Ocean of flames
Action: 10 minutes
Save: None
Skill checks: Knowledge (planes) 20, 2 successes; Profession Sailor 15, 2 successes; Concentration 20, 1 success
Shift to the elemental planes, by setting an ocean on flame
This incantation allows the caster along with a ship crew of appropriate size, to planeshift to either the elemental plane of fire, or the elemental plane of water. During the ritual a ship on a ocean is set aflame. The ship must be far enough on the ocean, such that even with clear sight no land is in sight. Those which stay on the burning ship for 10 rounds, taking fire damage are shifted to the plane of fire on success. Those which leave the ship and drown 10 rounds are send to the plane of water instead on success.
Focus: an ocean
Backlash: 1d6 fire or drowning damage per round for 10 rounds
Material Component: a wooden ship, worth at least 1000 SM
Failure: being without a ship in the middle of an ocean