Flames of Azzagrat
Level: Demoniac 2, Blackguard 2, Demon domain 2
Action: swift action
Range: Short
Save: Will, partial
Unholy flames erupt from your fingertips teleporting the target.
Roll 1d3. One means green, two means purple and three means red. Make a ranged touch attack against the target. If you succeed, the target takes 1d6 points of elemental damage per level (max 5d6). If the target takes damage from the flames, it must in addition succeed a will save. The type of damage and the consequences of a failed will save depend on the color of flames:
Green flames: Acid damage and caster and target swap positions.
Purple flames: Cold damage and caster is teleported next to target.
Red flames: Fire damage and target is teleported next to caster.
Focus: None
Material Component: None