Spell Rebirth

Lexicon of Secret Knowledge
Level: 3
Duration: instantaneous or 4 rounds + concentration
Target: a creature, object or magical effect
Save: None

Normal: You briefly unwind time to restore lost magic when you speak this utterance.

You restore an effect that has just been dismissed or dispelled within the last round. If it had duration remaining, it resumes immediately with all its former attributes.

Reverse: Your words shrink a magical effect into nothingness over the course of a few seconds.

If a creature is targeted, the utterance dispels the spell or effect with highest caster level affecting the target. If you target an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (such as a summoned monster), you the spell that conjured the object or creature. If the object that you target is a magic item, all the item's magical properties are suppressed for 4 rounds + concentration, after which the item recovers its magical properties. You can also use a the utterance to specifically end one spell or magical effect. You must name the specific effect to be targeted in this way.