Righteous Fire
Level: Cleric 3
Duration: Concentration up to 3 turn; plus one turn per level
Action: standard action channeled up to three turns
Range: Close
Save: None
An attack that burns a target until nothing is left!
You start channeling a burst of fire upon a foe which deals 1d8 points of fire damage per level if the foe fails a reflex save which halves the damage. The fire damage is taken every turn right when the cleric decides to concentrate on the spell as a standard action. In the second round the target must succeed a will save or becomes covering. On the third turn the foe must succeed a will save or is effected by the spell for one additional turn per level. On a successful saving throw the effects of this spell end. Burning can be stopped by spending a move action to make an additional saving throw. Note that while the cleric is concentrating the burning will start again each turn on which he concentrates.
Focus: None
Material Component: None