Spell Trap

Conjuration [Summon]
Level: Daggerspell mage 2
Duration: One hour per level or until expired
Action: Full-round Action
Range: Close
Target: One summoned Trap
Save: None

You create a magical mine, which casts a spell when someone comes near it.

You summon a trap which is treated as immovable object (5 AC) with hardness 15 and 5 hitpoints per caster level. When casting the trap choose one of your non range personal spells of the second level or lower. All traps are hidden and require a spot check DC 10 + your caster level to be seen. When casting this spell you may exclude certain creatures from triggering the trap. When someone except creatures excluded while casting within 4.5m of the trap it is triggered casting the spell onto its center. You may only have one active spell trap.

Focus: None

Material Component: None