
Conjuration 4
Action: 1 Minute
Save: None
Skill checks: Knowledge (Planes) DC 25 2 successes, Knowledge (arcana) DC 25 1 succes, Profession (portalist) DC 20 1 success

Be gone.

Like the Dismissal Spell. The DC of the Wil save is 10 + 1/2 CL of the rituals Leader + the ritual Leaders int mod + 2 per person actively engaged in the incantation (meaning for each person making a skill check for the incantation)

Focus: Creature you want to dismiss

Backlash: none

Material Component: You have to use supplements for rituals (goats blood, bat shit, sulfur etc) with a net worth of 100 SC

Failure: Failing two skillchecks in a row results in failure.