Drass's Paper on Wildmagic

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Introduction: Explaining Wildmagic to others is a hard task. Normally a caster tries to control the flow of magic. It is like swimming against the current of a river to achieve ones goal. If you study the art of wildmagic you will realize that sometimes you and the river have the same goal. So it is easier to just let yourself be carried away by the current. The difficulty is to realize when to do so. In other words to cast Wildmagic you have to give up control over the Magic energies. Almost every accomplished caster will tell you this is dangerous and full of risks. But i tell you that if you master the art of giving up control at the right moment you can accomplish stronger results and meanwhile minimize the risk to yourself. In this paper i want to explain certain techniques and exercises, that will help you to find the right time to let the magic energies go wild and achieve said results that way. I want to thank Professor Elliot for giving me the opportunity to write this paper under him.

If you study this tome for one week and have access to the Conjuration school you may add the Wildmagic spell to the list of spells you can learn. If you have a spellbook you can put it in there. You still have to invest a feat or gain a new spell known by leveling up if you are a spontaneous caster.