The Hole | Minaurosian | You receive +2 on slight of the hand and may use spell traps. |
Angelic Blood | Aasimar | Your blood protects you from evil. |
Angelic Flesh | Aasimar | Receive a bonus depending on your metallic affinity of your flesh. |
Angelic Wings | Seraphim, Cherubim or Ishim | You gain a pair of gleaming feathered wings that grant a fly speed of 9m. |
Arcane Conductor | Dwarf, base constitution 23+ or base intelligence 19+, spell resistance | While wearing heavy armor your spell resistance might become higher. |
Arcane Smug | Elf or Minaurosian, Level 3, Base casting attribute 21+ | You receive +1 on caster level with arcane spells. |
Art Of War | Hobgoblin, Warchild or Warforged, Base Knowledge(Engineering) Score 10+ | More critical hits with strikes and chopping ability. |
Battle Clarity | Elf or Warrior , Level 3, base wisdom or intelligence 15+ | You may reallocate attack rolls after seeing the results. |
Bestow Luck | Human | You are extremely lucky and sometimes your allies are as well. |
Better Oven | Steam Powered Warforged, level 6 | Your maximum amount of heat stacks increases by 2. |
Big Foot | Powerful Build and medium or larger size or similar ability | You do 3m steps instead of 1.5m steps. |
Blood Mastery | Moroi, base charisma 15+ | The Moroi may use Blood Drain with bladed melee weapons, spells of the necromancy school and eldritch blasts. |
Blood Vengeance | Orc | Receive +4 on attack rolls versus enemies that killed your allies. |
Born Alone | Orc | Gain temporary hit points when defeating opponents in melee. |
Born Of Fury | Orc, rage ability | Receive +2 strength while raging. |
Bureaucracy | Gnome, Infernal Centaurs | You receive +2 on skill and attribute checks that are in conjunction with bureaucratic tasks. |
Carpe Noctem | Human | You may choose another bonus from your moderate archetype power at each dawn. |
Cautious Fighter | Halfling, level 3 | Receive +2 AC and reflex saves when fighting defensively. |
Celestial Servant | Aasimar, Animal companion, familiar, or mount class feature | Grant celestial template to animal companion, familiar, or mount. |
Chivalric Ranks | Highborn, Combat Expertise | You receive bonuses if you cannot be flanked. |
Collective Of Minds | Dromite, base intelligence 17+ | +2 on knowledge checks of mind-linked individuals. |
Comeback | Orc or Shadar-Kai, base constitution 21+ | You do not suffer Death's Toll too often. |
Conducting Powers | LightningPoweredWarforged | Use your power melee attack with other abilities. |
Confusius | Gnome or Half-Gnome, Stunning Fist ability | You can use combat maneuvers while raging. |
Connection Scheme | Lightning Coil | Your capstone power does not hit allies. |
Conscript | Avernian | You receive better judicial powers. |
Cultivation Plates | Plant or abberation | Your bonus versus critical hits increases by 2. |
Defiant Luck | Human | You can sometimes defiantly shrug off spells and attacks that would kill a lesser creature. |
Denial Of Heritage | Ghul, Wisdom 21+, Discipline | Remove features for discipline. |
Despana Weapon Mastery | Power Attack, Weapon Focus (any Despana Weapon), Drow Weapon Training | Fight better with your summons. |
Disciple Of The Weapon | Githzerai | Your favored weapons are an extension to your hand. |
Disciplined | Troglodyte or Ghul, Charisma or Wisdom 17+ | You can suppress your Stench. |
Dreamsight | Changeling or Dream dwarf, base wisdom 19+ | You can see ethereal beings. |
Drow Commoner Weapon Mastery | Spellcraft 2 ranks, Weapon finesse, Weapon Focus (any Drow Commoner Weapon), Drow Weapon Training BAB +4 | -2 on fortitude saves on succesfull sneak attack. |
Drow Weapon Training | None | +1 damage and BAB with your houses weapon |
Drow'S Favored Weapon | Drow | Gain +1 damage and base attack with weapons of your hous |
Dual Boot | Centaur, Use Magic Device 8 ranks | Wear two pairs of boots simultaneously |
Dwarven Defensive Stance | Dwarf, base constitution 23+, scaling class defense ability, Greater Racial Dwarf ability | Your defense abilities are improved. |
Dwarven Weapon Training | Dwarf | You receive bonuses fighting with dwarven weapon familiarity weapons. |
Eilservs Weapon Mastery | Spellcraft 2 ranks, Two Weapon fighting, Weapon Focus (any Elivers Weapon), Drow Weapon Training, BAB +3 | Activate Magic Staff on attack. |
Elemental Absorption | Genasi, base constitution 21+ | Elemental damage heals you. |
Elemental Prowess | Genasi | Your elemental weapon damage is higher. |
Elemental Rage | Rage, Race connected to some element, Level 4 | While raging your weapons deal 1d6 elemental damage. |
Elitist Education System | Sun Elf or Githyanki, base Intelligence 19+ | You can see ethereal beings. |
Elven Parry | Elf , Base Dexterity 17+ , Base attack bonus 3+ | Your racial defence boni improve. |
Elven Weapon Training | Elf or Drow of Eilistraee , Base Dexterity 15+ | Your dexterity counts as two points higher to determine attack rolls, combat maneuvers and damage. |
Epic Collective Of Minds | Dromite, Collective of Minds, base intelligence 21+ | If you are not flat-footed, your allies are neither. |
Epic Healing Factor | Weretouched, level 6, base constitution 21+ | You receive fast healing equal to your consitution modifier. |
Essence Of Your Enemy | Natural Born Killer | When you are prepared your actions are more deadly. |
Essential Poison | Natural Born Killer, Essence of your Enemy | When you are prepared your poisons are more deadly. |
Evensong And Flamesong | Drow, follower of Eilistraee, Perform(Dance) score 10+ | Music lets your weapon burn. |
Expanded Resistances | Native Outsider Type | You receive additional energy resistance. |
Faerie Dust | Feyfolk | Use feynt instead of an attack. |
Faerzress Bender | Drow, Use magic device as class skill, Knowledge Arcane 5 ranks | The enchantment bonus of all faerzress based drow items you use counts as one higher. |
Family Clans | Base Charisma or Wisdom 17+, Firbolg or Batari | Affect one more target with beneficial effects. |
Fearless Fighter | Halfling with Fearless or Troll Optimism, Base wisdom 19+ | Once per day as immediate action you may reduce the damage of an attacker to its minimum. |
Ferocious Minions | Base strength 15+, Orc, Level 2 | Grant ferocity to minions. |
Ferocious Tenacity | Orc, Diehard, level 3 | You receive 5 points of damage reduction while below 0 hitpoints. |
Fiendsight | Tiefling | You see in any kind of darkness. |
Fire God'S Blessing | Orc, Divine Class and Worshiper of a god of fire | Heal when dealing fire damage in combat. |
Flame Heart | Character level 5th, Goblinoid | Gain fire resistance and improve fire-based abilities. |
Focused Mind | Githzerai, base wisdom 15+ | You may obtain a psionic focus. |
Focusing Blow | Drow or Hobgoblin | Allies can damage you to help break mind-affecting effects. |
Foe Of The Large | Goblin, Halfling, Dwarf or Gnome level 3 | Trade AC versus damage to big foes. |
Fools Scepter | Nilbog | Clubs, great clubs, and quarter staffs improve your magic abilities. |
From Hell | Abyssian | You receive +4 on intimidate checks and may use the command spell. |
Front Loaded | Warforged | Your first attack each turn receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls. |
Fusion Schematics | Steam Powered Warforged, Heater, Better Oven, Strength 21+, level 6 | You may double the heat generated during your turn for more strength. |
Genasi Versatility | Genasi | Add a spell to your list of SLA's |
Gift Of The Moon | Stargazer, Starlight Elf or Moon Elf, beastshape or similar feature | When using a polymorph ability to shape into a beast your weapons damage deal your level cold damage as bonus damage. |
Gift Of The Spider Queen | None | gain new uses for your SLA's |
Githyanki Armor Experts | Githyanki | A creature with this feat may use heavy armors more easily. |
Githzerai Mind Armor. | Githzerai, base wisdom 17+, Focused Mind | Your inertial armor boosts your normal armor. |
Glitter Flitter | Feyfolk, lvl 3 | Add Glitterdust SLA. |
Gnomen Spell Training | Gnome, level 3, caster level 1 | You make one of your spell to a gnomen spell. |
Golden Hue | Gold Dwarf, Sun Elf or Aasimar with golden skin, Charisma 15+ | Receive more shield bonis. |
Good Soul | Death Touched, Level 1 and not higher | Positive energy doesn't harm you anymore. |
Greenfinger | Hinterlander, Sylvan Elf or Greenorc, Goblin | You receive wild empathy and your animals fight stronger. |
Grudge Fighter | Orc, Drow or Tiefling | Gain a combat maneuver bonus against creatures that have attacked you. |
Half Heritage | Half race or special heritage level 1 feat | Receive one racial feats of the parent race. |
Hardly Thinking | Homunculus | Receive a bonus against being stunned. |
Head Over | base strength 17+, base dexterity 13+ | You may bull rush as a swift action. |
Headlong Rush | Base attack bonus +4 or higher, Orc or half-orc | Perform a powerful but risky charge attack. |
Healing Factor | Weretouched, level 3 | Your fast healing stacks. |
Heater | Steam Powered Warforged, level 3 | The range of your abilities increases to 6m and your fire damage to d8. |
Heavenly Radiance | Aasimar, Base charisma 21+ | Your radiance is considered as daylight. |
Human Edge | Human level 3 | Receive a +1 inherent bonus to a single attribute. |
Hunter Of The Past | Death Touched | Receive specific favored enemy. |
Hunting Par Force | Highborn, Track or a hired Tracker | |
Huntmaster | Handle Animal Score 8, Either the animal companion, divine bond (mount), or mount class feature, Human or wolfen | Gain bonuses with specific animal types and enhance animal companion or mount. |
Impish Touch | Nilbog | All your knock out abilities are a bit more Nilbogish |
Improved Scare Tactics | Bugbear, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Combat Maneuver (Demoralize) | Intimidate instead of cleaves. |
Improvisation | Base Intelligence 13, Human | Reroll untrained skills |
Incarnum Combination | Incarnum Resilience, Incarnum Speed | Your incarnum speed and incarnum resilience ability now share the essentia applied to it. |
Instinctive Proficiency | Beastman, Savage, Naturalist or Scout | Determine the number of skills using your wisdom instead of intelligence modifier. |
Iron Skin | Beastman, Goblinoid, Dwarf, Homunculus, Trollkin, Orc, Half-Orc or Goliath | gain +1 natural armor class |
King Of Roots | Pinefolk level 4 | Add Entanging Roots to your spells. |
Layer Of Ice | Race connected to coldness, base wisdom 17+, Level 4 | All your healing abilities receive the cold descriptors and provide temporary hitpoints. |
Leeching From The Living | Gilgol or Wendigo | You regain life from damage dealt. |
Let Me Take This | change position, Dwarf, Off the Shelf Warforged or Sentinel | Swap places with an allie to tank their attack |
Life Stealer | Wendigo or Moroi | Life drain abilities are stronger. |
Lingering Invisibility | Grey dwarf or grey gnome, Invisibility as a racial spell-like ability or spell | Gain concealment after invisibility ends. |
Lone With Wolf | Goblin moderate archetype power, Ride 5+, Animal Handling 5+ | Use movement abiities and stealth with your worg. |
Loyalty | Islander, Gray Orc or Mountain Dwarf | You do not run from battle. |
Lucky Halfling | Halfling, level 3 | Roll a saving throw for an ally. |
Magicka Repelling Spikes | Spiker | The essentia you invest in your spikes increases your racial save bonus |
Master Of Shadows | None | gain an additional use of your SLA's |
Merciless Precision | Sneak attack class feature, Kobold or Drow | Increase sneak attack damage against afflicted targets. |
Minor Changes | Skinwalker, level 3 | You receive an adjustable bonus. |
Mo Boom Fo Ma Fiyya | Goblin, Orc or Fire Jotun | Your fire spells are more powerful. |
Momentum Fighting | Warforged, Improved Bull Rush | Learn three combat maneuvers. |
Monkey See Monkey Do | Vanara (Monkeyman), Use Magic Device 7 ranks | You can copy a spell that someone else just cast additionally you become trained with using magic devices. |
More Magics | Ogre Mage | Gain more uses of your SLA's. |
Natural Born Changeling | Changeling, Non-racial ability to shapechange | You receive bonus hitpoints when using shapechange abilities. |
Natural Charmer | Avernian or Moroi | Better charm effects. |
Natural Make-Up | Nymph, Base Charisma 15+, Level 3 | Your makeup is bullet-proof. |
Nimble Striker | Base attack bonus 1, Base dexterity 13+, Minaurosian or Catfolk | No penalty on Lunge and Charge. |
Nocturnal Predator | Beastman | You gain darkvision 18m |
Olam | Dwarf, Level 1 | You receive additional benefits if your boon is a dwarf. |
Only One Vulnerability | Changeling or Feyfolk | You receive one point of damage reduction. |
Overload Metabolism | Warforged, Base Fortitude +4 | You can heal damage once per day. |
Perfect Memory | Ganesh, base wisdom 19+ | Rememer a spell you have seen. |
Personal Touch | Corrosive Genasi | Deliver touch attacks with your acid spit. |
Power House | Powerful Build or similar ability | Your base attack bonus counts up to 2 higher to determine the power attack limit. |
Precious Ivory | Ganesh, base strength 17+, base dexterity 15+, Level 3 | Attack also with your gore when charging. |
Primitive Weapon Mastery | Primitivity | +1 on attack and damage rolls with all primitive weapons. |
Resin Patch | Tree Folk , Base Constitution 15+ | Your barkskin regenerates even when you are hurt. |
Rigor Mortis | Death Touched | When you are disabled you receive resistance and damage reduction. |
Rude Songs | Gobo or Gnoll, Performance 5+ | Your songs are most loved and hated. |
Rule Of Three | Zelatarian, Base intelligence 19+ | You receive +2 on knowledge checks and other benefits. |
Savagery | race with special natural weapons. | +1 attack and +1 damage with natural weapons |
Scare Tactics | Goblinoid or Mountain Orc, Intimidate 5+ | Better fear DCs. |
Shi'Quos Weapon Mastery | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack,Drow Weapon Training, BAB +4. | Gain a free Trip attempt on Spring attacks and charges. |
Shield Dwarf | Mountain Dwarf, level 2 | Receive more shield bonis. |
Sleep Venom | Natural Venom | Alter your venom to cause unconsciousness. |
Snow Goblin Noise | Snow Goblin | Your sound based abilites have double range |
Solar Powered | Tree Folk, Base Charisma 17+ | Recharge an ability while being exposed to the sun. |
Special Heritage | Race with diverse descent | You decent from another race and receive a special bonus. |
Steel Soul | Dwarf | You receive +2 on your spell resistance. |
Stomper | Jotunbrud, base strenth 23+ | You can stomp more often |
Summer Dust | Fey of the Summercourt, lvl 5 | Spread your Glitterdust. |
T'Sarran Weapon Mastery | Dex 13, Combat reflexes, Drow Weapon Training, level 5 | Gain an attack of opportunity against a foe that hit you. |
Tantrum | Gnome or Half-Gnome, rage ability | You can use combat maneuvers while raging. |
Tempestuous Temper | Maenad | You trigger outbursts very often. |
Tenacious Survivor | Base Constitution 13, Diehard, Orc, Endurance | Linger after death for a short time, allowing for revival. |
Thane | Dwarf or Goliath | You have a 1 higher caster level for any earth and lightning descriptor spell. |
Thick-Skinned | Beastman | +2 armor AC +2 on Fortitude saves versus poison and diseases. |
Thunder Twin | Level 1 and not higher , Dwarf but no duergar | Gain a couple of bonuses which only work with your twin. |
Titan Fighting | Dodge, Defensive training verus giants | Designate one creature of at least two size categories larger than you and receive +4 defense bonus versus it. |
Toughness Of A Giant | Giant folk, base strength 21+, base constitution 21+ | Your constitution modifier counts as 2 points higher for everything except fortitude saves. |
Tower Of Iron Will | Strong Mind | Share your mind resistance. |
Tree Hanger | Acrobatics Score 8, Vanara | Gain bonuses against trip attacks and hang from objects. |
Troll Optimism | Troll or Trollkin | Reroll fort save after one turn |
True Incarnum Resilience | Incarnum Resilience | Gain +2 in saves from incarnum resilience |
True Incarnum Speed | Incarnum Speed | Your incarnum speed ability also grants +2 initiative per point invested. |
Two Skies(Everlasting Battle) | Gith, base constitution 19 | Receive attack rolls and caster level checks when not using swift actions. |
Two Skies(Freedom And Mending) | Gith, base wisdom 19 | Reduce the duration of debuffs. |
Tyrannical Leadership | Hobgoblin, Base Intimidate Score 10+ | Your allies are protected from fear. |
Ultimate Coward | Gnoll or renegade | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Grace | Highelf 6, base charisma 21+ | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Power | Moroi, base dexterity 21+ | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Prey | Wolfen | Combine racial and class power. |
Ultimate Split | Vanara (Monkeyman), base wisdom 21+ | Spawn distracting double gangers when using your ultimate. |
Umbral Scion | Drow, Base Wisdom 15+, Level 5 | Gain additional SLAs. |
Unnerving Presence | Monstrous or Aberration type, Intimidate score 12, Level 4 | Use your monstrous nature to intimidate others. |
Vae Weapon Mastery | Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (spiked chain or whip),Drow Weapon Training, BAB +4. | free trip attempt with spiked chains or whips |
Vendor | Gold Goblin | Refresh daily limited abilities for a small fee. |
Way Of Four Winds | Githzerai of the Wuzhou Style, base wisdom 19+ | You can activate your racial powers as swift action when dealing a critical hit. |
Way Of The Hand Razor | Githzerai of the Crescent Way, base wisdom 19+ | Keen edge applies to all of your weapons. |
Wicked Valor | Tiefling, base wisdom 19+ | If your spell resistance is hurt you deal bonus damage. |
Wild Empathy | Race connected to Fey | You can speak with animals, beasts and magical beasts. |
Winters Beckoning | Feyfolk of Wintercourt, lvl 5 | Learn Charm Monster SLA. |
Xaniquis Weapon Mastery | Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run,Drow Weapon Training | Bonus Damage while moving and shooting |
Xeph Burst, Extra | Xeph, base constitution 17+ | You can use your burst racial trait more often. |
Xeph Celerity | Xeph, Dexterity 23+ | You can use your burst racial trait to gain an extra attack. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Burning Rage | Living, being killed by fire and brought back, Savage 6 | You become immune to fire during you rage. |
Cold Blooded Rage | Living, being killed by cold and brought back, Savage 6 | You become immune to cold during you rage. |
Death Blade | Mind blade, Living, being killed and brought back. | Add +1d6 negative energy damage to your mind blade |
Immortal | Living, being killed and brought back ten times or 30+ on all attributes | You have surpassed mortality. |
Learned Resistance | Living, being killed and brought back | You become resistant against the cause of your death |
Reincarnate | Living, being killed and reborn three times | You have been reborn so often, you can influence your next living form. |
Returned From The Dark | Living, being killed and brought back | Receive darkvision. |
Revenant | Living, being killed and brought back | Gain favored enemy against creature type that killed you recently |
Shift The Border | Living, being killed by hit point damage and brought back | Get +4 negative hit points |
Tempting Fate | Living, being killed and brought back | You avoid death |
True Reincarnate | Living, being killed and reborn five times, Reincarnate | You have been reborn so often, you can choose your next living form. |
True Revenant | Living, being killed and brought back seven times | You have died so often, your soul knows how to find its way back into the world of the living. |
Undying Body | Living, being killed and brought back into your own body five times | You have died so often, your soul stays in your body, no matter the condition. |
Undying Rage | Living, being killed and brought back, Savage 6, Deathless Rage class feature | For your deathless rage ability you count as being two levels higher. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Advantageous Avoidance | Level 3, Any Luck Feat | Maybe negate critical hit. |
Elusive Target | Dodge, Mobility, BAB +3 | Trip foe who missed you on the move. |
Persistent Spell | Extend spell | One of your spells works all day long. |
Practiced Whatever | 'Caster'-level 1 | Gain +4 CL |
Rapid Shot | Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot | You can fire one additional time this round. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Aligned Disguise | Disguise Ranks 10 | As part of disguise you can also change your aura. |
Double Jump | Athletics Ranks 10 | Jump as a swift action. |
Master Appraiser | Appraiser Ranks 10 | You identify all non unique items. |
Master Smith | Craft (Weapons and Armors) Ranks 10 | You can create magic weapons and armors. |
Walking Medkit | Heal Ranks 10 | Heal as if you do longterm care. |
Wall Runner | Acrobatics Ranks 10 | You can run on walls. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Blacksmith Anvil | BAB +6, Blacksmith Style, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 6 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) | Improve when using forge your enemy. |
Blacksmith Striker | BAB +3, Blacksmith Style, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 6 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) | Improve when using forge your enemy. |
Blacksmith Style | BAB +1, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 4 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) | When fighting with bludgeoning weapons you may perform a single strike that knocks out opponents. |
Blacksmith'S Furnance | BAB +4, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 7 ranks, Blacksmith Style, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) | Deal fire damage to increase the reduction of damage reduction. |
Blacksmith'S Hardening | BAB +3, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 7 ranks, Blacksmith Style, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) | When dealing cold damage, increase the duration of forge your enemy. |
Chefs Firm Grip | BAB +4, Chefs Style, Greater Combat Maneuver Grab, Dex 15, Profession(Cook) 7 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook)) | |
Chefs Kitchen Mastery | BAB +6, Greater Combat Maneuver Grab, Chefs Style, Dex 17, Spring attack, Profession(Cook) 9 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook)) | |
Chefs Salad | BAB +3, Chefs Style, Improved Combat Maneuver (Grab), Dex 15, Profession(Cook) 6 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook)) | |
Chefs Style | BAB +1, Chefs Style, Improved Combat Maneuver (Grab), Dex 13, Profession(Cook) 4 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook)) | |
Chefs Toolkit | BAB +1, Chefs Style, Improved Combat Maneuver (Grab), Dex 13, Profession(Cook) 4 ranks, Skillfocus(Profession(Cook)) | |
Colossus Immortality | BAB +6, Constitution 19+, Colossus Style, Colossus Immovability, Constitution 19+, Colossus Style, Colossus Immovability, Armor Focus(Any Heavy Armor) | Reduce the damage of a heavy blow. |
Colossus Immovability | BAB +3, Constitution 17+, Combat Expertise, Colossus Style, Armor Focus(Any Heavy Armor) | You receive +2 on saving throws versus overrun, bull rushes and trips while in colossus style. |
Colossus Skill | BAB +4, Constitution 17+, Dexterity 11+, Combat Expertise, Colossus Style, Armor Focus(Any Heavy Armor) | You may use any of your dexterity dependent feats as if you had 13 dexterity. |
Colossus Style | BAB +1, Constitution 15+, Combat Expertise, Armor Focus(Any Heavy Armor) | Ultra heavy armors give you dr while using combat expertise. |
Duelist Style | BAB +1, Dex 13, Weapon Focus(Fencing Weapon) | Perform a combat maneuver as part of a full-attack. |
Duelists Parry | BAB +3, Dex 15, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus(Fencing Weapon) | Use attack roll to evade an attack. |
Duelists Wit | BAB +6, Dex 17, Intelligence 15, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus(Fencing Weapon) | You always count as having made one attack less to parry. |
Eagles Crown | BAB +6, Spring Attack, Dex 15, Wisdom 17, Eagles Style, Weapon Focus | Use aid another on yourself if you have nothing to do. |
Eagles Fury | BAB +3, Dex 15, Wisdom 15, Eagles Style, Weapon Focus | Two consecutive full-round attacks reduce the eagle styles penalty to attack rolls. |
Eagles Style | BAB +1, Dex 15, Wisdom 13, Weapon Focus | This style focuses using one single weapon and provides a bonus attack with light weapons. |
Hammer And Sickle Propaganda | BAB +6, Knowledge(Politics) 9, No level in any divine class, Hammer and Sickle Secularization | Dispel divine magic |
Hammer And Sickle Secularization | BAB +4, Knowledge(Politics) 7, No level in any divine class, Hammer and Sickle Style | +2 on saves against divine spells |
Hammer And Sickle Style | BAB +1, Knowledge(Politics) 1, No level in any divine class | Improve enhancement of hammer and sickle by one. |
Lumberjack Red Tree Chopper | BAB +6, Dexterity +17, Improved Trip, Lumberjack Style | Your standard action attacks with two handed axes give more bonuses. |
Lumberjack Style | BAB +1, Dexterity +13, Weapon Focus(Any Axe), Power Attack, Endurance | Add your strength modifier to damage with a two handed axes performing a standard action attack. |
Lumberjack Tree Felling Strike | BAB +4, Dexterity +15, Improved Trip, Lumberjack Style | Your standard action attacks with two handed axes give more bonuses. |
Lumberjacks Deforestation | BAB +6, Dexterity +17, Lumberjack Tree Felling Strike, Lumberjack Style, Whirlwind attack | You can use the Lumberjack Tree Felling Strike in combination with whirlwind attack. |
Mage Slayer Feedback | BAB +6, Base Knowledge(Arcane) 12 or Base Knowledge(Religion) 12, Mage Slayer Style | Deal 1d6 points of bonus damage for each spell level dispeled. |
Mage Slayer Guidance | BAB +6, Inquisitor, Base Knowledge(Arcane) 16 or Base Knowledge(Religion) 16, Mage Slayer Style | Ignore miss chance from illusion magic and choose what to dispel with your mage slayer strike. |
Mage Slayer Style | BAB +1, Base Knowledge(Arcane) score 4 or Base Survival Score 4 | +4 on checks to identify spells. You can perform a dispeling strike. |
Mage Slayer Watch | BAB +3, Base Knowledge(Arcane) score 8 or Base Survival Score 8, Mage Slayer Style | You receive more chances to make attacks of opportunity versus casters. |
Phalanx Formation | BAB +6, Phalanx Style, Alertness, Weapon Focus(Long Spear) | You can not be flanked, while adjacent to an ally. |
Phalanx Impaler | BAB +4, Phalanx Style, Combat expertise, Weapon Focus(Long Spear) | While being in phalanx style, you deal double damage against moving creatures. |
Phalanx Reach | BAB +3, Phalanx Style, Weapon Focus(Long Spear) | While being in phalanx style, increase the range of your long spear by 1.5m. |
Phalanx Style | BAB +1, Weapon Focus(Long Spear) | You can use a long spear one handed along with a shield in the off hand. If you do so, you count as being in phalanx style. |
Shield Of Blades Retaliation | Shield of Blades Style, BAB +4 | Use Karmic Strike more efficiently. |
Shield Of Blades Style | BAB +2, Dodge, Weapon Focus(Any Light or Heavy blade | You receive shield bonus when performing a full-attack. |
Shield Of Blades Superiority | BAB +6, Combat Expertise, Shield of Blades Style, Weapon Focus(Any Light or Heavy blade | Increase the shield bonus you receive during full-attack actions. |
Titan Mauler Style | Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Athletics 5 | Perform less attacks to deal devastating damage. |
Titan Maulers Big Game Hunter | Titan Mauler Style, Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Athletics 8, Survival 6, +5 BAB | Easier critting for power attack users. |
Titan Maulers Jotungrip | Titan Mauler Style, Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Athletics 5 | You do not receive the normal -2 to attack rolls for using a too large weapon. |
Titan Maulers Massive Weapons | Titan Mauler Style, Power Attack, Monkey Grip, Athletics 9, +6 BAB | Your base weapon damage die is treated as heavy damage. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Air Elemental Focus | Ability to summon air elementals | Improves the whirlwind of air elementals |
Demon Summoner | Demon mastery, caster level 5 | Roll twice d100 and take the better, when summoning demons. |
Durable Summoning | Access to summoning spells | Summons receive +2HP/HD |
Earth Elemental Focus | Ability to summon earth elementals | Earth elementals give +1 hardness to adjacent allies |
Elemental Merger | Ability to summon elementals, caster level 6 | Your elementals can merge to get larger. |
Fire Elemental Focus | Ability to summon fire elementals | Double the damage of the fire elemental burn ability |
Fire Elemental Specialization | Fire Elemental Focus, Ability to summon fire elementals, Pyromancer 3, access to fire domain or War Summoner 3 | The normal attacks of your fire elementals deal pure fire damage. |
Powerful Summoning | Access to summoning spells | Summons receive +1damage/2HD |
Spirits Of The Wild Summoning | Naturalist, Charisma 23+, Wisdom 21+ | Your summons are imbued with a wild soul. |
Summon Ability Focus | Access to summoning spells | +2 DC against special attacks of your summons |
Summon Orglash | Ability to summon air elementals, Ethran | You can summon special rashemi air elementals. |
Water Elemental Focus | Ability to summon water elementals | Water elementals gain ranged attack |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Blacksmith Anvil | BAB +6, Blacksmith Style, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 6 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) | Improve when using forge your enemy. |
Blacksmith Striker | BAB +3, Blacksmith Style, Craft(Weapon and Armors) 6 ranks, Weapon Focus(Any Hammer) | Improve when using forge your enemy. |
Combined Arms | Weapon focus with one ranged weapon and one melee weapon | When you hit an opponent with a ranged weapon allies get bonus on melee and vice versa |
Dart Frog Poisoner | Sleight of the hand 5+ ranks | Use poisonous frogs to enpoison your weapons. |
Elemental Merger (Team Edition) | Elemental Merger (feat) | You can merge your elementals with those of your friends. |
Environmental Tag Team | None | You are trained to use environmental magic together. |
Fill The Gap | None | You can complete a formation. |
Focusing Blow | Drow or Hobgoblin | Allies can damage you to help break mind-affecting effects. |
Team Building | Enchanter | You can use your teamwork feats with enchanted opponents. |
Thunder Twin | Level 1 and not higher , Dwarf but no duergar | Gain a couple of bonuses which only work with your twin. |
Name | Prerequisites | Short Description |
Advanced Practice | Advanced Training, Basic Practice, 19+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes | Gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes. |
Basic Practice | Martial Artist 3 or Martial Hero 3, Basic Training, 15+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes | Gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes. |
Grand Masters Perfection | Grand Masters Practice, 31+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes, 21+ on all Attributes | Gain a +5 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes. |
Grand Masters Practice | Masters Practice, 27+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes, 17+ on all Attributes | Gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes. |
Masters Practice | Advanced Practice, 23+ Basic Training Attribute or both primary attributes, 15+ on all Basic Training Attributes or Martial Hero | Gain a +3 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes. |