Incarnation of Angels

Exalted Lexicon of Divine Spirit and Holy Words
Level: 4
Duration: 4 rounds + concentration
Target: a creature
Save: None

Normal: Your words reach the realms of heaven and invest the target with some of their might, causing its skin to take on a silvery sheen and a golden aura surrounds the target.

The target gains the celestial creature template. This grants DR 10/evil, resistance 20 to cold, acid and electricity, 60 ft. darkvision, and the creature type changes to extraplanar. As part of using this utterance all creatures with a good (, evil for reverse) subtype may immediately perform the smite ability as of crusader of your level crusader

Reverse: With the reverse of the utterance, you instead delve into the depths of hell to grant the target the cunning and strength of fiends, causing it to grow small horns on its forehead and the targets skin becomes reddish.

The target gains the fiendish creature template. This grants DR 10/good, resistance 20 to cold and fire, 60 ft. darkvision.