Primordial Storm

Level: Thunder Caller 4
Duration: concentration, up to 1 turn per level
Action: Full Round Action
Range: personal
Target: self
Area: 18m radius centered on the caster

This storm would make even Talos envious.

This spell creates an enormous black storm cloud above you. Lightning and crashing claps of thunder appear within the storm.

Each turn you concentrate on the spell you can call upon one of the three powers of the storm. The targets must be within the area.

Lightning: As the Arc Spell but all affected creatures are blinded for one turn if they fail their save.

Thunder: All creatures in a 3m radius burst have to succeed a fortitude save or be stunned for 1 turn and deaf for the duration of the spell. Even if they make their save they are deaf for 1 turn.

Wind: You create a cyclone with a radius of 3m that travels up to 9m in a path chosen by you. Everyone coming into contact with it has to make a reflex save or be carried along. After reaching its destination, all creatures caught within the cyclone are knocked prone.

Focus: None

Material Component: None