Name Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Experience Status Race Classes Short Description
Aetherdas 20 30 - 15 17 22 45000 dead Chosen of Athros Necromancer of Athros Chosen from Athros to judge which mortal shall life or die.


Aetherdas was once an arcane disciple of necromancy until he had an epiphany of Athros which guided him his ways. Predestined to save Greyhawk he stumbled upon Berzok which was a defender of Muradin by that time and together they recruited capable members for the Thunder-T'chok-squad. During the venture many souls of the Thunder-T'chok-squad became corrupted and Berzok did not allow purification from the demonic claws of greed, blood thirst and lust for power. Thus Aetherdas left the squad to pursue the quest only with the ones pure enough to oppose the devils. When Aetherdas left Berzok he started to build an own resistance but he was finally slain by his former squad.