Name Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Experience Status Race Classes Short Description
Häuptling Zakon 18 13 20 18 20 30 82000 retired (Infernal) Centaure Patron Even the devils fear his contracts.

Häuptling Zakon

Zakon was raised in a centaur-community where law was put above everything. His clan made a sport of advocacy, including championships each year. Already in his young years he was chosen to dedicate his life to the Great Khan the patron deity of the clan, serving as paladin. When the devils arrived, his clan made a contract with them to assure to live in peace, but after some months, Zakon found a weak spot in the contract, being able to deduce great claims from the devils. When they confronted the devils with their findings, they had to find out the hard way, that devils don't just do their contracts for fun. For them it's hard business. So to avoid having to admit to their principals that there was a hole in their contract, the local devil ruler decided to erase to source of trouble, attacking the clan. Only Zakon survived, learning that knowing the law can decide over life and death but as well that your protection does not only depend on the law, but also on you ability to enforce it. So when he met with Berzog and his Thunder-T'chok-Squad. His knowledge of the law and their pure physical strength would make a good combo in his eyes.

As squad member, Zakon has contributed by providing his auras and as a healer as well as counseling Berzog in law matters. During the negotiations with the Cornugon Devil he earned himself the respect of the devils for his mastery in his advocacy skills.

Later Zakon made a deal with Archdevil Samael which provided the squad with one if its greatest artifacts, the Platinum Shield of Beezebub , but also lead to big mistrust of all the troop members against him, because everyone thought that he sold Berzogs soul for it which in fact he didn't, but couldn't tell them. After more and more legal troubles with his deity, threatening to call in for duties in the Nine Hells or to lose the his auras, Zakon decide to dedicate his life to the courts of the Nine Hells after being killed by the mighty Klauth of Faerun in a legendary Battle.