Action: 3 hours
Save: None
Skill checks: Knowledge (arcane) 30, 1 successes; Knowledge (Demonology) 25, 1 successes; Knowledge (Geography) 30; Perception (25) 1 Success; Escape Artist (25) 1 success; Disable Device (25) 1 success; Knowledge (rituals) 30, 2 success; Knowledge (dungeoneering) 25, 1 successes.
You free a creature
To cast this spell you have to Know the exact location of the Imprisoned creature. rn. If the ritual succeeds a target of the rituals leaders choice is affected by Freedom (as per the spell). ยด If the Ritual fails roll a d100 on 1 you have freed something else. on 2-25 the casters that made the 2 failing skill checks in a row are affected by Imprisonment as per the spell. With a DC of 10 + 1/2 CL of the rituals Leader + the ritual Leaders int mod + 2 per person actively engaged in the incantation (meaning for each person making a skill check for the incantation) on 26-100 nothing happens
Focus: None
Backlash: The Materials get used up
Material Component: The feather of a slaad, that has to be given to the leader of the ritual by the slaad it came from on friendly terms.
Failure: 2 failed skillchecks in a row lead to a failure of the spell