Name Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Experience Status Race Classes Short Description
Berzog 31 15 25 16 20 14 139.600 alive Mountain Dwarf Praetorian Leader of the Thunder-T'choc-Squad.


C'mon, you know Berzog. Hes the leader of the Thunder-T'choc-Squad.

Chronicles of the Thunder-T'choc-Squad:

Devils on the surface. Went to search the dwarven prophet. He summons people to fight the devils. recruited some asels for me squad. Not as good as dwarfs, but what shalls.

Journey through the Lower-world to Tiefendorn, where the dwarven prophet asked them to travel to the surface to Sundi, because he heard that there where no devils

Met Prohet in Tiefendorn. He send us to Sundi on the surface. No devils there he said. Maybe can find out why. But long way. We're going deeper to find Portals there.

Bob, Khanzok joined the Squad.

Fought some mindflayers and medusas on the way. Two asels where petrified, but we could save one. Weird guy this Ed. He seems crazy. Saved my life when I fell of a bridge. But would have survived it anyways. Killed a beholder on the way. Seemed friendly - suspicious! In his quarters we found a crazy paranoid guy imprisoned in a tomb. Freed him, but he attacked us so we had to kill him. But had a good Body. Served our purpose thanks to Aetherdas. Eleonora took his weapon. Greedy girl.

Talked to a big dragon. Forgot his Name. Too many titles, none related to his ancestors. He can teleport us, but wants some items from the drows. Transformed us to Drow. Bähh. Killed a Fire Giant King and his squad, but his beard wasn't reissig. What a pity.Ashrabi lost in a portal somewhere in the planes. But we got the items, some magic scrolls. Quarrel between Aetherdas, Myrion and Eleonora about the danger of the scroll. They say it's evil. Met a Phoenix.He said the scrolls a evil. Wants to destroy them. Finally killed to Dragon in his cave. Eleonora left the squad and took the scrolls and many powerful items. Ed followed her. No one knows what he's up to. Met a Big Silver Dragon then. Took our loot, but was only a test. Gave us a scroll to call him and teleported us to the surface. Good Ally.

Went to Critwall. King seemed to cooperate with devils. Investigation. Big slaughter some Aseltown. Khanzok had 13 kills with one strike. But should try to avoid this unnecessary violence. Killed a general in Woodport. Said king has a plan. Gonna find out.

Warzen Pete joined the squad

Had big quarrel about morals. Aetherdas and Athros followers left squad. To much dogma. Decided to attack a big devil bastion. Devil boss fled. Open Strongbox. Lots of loot! Found a devil who told us some devils using Blood War supplies for other purpose. When other devils find out, maybe they remove the legions. Devil joined the squad who know a lot about this intrigues. But was killed by Myrion when we fought Aetherdas and his followers. Had become fanatics and dangerous. Enough is enough. Left Bob to manage restoration of Catherdral of Insight.

Zakon joined the Squad. Khanzok retired.

Some green light in the sky. It's a comet. Maybe related to Krakendogs. Attacked one of their hives. Went back to cathedral for more information. Occupied by devils now. Books and Bob gone.

Bob retired.

Made a deal with Cornugon Devil. Comet will crush our world, need to stop it. Killed some dragon guy in the planes for information how to stop the comet. Cornugon send us to giant brain with duergar inside. told us about comet. Follows Krakendogs. Some curse. Need to get spectral cage from city in planes. City is body of dead god and lots of Martial Hero Githyanki live there. Ended in big massacre, really need to be more careful about spilling blood. Some even start calling us Blood-T'choc-Squad. But got what we wanted. And shield of kings. Very mighty item, good dwarven quality.

Told the Cornugon information about blood-war funds being abused. He can't leave while there is some other devil here, so we need to kill him. Signed treaty to get mighty scrolls for the fight. Need to do some quest on Faerun for devils after that or return scrolls. Killed the other devil. Turned into golden statue worth 150.000 gold coins. Thats neat!

Went to Faerun to Baldurs Gate to find out about plans of some demons who search for something there. Shitty weather. Some Storm god called Talos seems to be involved. Killed Talos priests in Neverwinter. Daughter of Talos descended from sky as colossal giant. Killed her, but HER FUCKING HAIR WAS NOT REISSIG! How unlucky can one dwarf be! What a misery. Yak-Tar and Friedrich dead.

Yak-Tak and Friedrich are back from the dead. Talking about justice now all the time. But what is justice. That's a question, tough as an adamant mountain plate. Shan'zoul joined the squad and led us to cave of a dragon who was not supposed to be there. But he was. Got us in a trap, that worm. Calls himself Klauth. He eat Ti'rilliar because he killed one of his grandchildren in this city of the dead god. But he want to help us to fight Talos who will come learn in 21 days that we killed his daughter. That will be a good fight. Traded the golden statue against a mighty dagger. Might help us against Talos, but still ... the statue ... lost ... But got lot of information from him. A group of Orcus liches collect remains of Talos followers, bring them to the Höllentorfeste. They search for a powerful vessel, maybe a body. A mighty demon and a babau-slime work against them.

All this seems related to Corellons wife being sentenced to death be Helm, because she gave her divine essence to some mortal to help them kill some demon, it is forbidden to intervene in the mortal world for gods. Friends of Shan'zoul. She had Talos as her lover, so he's angry now at Helm and wants revenge. Has nothing to lose, all the Gods against him.

Klauth recommended to talk to some asels who had already fought against and killed some gods to get some useful information on how to kill Talos. Some asel called Ma Juang who is imprisoned in the dark wells in the abyss sound promising. Klauth gave us a guy who was there already to help is. Calls himself Shazak.

Shazak joined the squad.

Went to Zelthalar first. Joined some guys who think that they're paladins to the dark wells who want to free their father there - whatever. Bought some Dretches because in the dark wells, for each one who leaves, one has to stay. Found Ma Juangs well, but needed 3 priests of 3 different religion sacrifice them to talk to him. Not so easy to find, but Zakon this little devil consecrated a dretch as priest of his god. Haha, nice move. One of those paladin guys consecrated another dretch. Too easy. But had to capture a priest of some Pyramid priest for the third one. I didn't want to kill a human for this, but there was no other way... Lots of giant Bodaks started arriving, because we stayed here to long. They have a ugly look. Lots of dead Bodaks here now. But they keep coming. Got a really good hit with my Facemelter. If he only had a brandy! It would have been reißig for sure. Talked to Ma Juang. Lot of trouble fighting the Gods. Gave us some tips, how to prevent gods from forming reality and being invulnerable. Offered us also to kill Talos for us when we free him. Also told us about a weapon which looks like a pyramid. It can free him and transform into any weapon we want if we can handle it - Will be useful, no matter what. Found it in some other well with funny beholder inside.

Puh not written anything for long! Lets give a short summery of of all the shit that happened: We conquered to dark-wells and live in the fortress now. There are laboratories with pool inside and Elliot and the mages are doing weird experiments there. We went to Faerun again to get a Tyr priest who poisoned a Talos priest for a poison that Archdevil Samael will prepare for us when we destroy the Höllenfeuerschloss and killed also 2 more daughters of Talos. One had reissig hair! But the belt I made from it can only be used be females. Always unlucky with those belts. Shazak is still staying with Samael, dunno if he keeps him prisoner or if he really want to stay there. Elliot wants to free Ebulon from his well to use the well to drain power from creatures in other wells, but MaJuang says that hes doing dangerous stuff. Also Drass was experimenting with the Wati-Weapon and Majuang said that he was infected with some stain that draws attention of some dark force from 'beyond the stars' which basically consumes everything. Elliot then blackmailed Majuang without telling us and finally made him angry. Not he won't help us anymore. Says we're not trustworthy, but it Elliot who is not trustworthy, arrgh. And then there is Ed who disappears all the time without telling and doesn't want to hand us the dagger we need against Talos. I would like to kill him. Elliot wanted to ask Atux a brother of Ebulon for help to kill him, but everything went out of control and we just ended up with some of us having killed a solar and Atux being angry at us. Because of the solar, the angels of revenge will attack us soon, when we leave the lower planes. Really bad result from Elliots idea. On the way we killed two Marillith daughters of Grazzt and a Balor. Not bad and good loot. Then there was trouble with Elliot, who tricked me about the Wati-weapon. I don't want him to do experiments with the weapon because of the threat Majuang told me, but Elliot doesn't care. Hes not accepting any authority from my part. He and Ed are a pain in the ass. We made a deal that he will not lie anymore and have no secrets and I won't attack or order attack on squad members. Wouldn't do it anyway, except for Ed (and I attacked Wilfried after my belt could only be worn by females...). Anyway, now it's okay, but it's still a bit hard to trust Elliot after what he's done, but I don't want to fight all the time. And we also took about 600 sons of Ebulon to his well and sacrificed them. When there are 666 Sons sacrificed in 6 weeks(?), then Ebulon will be released. Then we had again trouble with Ed, who disappeared again. We found him in Sigil and fought him after he run, but then he save Wilfried (after Hanzo brought him close to death) and said that he is gathering people to help us against Talos and that he'll be back in 10 days. I don't really believe him tough. Such a pain in my ass the Ed. Not to think of all the loot that he stole from us!! We stored money and valuable items in a Svirnifnebli-bank in Sigil. Next steps: Take Ebulons power, break the Hellfirelock to get the poison and defeat the angels of revenge to kill Talos after that.

We met Ed and Eleonora (and Ashrabi) again in the wells and they told me that they had stolen the Wati-weapon from us and that they had released Majuang and they offered me to deal with Talos if I hand them Talos Long Death so they would transform the Wati-weapon into it and Majuang can use it to fight Talos. I agreed, because we just have too much trouble at the moment and we get deeper and deeper into all that shit each time we try to solve anything. But I won't forget that Eleonora and Ashrabi stole the artifact of Athros when they left the troop. and I wont forget that Ed stole Talos Long Death and didn't tell us anything about his plans. But I don't really care, at least they take care of Talos and we don't have to make deals with any crude demons or devils. And then Zakon came back from his negotiations with Samael and brought a platinum shield and a belt and he won't tell what he payed for it. Arrrrgh, he went there with a power of attorney from me. Did he put my soul at stake? It's the only payment I can think. Zakon doesn't have anything else of value! Back in the squad we decided to take Ed back to the squad only if we loot him before. His behavior has to have some consequences, but I think he said the he will only come back to the squad when things change drastically in the squad, so at the time I don't think that he wants to come back anyways. Well the recent development have at least bin kind of balanced and haven't brought us only deeper into some shit. But ahh, this Zakon!!!

I have thought of a new oath for the members of the squad:

Wir sind der Donner-T'chokk
Beschützer von Greyhawk

Wir sind der Blut-T'chokk
wir haun alle Feinde platt

Wir sind der Loot-T'chokk
Loothunger wird niemals satt

Wir sind der Donner-T'chokk
Nur gemeinsam sind wir stark

Wir sind der Donner-T'chokk
Pfeiler der Demokratie
Berzog ist der Anführer
er irrt sich nie

aller Loot dem Donner-T'chokk!