Name Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Experience Status Race Classes Short Description
Justin Thaim 22 19 20 17 14 12 active Human (Soldier) Zerth Xenobite The name is yus-teen YUS-TEEN it is NOT a pun! I even had it before my time related incident.

Justin Thaim

A Martial Hero from Sigil that was tasked out by Shazak to return his loot and fighting power to the squad because Shazak does not want to be indebted to the squad in any ways. He used to be one of Shazaks old friends until and was present when they retrieved the Khalar mindstone, they defeated Yalanak the destroyer, whom they imprisoned in the Wells of darkness and even when they saved an entire plane from being extinguished.

But with great Power comes great arrogance. One day Justin and his friends angered TicToc (the name is a common one where he was from and he was furious to learn that it makes him seem funny in the common tongue) a temporal mage lich and Justin got stuck in a time loop.

He had to awaken the powers of his mind to eventually escape the loop and return to Sigil where shortly after he was sought out by Shazak. After reminiscing about old times and their eerily similar origin stories he got lyred by the squad