
Name Level Short Description
Aphotic Shield Knight of the Beyond 2 Go on Hit me. I will make you regret it.
Borrowed Time Knight of the Beyond 4 You can't harm me. I will only becomes stronger.
Invulnerability Wizard 7 You focus and become immune to physical damage
Remove Protection Wizard 1, Warmage 1 Reduce targets damage reduction
Remove Protection, mass Wizard 3, Warmage 3, Hexblade 2 Reduce targets damage reduction
Remove Protection, swift Wizard 2, Warmage 2, Hexblade 1 Reduce targets damage reduction
Senescence Time 2, Chronomancer 1, Naturalist 2 You feel old and cease to function
Spell ban Wizard 3, Hexblade 2 You ban the usage of a certain spell.
Spell embargo Wizard 2, Hexblade 1 You punish the usage of a certain spell school
Vile Mark Blackguard 2 You impose a vile mark onto the target, which negates healing.


Name Level Short Description
Abyssal Claws Demoniac 4 His blazing claws tore his enemies to shreds.
Babau Ambush Assassin 2, Blackguard 2, Demoniac 3, Abyss 3, Cleric of a chaotic evil God 3 You summon an ambush of babaus.
Blessed Hammer Cleric 2 This Blessed Hammer is a formidable weapon versus the undead hordes I am facing every day.
Circle of Healing Faith Healer 1 Circle of Healing restores hitpoints to everyone within the circle.
Conjure Dreamscape Dreamkiller 1 They bring the dream to you if they must.
Conjure Dreamscape, Greater Dreamkiller 2 They bring the dream to you if they must.
Cure, Greater Cleric 3 You lay your hands upon your friend and her wounds start to close.
Cure, Lesser Cleric 1 You lay your hands upon your friend and her wounds start to close.
Cure, Moderate Cleric 2 You lay your hands upon your friend and her wounds start to close.
Divine Spirit Faith Healer 2 The divine spirit guides you.
Elemental Blades Elementalist 3 You summon two blades.
Elemental Storm Elementalist 4 Storm rains all kinds of elements.
Entangling Roots Keeper of the Grove 2, Chloromancer 2 Causes roots to burst from the ground, immobilizing and damaging a target enemy
Fast Healing, Greater Naturalist 3 You lay your hands upon your friend and her wounds start to close.
Fast Healing, Lesser Naturalist 1 You lay your hands upon your friend and her wounds start to close.
Fast Healing, Moderate Naturalist 2 You lay your hands upon your friend and her wounds start to close.
Grove Druid 1 You create a magical natural area.
Healing Totem Naturalist 3, Witchdoctor 2 You create a magical totem, which radiates a healing aura.
Inner Armor Sacred Fist 4 A brilliant divine radiance surrounds the subjects, protecting them from attacks, granting them resistance to spells.
Inner Fire Sacred Fist 1 The inner fire burns within granting armor and fast healing.
Loot Anchor Berzog Domain 3 Your loot shall be mine!
Maw of Belcheresk Demoniac 3 You tear your enemies apart from afar
Mist Coil Knight of the Beyond 1 Mysterious vapor from beyond that can be used to fill emptiness or take it.
Project Lesser Avatar of Berzog Berzog Domain 4 Berzog, lend me your shield!
Revivify Faith Healer 4 Your faiths drags the soul of a fallen companion back into her mortal form.
Sacred Strikes Sacred Fist 2 A brilliant divine radiance surrounds the subjects hands and weapons.
Spell Totem Naturalist 3, Witchdoctor 2 You create a magical totem, which starts casting spells.
Spell Trap Daggerspell mage 2 You create a magical mine, which casts a spell when someone comes near it.
Summon -1 You summon a creature.
Summon Bear Druid 3, Beastmaster 2, Cleric of a nature or animal god 3 You summon a bear.
Summon Dretches Blackmage 1 You summon some demons
Summon Hound Archon Cleric of a good god 2 You summon an Archon.
Summon Lantern Archon Cleric of a good god 1 You summon an Archon.
Summon Large Elemental Druid 3, Wizard 3. Cleric of a matching elemental god 3 You summon an elemental.
Summon Legion Archon Cleric of a good god 3 You summon an Archon.
Summon Lion Druid 2, Scout 2, Cleric of a nature or animal god 2 You summon a lion.
Summon Medium Elemental Druid 2, Wizard 2, Cleric of a matching elemental god 2 You summon an elemental.
Summon Schir Blackmage 2 You summon some demons
Summon Small Elemental Wizard 1, Druid 1, Cleric of a matching elemental god 1 You summon an elemental.
Summon Wolf Druid 1, Scout 1, Cleric of a nature or animal god 1 You summon a wolf.
Summon holy four arm Athros 3 You a holy four arm.
Tranquility Keeper of the Grove 4 Causes a rain of healing energy to pour down in a large area, healing friendly allied units.
Wildmagic Wildmage 2 Not even the Wildmage knows what will happen when he unleashes the forces of chaos.


Name Level Short Description
Foresee Attack Wizard 1, Hoaxer 1 You foresee the result of the next attack.
Foresee Resistance Wizard 3, Hoaxer 3 You foresee the result of the next saving throw.
Foresee Skill Wizard 2, Hoaxer 2 You foresee the result of the next skill check.
Reveal Weakness Wizard 2 Increase the chance to critical hit the foe.


Name Level Short Description
Gentleman's Agreement Wizard 2, Bard 2, Ranger 1, Enchanter 1 A gentlemen's agreement, or gentleman's agreement, is an informal and legally non-binding agreement between two or more parties.
Gentleman's Handshake Wizard 0, Bard 0, Ranger 0 You are so fucking tiring.
Good Night Song Wizard 2 You are so fucking tiring.
Nilbogism Wizard 4, Bard 3, Nilbog 1 Nilbogs were goblins possessed by trickster spirits, the result of a condition known as nilbogism.
Nudge Wizard 3, Enchanter 2 I did not control him, I gave him only a small hint.
Otto's Gambit Wizard 3, Bard 2, Enchanter 3 Otto the great of Boccob and inventer of many spells had discussions with his friend Lord Robilar, who was a rash and impetuous fighter, gained fame using this technique against his enemies. By offering Otto's Gambit, a target starts fighting furiously. The unfit or the unwise suffer even more under this dangerous sacrifice, for one failed retaliatory strike can undo the advantage gained. Lord Robilar, a rash and impetuous fighter, gained fame using this technique against his enemies.


Name Level Short Description
Arc Wizard 3, Lightning 3, Thunder Caller 3 Zap!
Body of the Sun Pyromancer 2 By drawing on the power of the sun, you cause your body to emanate fire.
Boulder Ironcaster 2 Throw a huge boulder at your enemies
Cloud Druid 2, Wizard 3, Air 2 A steam cloud is created.
Conflagration Druid 4, Wizard 4, Fire 3, Pyromancer 3 All shall burn.
Corrosive Skin Druid 3, Warmage 3 You retaliate with acid.
Cyclone Armor Druid 2, Elementalist 1 This skill allows the Druid to sheath himself in a swirling mass of charged particles that absorbs damage from fire-, cold-, and lightning-based attacks.
Eclipse Stargazer 3, Wizard 5 There be night.
Face melter Wizard 6 You touch the face of your opponent and it begins to melt away in agonizing pain.
Face melter, lesser Wizard 3 You touch the face of your opponent and it begins to thaw in agonizing pain.
Fire Wall Pyromancer 4 Fire Wall is just what it says- a wall of fire.
Fist of Heavens Cleric 3 Lightning attack from the sky that releases Holy Bolts.
Flames of Azzagrat Demoniac 2, Blackguard 2, Demon domain 2 Unholy flames erupt from your fingertips teleporting the target.
Forceful Touch Wizard 3 You hurl your opponent with ease.
Holy Bolt Cleric 1 Bolt of energy that damages undead.
Ice Slick Druid 1, Wizard 2, Cold 1, Hyperborean 1 The ground gets ice cold and slippery.
Iron blizzard Ironcaster 4 Summon an iron blizzard
Needles Ironcaster 1 Shoot a swarm of iron needles at target
Oil Druid 3, Wizard 2, Earth 2 A puddle of oil is created.
Primordial Storm Thunder Caller 4 This storm would make even Talos envious.
Rain Druid 1, Wizard 2, Water 1 Dance for Rain.
Righteous Fire Cleric 3 An attack that burns a target until nothing is left!
Sacred Purge Sacred Fist 3 A brilliant divine radiance blasts your foes and heals your allies.
Shock Pulse Zariel 4, Wizard 6 By charging the ions in the air surrounding her, the caster discharges bursts of electrical energy.
Starmantle Stargazer 4 This spell manifests as a draping cloak of tiny, cascading stars that seem to flicker out before touching the ground.
Stars Of Arvandor Stargazer 2 The stars guide you and you guide the stars.
Sword Blast Ironcaster 3 Shoot daggers at everything in a cone
Tornado Blast Druid 3, Warmage 3 You induce the formation of a slender vortex of fiercely swirling air.
Touch Freeze Burn Wizard 3, Naturalist 3, Elementalist 2 You touch your enemy he first becomes cold as ice and than starts burning with a flash.
Vulcan Cannon Warmage 3 The earth bursts open and a miniature version of a volcano shoots boulders.


Name Level Short Description
Replicate Illusionist 4 You create a perfect image of yourself.


Name Level Short Description
Blasphemy Black Mage 2, Black Guard 1, Cleric 2 "Your god can't help you now"
Curse of a thousand blades Wizard 3, Hexblade 2 Increase physical damage of the targets.
Desecrate Black Mage 2 You create a magical area of plague and despair.
Doubt Black Mage 2, Hexblade 1 Your enemies lose trust in their friends
Iron Maiden ['Wizard 3', 'Hexblade 2'] This spell curses a creature, condemning them to receive whatever pains they inflict upon others. The greater the skill of the Necromancer, the greater the magnitude of torment the victim receives for his wrongdoings.
Life Tab ['Wizard 2', 'Hexblade 2'] This skill allows the Necromancer to literally suck the life from his victims. The Necromancer is able to reach into the wellspring of mortality and siphon off its essence, consuming it to replace his own.
Lower Resist Wizard 3, Hexblade 2 Elemental attacks do more damage to the cursed monster.
Nauseating Poison Witchdoctor 3 Calling upon the venomous powers of unnatural predators..
Necrophobia Wizard 2, Hexblade 1, Blackguard 1 Fear the dead.
Pollution Wizard 2 You create a magical area of plague and despair.
Sickening Poison Witchdoctor 1 Calling upon the venomous powers of natural predators..
Skull Trap Wizard 3 When this spell is cast, a skull is created and hurled by the caster into the target area.
Summon Ghost Wizard 3, Undeath 2, Cleric of a God of death 2 You summon a ghost.
Summon Mummy Wizard 3, Undeath 3, Cleric of a God of death 3 You summon a mummy.
Summon Skeletal Champion Wizard 1, Undeath 1, Cleric of a God of death 1 You summon a skeletal champion.
Summon Zombie lord Wizard 2, Undeath 2, Cleric of a God of death 2 You summon a zombie lord.
Threshold to Eternity Necromancer 4 You bring death.
Weaken Wizard 1, Hexblade 1 This bane allows the Necromancer to sap the strength from his enemy. Enemies are enfeebled to the point that their blows become highly ineffective.


Name Level Short Description
Barkskin Druid 2 Tough as a tree.
Berzogs Quick Scalping Berzog Domain 2 Your beard shall be mine!
Bloodlust Red Skinned Ogre Mage 6 BLOOOODLUST!
Cognatogen Mad Scientist 2 The alchemist's reputation is not softened by his exuberance (some would say dangerous recklessness) in perfecting his magical extracts and potion-like creations.
Deflect Missile wildmage 1 you change the directory of a ranged attack aimed at you
Experimental Admixture Mad Scientist 3 The alchemist's reputation is not softened by his exuberance (some would say dangerous recklessness) in perfecting his magical extracts and potion-like creations.
Fight or Flight druid 2, ranger 1 You let your instincts take over
Flying Eye Bomb Blue Skinned Ogre Mage 6 My Eye go fly. My eye go BOOM!.
Galling Touch Wizard 2, Cleric 2 You perform a very invasive touch that temporarily makes your enemy very vulnerable to you.
Hex Witchdoctor 4 Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter, disabling all abilities.
Hunters Mercy Arcane Archer 1, Ranger 1 You let your instincts take over
Incarnium Surge Incarnate 1 Your soul energy surges and briefly intensifies, causing one of your soulmelds to pulse with enhanced power.
Mutagen Mad Scientist 1 The alchemist's reputation is not softened by his exuberance (some would say dangerous recklessness) in perfecting his magical extracts and potion-like creations.
Nature's Avatar Wildling 4 With a touch, you gift your animal ally with nature's strength, resilience, and speed.
Natures Step Keeper of the Grove 3 You and your allies stride with ease through the thickest thicket.
Oil Beard Berzog Domain 1 Barbers finest.
Shieldbearer Wizard 1, Olam 1, Magesmith 1 A feeling of protectiveness and guardianship fills you as you complete the spell. Touching the target shield, you point to the creature it is meant to protect and watch as the shield rises in the air and floats gently toward the indicated creature.