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Hanzo ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? Inactive Nezumi Tracer I know he is there.


Hanzo grew up in one of the sewer ghettos of Konigheim. The food was plenty because the riches of the upper was shared with the sewer dwellers. Growth and thriving for the rat population. One day, loud pounding noises could be heard everywhere through the tunnels, debris fell into their living room. A small crimson sheen was on the canals. It was clear to the rats that the days of plenty are no longer. But there weren't many days of hunger and deliberating about food sources before the slaying machines made of pure steel were sent into the sewers. Not many survived that day, Hanzo was one of the survivors. He was quick and learned hiding while gathering food in the city. It seemed like the upper city was full of these metallic invaders and a few long nosed humans in long robes. These people were not into sharing anything of their masses of goods, so Hanzo decided to leave the Konigheim. Outside the city Hanzo could smell burnt crops and blood, not a completely unpleasant smell for him. Hanzo went away from the conquerors towards the Wu Pi Te Shao Mountains. The best way there was the Phantom Pass which was widely considered to be mythical, and provoked a fear in some folk. Hanzo did not care much for fear, the swarm is gone, what worse could happen. Nevertheless, there was some unease being so long above the ground and his siblings. After half of the way through the pass, Hanzo made a off-the-cuff decision to turn around and see what happened to the good old king who feed them through all the good years. Because he shared, he was part of the family, the last one. From one of the journals Hanzo borrowed from the wizards, Hanzo also learned that, Hanzo learned that these automatons were Golems. The books weren't written in the worst language Hanzo had to decipher yet. Hanzo liked to sneak around the local library when he was young because he loved the smell of ink. Back to the story, in the palace's dungeon Hanzo found someone of the old inhabiter kind. Kalinko, who shared his food with a rat who seemed to live with him in the cell. Hanzo took the decision to become a knight of Kalinko, or whatever the real name of him was, Hanzo did not dare to ask. During the next week none came to the cells, but Kalinko always had good food. After a long while Hanzo found out that the wizards needed their books to do almost anything, so he decided to win the kingdom back, he could do what he could do best, relocate things. The first night was the easiest, but thereafter he often had to lick his wounds for days before he could move out again. The golems destroyed half of the city to find him. One day when Hanzo returned to the cell, he could not find Kalinko the Wizards have questioned him beyond repair. Hanzos heart froze when he saw the dead Kalinko with his face twisted with pain, just like a few of the mages froze each and every night until none was left to coordinate the golems.. After a few years, traveling to all the places of the books he had read, he found a dwarf that had led a family of various parents through the underground to fight against oppressors. The dwarf Berzog guarded all his things but shared it with his swarm, they had only scraps to eat but nothing felt more homely for Hanzo. Hanzo pledged his secret knighthood to this friendly king until he started sacrificing his own.