Name Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Experience Status Race Classes Short Description
Chino 15 20 20 15 13 17 16000 retired Human Fighter Despite his quite short time in the Thunder-T'chock-squad he was one of the most amazing two bladed sword fighter which is for hire.


Growing up as a slumdog in Sigil the planes were his home. He made no bones about philosophy, factions and such stuff. There was mostly one thing which caught his interested from a quite early age - hard coin. The way was not far from that insight to being hired by some devil for what-ever-job-spills-loot.

It was a random meeting in the planes that brought him to the Thunder-T'chok-squad. He needed some allies for a tough angel wipe and they could need a capable arms wielder. His last died in some bloody accident or went mad - do not remember, do not care either. Chino would not call himself a lone wolf or something, but often enough he ended up alone. Quite a surprise that some primers outlasted him. He was pushed into a prismatic wall as the Thunder-T'chok-squad was fighting count Verdier the leader of the golden legion. He was not seen ever since.