Zakons Doctor Thesis
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In this paper, written by Zakon under supervision of the Great Khan, a completely new and sophisticated way to deliver a smite is explained. You don't even need a weapon. Especially for paladins of the Great Khan this is a tremendous advantage since it is known that most of them want to keep a clean slate, as least in front of the court judge. This offers them the possibility to strike down an opponent without taking the responsibility for their actions, since it is not actually them delivering the strike, but their God (who of cause has its own ways to deny responsibility). All in all this paper is quite controversial in the ranks of other paladins but it certainly open new options for paladins. Also it requires a basic juridical understanding to read the text even tough, if applied to Gods other than the Great Khan, there might be another way derived from the general idea proposed here in the thesis. So lets see what others will make of this.
If you study this tome for one week and are able to use smite, you may learn feat Prayer Smite